Caracterización edáfica y climática de QUERCUS SUBER L. EN LAS PROVINCIAS DE SALAMANCA Y ZAMORA

TitleCaracterización edáfica y climática de QUERCUS SUBER L. EN LAS PROVINCIAS DE SALAMANCA Y ZAMORA
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsLACAMBRA, L. C. J. O. V. E. L. L. A. R., A. BLANCO. A. N. D. R. A. Y., & F FRANCÉS SANTOS.
Series TitleIV Congreso Forestal Español
KeywordsCork Oak Forest, ecology, habitat, Quercus suber, Salamanca, Zamora

Ecological parameters characterizing cork oak forest in west-central Spain (Salamanca y Zamora) were obtained. From those parameters, central and marginal habitats for Quercus suber stands were established for this region of Spain. Main soils and climate types for the present sites of these forests have been identified as well