Research Publications

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Vu, B., Alves C.a., Gonçalves C., Pio C., Gonçalves F., & Pereira R. (2012).  Mutagenicity assessment of aerosols in emissions from wood combustion in Portugal. Environmental Pollution. 166, 172-181.
Oliveira, V., Knapic S., & Pereira H. (2012).  NATURAL VARIABILITY OF SURFACE POROSITY OF WINE CORK STOPPERS. Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin. 46(February), 331 - 340.
Oliveira, V., Knapic S., & Pereira H. (2012).  NATURAL VARIABILITY OF SURFACE POROSITY OF WINE CORK STOPPERS. Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin. 46(February), 331 - 340.
Maícas, R., Muriel J., Bonillo J. Carlos, & Haeger J. Fernández (2012).  Nest-site selection, territory quality and breeding performance in a Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus population. Acta Oecologica. 39, 43-50.
Ermilov, S. G., Shtanchaeva U. Y., & Subías L. S. (2012).  A new species of Metabelbella (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) from Quercus forests of southern Portugal. International Journal of Acarology. 38(4), 282 - 289.
Quaresma, M. a G., Trigo-Rodrigues I., Alves S. P., Martins S. I. V., Barreto a. S., & Bessa R. J. B. (2012).  Nutritional evaluation of the lipid fraction of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) tenderloin.. Meat science. 92, 519-524.
Sandoval-Soto, L., Kesselmeier M., Schmitt V., Wild A., & Kesselmeier J. (2012).  Observations of the uptake of carbonyl sulfide (COS) by trees under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Biogeosciences. 9, 2935-2945.
Legrand, P., & Prive-Gill C. (2012).  Oligocene fossil oak woods, Quercoxylon lecointrei GAZEAU & KOENIGUER, decayed by a pocket-rot fungus. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA ABTEILUNG B-PALAOPHYTOLOGIE. 289(1-3), 27 - 41.
Cerdá, E., & Martı´n-Barroso D. (2012).  Optimal control for forest management and conservation analysis in dehesa ecosystems. European Journal of Operational Research.
Ribeiro, N. Almeida, Surový P., & Yoshimoto A. (2012).  Optimal Regeneration Regime under Continuous Crown Cover Requirements in Cork Oak Woodlands. FORMATH. 11, 83 - 102.
J Reyes-Acosta, L., & Lubczynski M. W. (2012).  Optimization of dry-season sap flow measurements in an oak semi-arid open woodland in Spain. Ecohydrology. n/a--n/a.
Mosquera-Losada, M. R., Moreno G., Pardini A., McAdam J. H., Papanastasis V., Burgess P. J., et al. (2012).  Past, Present and Future of Agroforestry Systems in Europe. (Nair, P. K. Ramachan, & Garrity D., Ed.).Agroforestry - The Future of Global Land Use SE - 16. 9, 285--312 LA -- English.
Acácio, V., & Holmgren M. (2012).  Pathways for resilience in Mediterranean cork oak land use systems. Annals of Forest Science.
Mediavilla, S., Gallardo-López V., González-Zurdo P., & Escudero A. (2012).  Patterns of leaf morphology and leaf N content in relation to winter temperatures in three evergreen tree species.. International journal of biometeorology. 56(5), 915 - 926.
Emran, M., Gispert M., & Pardini G. (2012).  Patterns of soil organic carbon, glomalin and structural stability in abandoned Mediterranean terraced lands. European Journal of Soil Science. 63(5), 637 - 649.
V. Vallejo, R., Smanis A., Chirino E., Ramo V., Fuentes D., Valdecantos A., et al. (2012).  Perspectives in dryland restoration: approaches for climate change adaptation. New Forests. 43(5-6), 561 - 579.
Angelis, A., Bajocco S., & Ricotta C. (2012).  Phenological variability drives the distribution of wildfires in Sardinia. Landscape Ecology. 1535 - 1545.
Camarero, J. Julio, Olano J. Miguel, Alfaro S. Jackeline, Fernández-Marín B., Becerril J. Maria, & García-Plazaola J. Ignacio (2012).  Photoprotection mechanisms in Quercus ilex under contrasting climatic conditions. Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 207(8), 557 - 564.
García-López, J. M., & Allué C. (2012).  A phytoclimatic-based indicator for assessing the inherent responsitivity of the European forests to climate change. Ecological Indicators. 18, 73 - 81.
Carrió, E., Rigat M., Garnatje T., Mayans M., Parada M., & Vallès J. (2012).  Plant ethnoveterinary practices in two pyrenean territories of catalonia (iberian peninsula) and in two areas of the balearic islands and comparison with ethnobotanical uses in human medicine.. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM. 2012,
Bonal, R., HERNÁNDEZ MARISA., ORTEGO JOAQUÍN., Muñoz A., & ESPELTA JOSEP. M. (2012).  Positive cascade effects of forest fragmentation on acorn weevils mediated by seed size enlargement. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 5(5), 381 - 388.
Catry, F. X., Moreira F., Cardillo E., & Pausas J. G. (2012).  Post-Fire Management of Cork Oak Forests. (Moreira, F., Arianoutsou M., Corona P., & Heras J. De las, Ed.).Post-Fire Management and Restoration of Southern European Forests.
Castro, J., Puerta-Pinero C., Leverkus A. B., Moreno-Rueda G., & Sanchez-Miranda A. (2012).  Post-fire salvage logging alters a key plant-animal interaction for forest regeneration. ECOSPHERE. 3(10), 
KAYA, E., & KAMALAK A. (2012).  Potential Nutritive Value and Condensed Tannin Contents of Acorns from Different Oak Species. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi. 18(6), 1061 - 1066.
Tsakaldimi, M., Ganatsas P., & JACOBS DOUGLASS. F. (2012).  Prediction of planted seedling survival of five Mediterranean species based on initial seedling morphology. New Forests.
ASTOLFI, S., MARIANELLO C., GREGO S., & BELLAROSA R. (2012).  Preliminary Investigation of LED Lighting as Growth Light for Seedlings from Different Tree Species in Growth Chambers. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 40(2), 31 - 38.
Galván, J. Valero, Valledor L., Fernandez R. González, Cerrillo R. M. Navarro, & Jorrín-Novo J. V. (2012).  Proteomic analysis of Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) pollen.. Journal of proteomics. 75, 2736-44.
Pugliese, C., & Sirtori F. (2012).  Quality of meat and meat products produced from southern European pig breeds.. Meat science. 90(3), 511 - 518.
DELPIERRE, N., SOUDANI K., François C., Le Maire G., BERNHOFER C., Kutsch W., et al. (2012).  Quantifying the influence of climate and biological drivers on the interannual variability of carbon exchanges in European forests through process-based modelling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 154-155, 99 - 112.
Schaffhauser, A., Curt T., Véla E., & Tatoni T. (2012).  Recurrent fires and environment shape the vegetation in Quercus suber L. woodlands and maquis.. Comptes rendus biologies. 335(6), 424 - 434.
