Research Publications

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Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (1998).  Influence of intra-and inter-specific interference on terpene emission by Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex seedlings. Biologia plantarum. 41, 139-143.
Miglietta, F., Raschi A., Körner C., & Vaccari F. P. (1998).  Isotope discrimination and photosynthesis of vegetation growing in the Bossoleto CO 2 spring. Chemosphere. 36, 771-776.
Miglietta, F., Raschi A., Körner C., & Vaccari F. P. (1998).  Isotope discrimination and photosynthesis of vegetation growing in the Bossoleto CO 2 spring. Chemosphere. 36(4), 771 - 776.
Samuel, R., & Bachmair A. (1998).  ITS sequences from nuclear rDNA suggest unexpected phylogenetic relationships between Euro-Mediterranean, East Asiatic and North American taxa ofQuercus (. Plant systematics and …. 211, 129-139.
A Benítez, A. (1998).  La nueva política agrícola europea frente a la problemática ambiental: el caso de la sierra norte de Sevilla. Revista de estudios regionales. 52, 107-135.
Belda, E. J., Barba E., & Gil-Delgado J. A. (1998).  Laying date and clutch size of Great Tits (Parus major) in the Mediterranean region: a comparison of four habitat types. Journal of Ornithology. 139, 269-276.
Filella, I., Llusia J., Piñol J., & Penuelas J. (1998).  Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence of Phillyrea latifolia, Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus ilex saplings in severe drought and high temperature conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 39, 213 - 220.
Filella, I., Llusia J., Piñol J., & Penuelas J. (1998).  Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence of Phillyrea latifolia, Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus ilex saplings in severe drought and high temperature conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 39, 213-220.
Staudt, M., & Bertin N. (1998).  Light and temperature dependence of the emission of cyclic and acyclic monoterpenes from holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) leaves. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21, 385-395.
Barrocas, H. M., Gama M. M., Sousa J. P., & Ferreira C. S. (1998).  lmpact of reafforestation with Eucalyptus globulus La bi l l . on the edaphic collembolan fauna of Serra de Monchique ( Algarve , Portugal ). Miscel.lania Zoologica. 21, 9-23.
De Angelis, P., & Scarascia-Mugnozza G. E. (1998).  Long-term CO 2-enrichment in a Mediterranean natural forest: An application of large Open Top Chambers. Chemosphere. 36(4), 763 - 770.
De Angelis, P., & Scarascia-Mugnozza G. E. (1998).  Long-term CO 2-enrichment in a Mediterranean natural forest: An application of large Open Top Chambers. Chemosphere. 36, 763-770.
Loreto, F., Ciccioli P., Brancaleoni E., Cecinato A., & Frattoni M. (1998).  Measurement of isoprenoid content in leaves of Mediterranean Quercus spp. by a novel and sensitive method and estimation of the isoprenoid partition between liquid and gas phase inside the leaves. Plant Science. 136, 25-30.
Gracia, C. A., Sabate S., & Tello E. (1998).  Modelling the responses to climate change of a Mediterranean forest managed at different thinning intensities: Effects on growth and water fluxes. (Mohren, GMJ. and Kramer, Ed.).IMPACTS OF GLOBAL CHANGE ON TREE PHYSIOLOGY AND FOREST ECOSYSTEMS. 52, 243 - 252.
Gracia, C. A., Sabate S., & Tello E. (1998).  Modelling the responses to climate change of a Mediterranean forest managed at different thinning intensities: Effects on growth and water fluxes. (, Ed.).IMPACTS OF GLOBAL CHANGE ON TREE PHYSIOLOGY AND FOREST ECOSYSTEMS. 52, 243-252.
Paoletti, E., Nourrisson G., Garrec J. P., & Raschi A. (1998).  Modifications of the leaf surface structures of Quercus ilex L. in open, naturally CO2-enriched environments. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21, 1071-1075.
Paoletti, E., Nourrisson G., Garrec J. P., & Raschi A. (1998).  Modifications of the leaf surface structures of Quercus ilex L. in open, naturally CO2-enriched environments. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21(10), 1071 - 1075.
Loreto, F., Förster A., Dürr M., Csiky O., & Seufert G. (1998).  On the monoterpene emission under heat stress and on the increased thermotolerance of leaves of Quercus ilex L. fumigated with selected monoterpenes. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21, 101-107.
Loreto, F., Förster A., Dürr M., Csiky O., & Seufert G. (1998).  On the monoterpene emission under heat stress and on the increased thermotolerance of leaves of Quercus ilex L. fumigated with selected monoterpenes. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21(1), 101 - 107.
Grossoni, P., Bussotti F., Tani C., & Gravano E. (1998).  Morpho-anatomical aterations in leaves of Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus ilex L. in different environmental stress condition. Chemosphere. 919-924.
Grossoni, P., Bussotti F., Tani C., & Gravano E. (1998).  Morpho-anatomical aterations in leaves of Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus ilex L. in different environmental stress condition. Chemosphere. 919 - 924.
de Basanta, D. Wrigley (1998).  Myxomycetes from the bark of the evergreen oak Quercus ilex. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid; Vol 56, No 1 (1998). 56(1), 3 - 14.
de Basanta, D. Wrigley (1998).  Myxomycetes from the bark of the evergreen oak Quercus ilex. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid; Vol 56, No 1 (1998). 56, 3-14.
Hurcom, S. J., & Harrison A. R. (1998).  The NDVI and spectral decomposition for semi-arid vegetation abundance estimation. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 19, 3109-3125.
Jahns, S., & Bogaard C. (1998).  New palynological and tephrostratigraphical investigations of two salt lagoons on the island of Mljet, south Dalmatia, Croatia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 7, 219-234.
Manes, F., Vitale M., Donato E., & Paoletti E. (1998).  O3 AND 03+C02 EFFECTS ON A MEDITERRANEAN EVERGREEN BROADLEAF TREE, HOLM OAK (QUERCUS iLEX L.). Chemosphere. 36, 801-806.
Fruekilde, P., Hjorth J., & Jensen N. R. (1998).  Ozonolysis at vegetation surfaces:: a source of acetone, 4-oxopentanal, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, and geranyl acetone in the troposphere. Atmospheric Environment. 32, 1893-1902.
Fruekilde, P., Hjorth J., & Jensen N. R. (1998).  Ozonolysis at vegetation surfaces:: a source of acetone, 4-oxopentanal, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, and geranyl acetone in the troposphere. Atmospheric Environment. 32(11), 1893 - 1902.
Mazzoleni, V., Caldentey P., & Silva A. (1998).  Phenolic compounds in cork used for production of wine stoppers as affected by storage and boiling of cork slabs. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE. 49, 6-10.
Pilar, C. D., & Gabriel M. M. (1998).  Phenological pattern of fifteen Mediterranean phanaerophytes from shape Quercus ilex communities of NE-Spain. Plant Ecology. 139, 103-112.
