New type of damage to Quercus ilex: pollen germination and hydration ability

TitleNew type of damage to Quercus ilex: pollen germination and hydration ability
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsBellani, L. M., & Paoletti E.
JournalEuropean Journal of Forest Pathology
Keywordsdamage, germination (voyant), pollen, pollution, viability

Pollen grains collected from trees of Quercus ilex L. belonging to different classes of new type damage were analyzed. Five parameters were taken into account: viability, germinability, tube lengthening, grain volume of the dehydrated state and after rehydration. Damage to mother plants clearly influences the above mentioned parameters, causing a reduction in pollen grain viability, germinability, and in the ability of the grains to rehydrate.