Research Publications

Export 3984 results:
Nardini, A., Gullo M. A. Lo, & Salleo S. (1998).  Seasonal changes of root hydraulic conductance (K RL) in four forest trees: an ecological interpretation. Plant Ecology. 139, 81-90.
Kesselmeier, J., Bode K., & Schafer L. (1998).  Simultaneous field measurements of terpene and isoprene emissions from two dominant Mediterranean oak species in relation to a north American species. Atmospheric Environment. 32, 1947-1953.
Cerdá, A. (1998).  Soil aggregate stability under different Mediterranean vegetation types. Catena. 32, 73-86.
Cerdà, A. (1998).  Soil aggregate stability under different Mediterranean vegetation types. Catena. 32, 73 - 86.
Cerdà, A., & Schnabel S. (1998).  Soil hydrological response under simulated rainfall in the Dehesa land system (Extremadura, SW Spain) under drought conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 23, 195 - 209.
Cerdá, A., & Schnabel S. (1998).  Soil hydrological response under simulated rainfall in the Dehesa land system (Extremadura, SW Spain) under drought conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 23, 195-209.
Bellot, J., & Escarre A. (1998).  Stemflow and throughfall determination in a resprouted Mediterranean holm-oak forest. Ann. For. Sci.. 55(7), 847 - 865.
Bellot, J., & Escarre A. (1998).  Stemflow and throughfall determination in a resprouted Mediterranean holm-oak forest. Ann. For. Sci.. 55, 847-865.
Pla, M., Huguet G., Verdaguer D., Puigderrajols P., Llompart B., Nadal A., et al. (1998).  Stress proteins co-expressed in suberized and lignified cells and in apical meristems. Plant Science. 139, 49-57.
Cordeiro, N., Belgacem M. N., Gandini A., & Neto C. P. (1998).  Suberin-based polyurethanes: Synthesis, characterization and kinetics of their formation. (, Ed.).BIOMASS FOR ENERGY AND INDUSTRY. 386-389.
López-Bote, C. J. (1998).  Sustained utilization of the Iberian pig breed.. Meat science. 49S1, S17--27.
Bento, M. F., & Pereira H. (1998).  Thermally assisted transmethylation gas chromatography–mass spectrometry of suberin components in cork from Quercus suber L.. Phytochemical Analysis. 9, 75 - 87.
Bento, M. F., & Pereira H. (1998).  Thermally assisted transmethylation gas chromatography–mass spectrometry of suberin components in cork from Quercus suber L.. Phytochemical Analysis. 9, 75-87.
Tognetti, R., Longobucco A., Miglietta F., & Raschi A. (1998).  Transpiration and stomatal behaviour of Quercus ilex plants during the summer in a Mediterranean carbon dioxide spring. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21, 613-622.
Peco, B., Espigares T., & Levassor C. (1998).  Trends and fluctuations in species abundance and richness in Mediterranean annual pastures. Applied Vegetation Science. 1, 21-28.
Lux, A., & Bemmerlein-Lux F. A. (1998).  Two vegetation maps of the same island: floristic units versus structural units. Applied Vegetation Science. 1, 201-210.
J Gonzalez, Mª., & Ibariz P. (1998).  Unevenaged coppice holm oak stands: silvicultural description. Forest Systems. 7, 95-108.
Aguilar, J. A. Pascual, Añó C., Valera A., & Sánchez J. (1998).  URBAN GROWTH DYNAMICS ( 1956-1998 ) IN MEDITERRANEAN COASTAL REGIONS : THE CASE OF ALICANTE , SPAIN. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 325 - 340.
Aguilar, J. A. Pascual, Añó C., Valera A., & Sánchez J. (1998).  URBAN GROWTH DYNAMICS ( 1956-1998 ) IN MEDITERRANEAN COASTAL REGIONS : THE CASE OF ALICANTE , SPAIN. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 325-340.
Bellarosa, R., Schirone B., & Busatto M. (1998).  The use of cork oak in the ecological and landscape restoration of the Latium Hills. (S. Scannerini, and. Baker, Ed.).SYMPOSIUM ON PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY AS A TOOL FOR THE EXPLOITATION OF MOUNTAIN LANDS. 47 - 54.
Bellarosa, R., Schirone B., & Busatto M. (1998).  The use of cork oak in the ecological and landscape restoration of the Latium Hills. (, Ed.).SYMPOSIUM ON PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY AS A TOOL FOR THE EXPLOITATION OF MOUNTAIN LANDS. 47-54.
Paoletti, E. (1998).  UV-band and acid rain effects on beach ( Fagus sylvatica L.) and holm oak ( Quercus ilex L.) leaves. Chemosphere. 835-840.
Leiva, M. José, & Fernández-Alés R. (1998).  Variability in seedling water status during drought within a Quercus ilex subsp. ballota population, and its relation to seedling morphology. Forest Ecology and Management. 111, 147-156.
Chiarucci, A., Robinson B. H., Bonini I., Petit D., Brooks R. R., & Dominicis V. (1998).  Vegetation of tuscan ultramafic soils in relation to edaphic and physical factors. Folia Geobotanica. 33(2), 113 - 131.
Horn, W., Ullrich D., & Seifert B. (1998).  VOC Emissions from Cork Products for Indoor Use. Indoor Air. 8(1), 39 - 46.
Caldentey, P., Fumi M. Daria, Mazzoleni V., & Careri M. (1998).  Volatile compounds produced by microorganisms isolated from cork. Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 13(3), 185 - 188.
Tognetti, R., Longobucco A., & Raschi A. (1998).  Vulnerability of xylem to embolism in relation to plant hydraulic resistance in Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex co-occurring in a Mediterranean coppice stand in central Italy. New Phytologist. 139, 437-447.
Nardini, A., Ghirardelli L., & Salleo S. (1998).  Vulnerability to freeze stress of seedlings of Quercus ilex L.: an ecological interpretation. Ann. For. Sci.. 55, 553-565.
