Research Publications

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Mir, a., Bezzazi B., Zitoune R., & Collombet F. (2012).  Study of Mechanical and Hygrothermal Properties of Agglomerated Cork. Mechanika. 18, 40-45.
Şen, A., Marques A. Velez, Gominho J., & Pereira H. (2012).  Study of thermochemical treatments of cork in the 150–400°C range using colour analysis and FTIR spectroscopy. Industrial Crops and Products. 38, 132-138.
Tejerina, D., García-Torres S., M de Vaca C., Vázquez F. M., & Cava R. (2012).  Study of variability in antioxidant composition and fatty acids profile of Longissimus dorsi and Serratus ventralis muscles from Iberian pigs reared in two different Montanera seasons.. Meat science. 90, 414-419.
Gallardo, E., Narváez-Rivas M., Pablos F., J. Jurado M., & León-Camacho M. (2012).  Subcutaneous Fat Triacylglycerols Profile from Iberian Pigs as a Tool To Differentiate between Intensive and Extensive Fattening Systems. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60(7), 1645 - 1651.
Ferreira, R., Garcia H., Sousa A. F., Petkovic M., Lamosa P., Freire C. S. R., et al. (2012).  Suberin isolation from cork using ionic liquids: characterisation of ensuing products. New Journal of Chemistry. 36(10), 
Penuelas, J., Rico L., Ogaya R., Jump A. S., & Terradas J. (2012).  Summer season and long-term drought increase the richness of bacteria and fungi in the foliar phyllosphere of Quercus ilex in a mixed Mediterranean forest. Plant Biology. 14, 565-575.
Chiari, S., Zauli A., Mazziotta A., Luiselli L., Audisio P., & Carpaneto G. M. (2012).  Surveying an endangered saproxylic beetle, Osmoderma eremita, in Mediterranean woodlands: a comparison between different capture methods. Journal of Insect Conservation.
Serrano, M. S., Fernández-Rebollo P., Vita P., & M Sánchez E. (2012).  Susceptibility of common herbaceous crops to Phytophthora cinnamomi and its influence on Quercus root rot in rangelands. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 134, 409-414.
SERRANO, M. S., DE VITA P., CARBONERO M. D., Fernández F., FERNÁNDEZ-REBOLLO P., & SÁNCHEZ M. E. (2012).  Susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi of the commonest morphotypes of Holm oak in southern Spain. Forest Pathology. 42, 345-347.
Şen, A., Miranda I., & Pereira H. (2012).  Temperature-induced structural and chemical changes in cork from Quercus cerris. Industrial Crops and Products. 37, 508-513.
Arellano, G., & Peco B. (2012).  Testing the role of seed size in annual legume seedling performance under experimental autumn moisture conditions. (Collins, B., Ed.).Journal of Vegetation Science. 23, 690-697.
Pereira, P., Godinho C., Roque I., Marques A., Branco M., & Rabaça J. Eduardo (2012).  Time to rethink the management intensity in a Mediterranean oak woodland: the response of insectivorous birds and leaf-chewing defoliators as key groups in the forest ecosystem. Annals of Forest Science.
Papa, S., Bartoli G., Nacca F., D'Abrosca B., Cembrola E., Pellegrino a., et al. (2012).  Trace metals, peroxidase activity, PAHs contents and ecophysiological changes in Quercus ilex leaves in the urban area of Caserta (Italy).. Journal of environmental management. 113, 501-509.
Di Novella, R., Di Novella N., De Martino L., Mancini E., & De Feo V. (2012).  Traditional plant use in the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, Campania, Southern, Italy.. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 145(1), 328 - 342.
Bertini, G., Fabbio G., Piovosi M., & Calderisi M. (2012).  Tree biomass and deadwood density into aged holm oak (Sardinia) and beech coppices (Tuscany). Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale. 9(2), 108 - 129.
Aponte, C., García L. V., & Marañón T. (2012).  Tree Species Effect on Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release in Mediterranean Oak Forests Changes Over Time. Ecosystems. 15(7), 1204 - 1218.
Orgiazzi, A., Lumini E., R Nilsson H., Girlanda M., Vizzini A., Bonfante P., et al. (2012).  Unravelling Soil Fungal Communities from Different Mediterranean Land-Use Backgrounds. PLoS ONE. 7, e34847.
Barreto, M. C., Houbraken J., Samson R. A., Brito D., Gadanho M., & San Romão M. V. (2012).  Unveiling the fungal mycobiota present throughout the cork stopper manufacturing process. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 82, 202-214.
Simonson, W. D., Allen H. D., & Coomes D. A. (2012).  Use of an airborne lidar system to model plant species composition and diversity of Mediterranean oak forests.. Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology. 26, 840-850.
Pintor, A. M. A., Ferreira C. I. A., Pereira J. C., Correia P., Silva S. P., Vilar V. J. P., et al. (2012).  Use of cork powder and granules for the adsorption of pollutants: a review.. Water research. 46, 3152-3166.
Durá, E., Mendiguren G., Pacheco J., Martín M. P., Riaño D., Iturrate M., et al. (2012).  Validación de productos MODIS relacionados con la estimación de flujos de carbono en una dehesa. XV Congreso Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica, Madrid, AGE-CSIC, 19-21 de Septiembre de 2012.
Sinoga, J. Damian Rui, Pariente S., Diaz A. Romero, & Murillo J. Francisco (2012).  Variability of relationships between soil organic carbon and some soil properties in Mediterranean rangelands under different climatic conditions (South of Spain). Catena. 94, 17 - 25.
Torres, I., Urbieta I. R., & Moreno J. M. (2012).  Vegetation and soil seed bank relationships across microhabitats in an abandoned Quercus suber parkland under simulated fire. Ecoscience. 19, 1-10.
Djamali, M., Gambin B., Marriner N., Andrieu-Ponel V., Gambin T., Gandouin E., et al. (2012).  Vegetation dynamics during the early to mid-Holocene transition in NW Malta, human impact versus climatic forcing. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
Jiménez-Moreno, G., García-Alix A., Hernández-Corbalán M. Dolores, R. Anderson S., & Delgado-Huertas A. (2012).  Vegetation, fire, climate and human disturbance history in the southwestern Mediterranean area during the late Holocene. Quaternary Research.
Lavrov, a., Utkin a. B., J. da Silva M., Vilar R., Santos N. M., & Alves B. (2012).  Water stress assessment of cork oak leaves and maritime pine needles based on LIF spectra. Optics and Spectroscopy. 112(2), 271 - 279.
Tejerina, D., García-Torres S., & Cava R. (2012).  Water-holding capacity and instrumental texture properties of m. Longissimus dorsi and m. Serratus ventralis from Iberian pigs as affected by the production system. Livestock Science. 148, 46-51.
Monson, R. K., Jones R. T., Rosenstiel T. N., & Schnitzler J-P. (2012).  Why only some plants emit isoprene.. Plant, cell & environment.
Ojea, E., Ruíz-Benito PALOMA., Markandya A., & Zavala MIGUEL. a (2012).  Wood provisioning in Mediterranean forests: A bottom-up spatial valuation approach. Forest Policy and Economics. 20, 78 - 88.
Phan, C. N., Bailey N. W., Kardomateas G. a., & Battley M. a. (2012).  Wrinkling of sandwich wide panels/beams based on the extended high-order sandwich panel theory: formulation, comparison with elasticity and experiments. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 82, 1585-1599.
