Research Publications

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Graça, J., & Pereira H. (1998).  Feruloyl Esters of ω-Hydroxyacids in Cork Suberin. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 18, 207-217.
Cortez, J., & Bouché M. B. (1998).  Field decomposition of leaf litters: earthworm–microorganism interactions—the ploughing-in effect. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 30(6), 795 - 804.
Cortez, J., & Bouché M. B. (1998).  Field decomposition of leaf litters: earthworm–microorganism interactions—the ploughing-in effect. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 30, 795-804.
López, B., SABATE S., & Gracia C. (1998).  Fine roots dynamics in a Mediterranean forest: effects of drought and stem density. Tree Physiology. 18, 601-606.
Robin, C., Desprez-Loustau M-L., Capron G., & Delatour C. (1998).  First record of Phytophthora cinnamomi on cork and holm oaks in France and evidence of pathogenicity. Ann. For. Sci.. 55, 869-883.
Díaz, M., ILLERA JUAN. C. A. R. L. O. S., & ATIENZA JUAN. C. A. R. L. O. S. (1998).  Food resource matching by foraging tits Parus spp. during spring-summer in a Mediterranean mixed forest; evidence for an ideal free distribution. Ibis. 140(4), 654 - 660.
Díaz, M., ILLERA JUAN. C. A. R. L. O. S., & ATIENZA JUAN. C. A. R. L. O. S. (1998).  Food resource matching by foraging tits Parus spp. during spring-summer in a Mediterranean mixed forest; evidence for an ideal free distribution. Ibis. 140, 654-660.
Médail, F., Roche P., & Tatoni T. (1998).  Functional groups in phytoecology: an application to the study of isolated plant communities in Mediterranean France. Acta Oecologica. 19, 263-274.
Manes, F., Vitale M., Feoli E., Scimone M., & Canfora E. (1998).  Gas exchange measurements and an indirect estimate of primary production in a holm-oak ecosystem. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN. 7, 71-78.
Zoldo, V., Pape D., Brown S. C., Panaud O., Zoldos V., Papes D., et al. (1998).  Genome size and base composition of seven Quercus species: inter- and intra-population variation. Genome. 41, 162-168.
Benayas, J. M. Rey (1998).  Growth and survival in Quercus ilex L. seedlings after irrigation and artificial shading on Mediterranean set-aside agricultural land. Ann. For. Sci.. 55, 801-807.
Benayas, J. M. Rey (1998).  Growth and survival in Quercus ilex L. seedlings after irrigation and artificial shading on Mediterranean set-aside agricultural land. Ann. For. Sci.. 55(7), 801 - 807.
Moller, A. P., & de Lope F. (1998).  Herbivory affects developmental instability of stone oak, Quercus rotundifolia. OIKOS. 82, 246-252.
Bergkamp, G. (1998).  A hierarchical view of the interactions of runoff and infiltration with vegetation and microtopography in semiarid shrublands. Catena. 33(3-4), 201 - 220.
Cheddadi, R., Lamb H. F., Guiot J., & van der Kaars S. (1998).  Holocene climatic change in Morocco: a quantitative reconstruction from pollen data. Climate Dynamics. 14, 883-890.
Cheddadi, R., Lamb H. F., Guiot J., & van der Kaars S. (1998).  Holocene climatic change in Morocco: a quantitative reconstruction from pollen data. Climate Dynamics. 14(12), 883 - 890.
BARCELÓ, A. R. O. S. (1998).  Hydrogen Peroxide Production is a General Property of the Lignifying Xylem from Vascular Plants. Annals of Botany. 82, 97-103.
BARCELÓ, A. R. O. S. (1998).  Hydrogen Peroxide Production is a General Property of the Lignifying Xylem from Vascular Plants. Annals of Botany. 82(1), 97 - 103.
Ceballos, A., & Schnabel S. (1998).  Hydrological behaviour of a small catchment in the dehesa landuse system (Extremadura, SW Spain). Journal of Hydrology. 210(1-4), 146 - 160.
Ceballos, A., & Schnabel S. (1998).  Hydrological behaviour of a small catchment in the dehesa landuse system (Extremadura, SW Spain). Journal of Hydrology. 210, 146-160.
Bergkamp, G. (1998).  Hydrological influences on the resilience of Quercus spp. dominated geoecosystems in central Spain. Geomorphology. 23, 101-126.
Bergkamp, G. (1998).  Hydrological influences on the resilience of Quercus spp. dominated geoecosystems in central Spain. Geomorphology. 23(2-4), 101 - 126.
Loreto, F., Ciccioli P., Brancaleoni E., Valentini R., De Lillis M., Csiky O., et al. (1998).  A hypothesis on the evolution of isoprenoid emission by oaks based on the correlation between emission type and Quercus taxonomy. Oecologia. 115, 302-305.
Sabio, E., Fallola A., Sanabria C., & Vidal-Aragon M. C. (1998).  Iberian ham. (, Ed.).BASIS OF THE QUALITY OF TYPICAL MEDITERRANEAN ANIMAL PRODUCTS. 353-358.
Bleton, J., Mejanelle P., Goursaud S., & Tchapla A. (1998).  Identification of the main fatty acids component of the cork suberine by GC/MS. ANALUSIS. 26, M51--M54.
Bleton, J., Mejanelle P., Goursaud S., & Tchapla A. (1998).  Identification of the main fatty acids component of the cork suberine by GC/MS. ANALUSIS. 26(3), M51 - M54.
Pereira, J. S., & Chaves M. M. (1998).  Impacts of climate change and elevated CO2 on trees in regions with a Mediterranean type of climate. (, Ed.).IMPACTS OF GLOBAL CHANGE ON TREE PHYSIOLOGY AND FOREST ECOSYSTEMS. 52, 213-223.
Celestino, C., & Picazo M. L. (1998).  Influence of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields on recurrent embryogenesis and germination of cork oak somatic embryos. Plant cell, tissue and …. 54, 65-69.
Celestino, C., & Picazo M. L. (1998).  Influence of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields on recurrent embryogenesis and germination of cork oak somatic embryos. Plant cell, tissue and …. 54, 65 - 69.
