Research Publications

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Tabacchi, G., Di Cosmo L., & Gasparini P. (2011).  Aboveground tree volume and phytomass prediction equations for forest species in Italy. European Journal of Forest Research. 130, 911-934.
Alla, A. Q., J. Camarero J., Maestro-Martínez M., & Montserrat-Martí G. (2011).  Acorn production is linked to secondary growth but not to declining carbohydrate concentrations in current-year shoots of two oak species. Trees. 26(3), 841 - 850.
Tejerina, D., García-Torres S., M. de Vaca C., Vázquez F. M., & Cava R. (2011).  Acorns (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.) and grass as natural sources of antioxidants and fatty acids in the “montanera” feeding of Iberian pig: Intra- and inter-annual variations. Food Chemistry. 124(3), 997 - 1004.
Pardini, A., & Nori M. (2011).  Agro-silvo-pastoral systems in Italy: integration and diversification. Pastoralism. 1-10.
Fernandes, A., Sousa A., Mateus N., Cabral M., & de Freitas V. (2011).  Analysis of phenolic compounds in cork from Quercus suber L. by HPLC–DAD/ESI–MS. Food Chemistry. 125(4), 1398 - 1405.
Belhoucine, L., Bouhraoua R. Tarik, Dahane B., PUJADE-VILLAR JULI., & Bouhraoua R. Tarik (2011).  Aperçu biologique du Platypus cylindrus (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae : Platypodinae) dans les galeries du bois de chêne-liège (Quercus suber L.). Orsis: organismes i sistemes. 25, 105 - 120.
González-Rodríguez, V., Navarro-Cerrillo R. M., & Villar R. (2011).  Artificial regeneration with Quercus ilex L. and Quercus suber L. by direct seeding and planting in southern Spain. Annals of Forest Science. 68(3), 637 - 646.
Ricarte, A., M Marcos-García Á., & Moreno C. E. (2011).  Assessing the effects of vegetation type on hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity in a Mediterranean landscape: implications for conservation. Journal of Insect Conservation. 15, 865-877.
Mendes, S. Margarida, Santos J., Freitas H., & Sousa J. Paulo (2011).  Assessing the impact of understory vegetation cut on soil epigeic macrofauna from a cork-oak Montado in South Portugal. Agroforestry Systems. 82(2), 139 - 148.
Marianelli, L., Marziali L., Carletti B., Pennacchio F., Cotroneo A., & Roversi P. Federico (2011).  Association Scolytus intricatus - Bursaphelenchus eremus on Oak in Italy. Silva Lusitana. 19, 101-104.
Narváez-Rivas, M., Pablos F., Jurado J. M., & León-Camacho M. (2011).  Authentication of fattening diet of Iberian pigs according to their volatile compounds profile from raw subcutaneous fat.. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 399, 2115-2122.
Casals, P., Lopez-Sangil L., Carrara A., Gimeno C., & Nogués S. (2011).  Autotrophic and heterotrophic contributions to short-term soil CO 2 efflux following simulated summer precipitation pulses in a Mediterranean dehesa. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 25(3), 
Andivia, E., FERNÁNDEZ MANUEL., & VÁZQUEZ-PIQUÉ JAVIER. (2011).  Autumn fertilization of Quercus ilex ssp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. nursery seedlings: effects on morpho-physiology and field performance. Annals of Forest Science. 68(3), 543 - 553.
Andivia, E., Márquez-García B., VÁZQUEZ-PIQUÉ JAVIER., Córdoba F., & FERNÁNDEZ MANUEL. (2011).  Autumn fertilization with nitrogen improves nutritional status, cold hardiness and the oxidative stress response of Holm oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ballota [Desf.] Samp) nursery seedlings. Trees. 26(2), 311 - 320.
Rodríguez-Estévez, V., Sánchez-Rodríguez M., García A. R., & a Gómez-Castro G. (2011).  Average daily weight gain of Iberian fattening pigs when grazing natural resources. Livestock Science. 137(1-3), 292 - 295.
Čermák, J., Barij N., & Stokes A. (2011).  Azimuthal variations in xylem structure and water relations in cork oak (Quercus suber). IAWA Journal. 32(1), 25 - 40.
Rivest, D., Rolo V., M López-Díaz L., & Moreno G. (2011).  Belowground competition for nutrients in shrub-encroached Mediterranean dehesas. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 90, 347-354.
Saitta, A., Bernicchia A., Gorjón S. P., Altobelli E., Granito V. M., Losi C., et al. (2011).  Biodiversity of wood-decay fungi in Italy. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 145(4), 958 - 968.
Andreetta, A., Dignac M-F., & Carnicelli S. (2011).  Biological and physico-chemical processes influence cutin and suberin biomarker distribution in two Mediterranean forest soil profiles. Biogeochemistry.
De Nicola, F., Claudia L., MariaVittoria P., Giulia M., & Anna A. (2011).  Biomonitoring of PAHs by using Quercus ilex leaves: Source diagnostic and toxicity assessment. Atmospheric Environment. 45(7), 1428 - 1433.
Zozaya, E. L., Brotons L., & Vallecillo S. (2011).  Bird community responses to vegetation heterogeneity following non-direct regeneration of Mediterranean forests after fire. ARDEA. 99, 73-84.
Serrano, M. Socorro, Vita P., Fernández-Rebollo P., & Hernández M. Esperanza (2011).  Calcium fertilizers induce soil suppressiveness to Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot of Quercus ilex. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 132(2), 271 - 279.
Lee, S. H., Woo S. Y., & Nasr Z. (2011).  Can net photosynthesis and water relations provide a clue on the forest decline of Quercus suber in North Tunisia?. African Journal of f Biotechnology. 10(9), 1637 - 1639.
Santos-Silva, C., Gonçalves A., & Louro R. (2011).  Canopy cover influence on macrofungal richness and sporocarp production in montado ecosystems. Agroforestry Systems. 82(2), 149 - 159.
Di Traglia, M., Attorre F., Francesconi F., Valenti R., & Vitale M. (2011).  Is cellular automata algorithm able to predict the future dynamical shifts of tree species in Italy under climate change scenarios? A methodological approach. Ecological Modelling. 222(4), 925 - 934.
Şen, A., Quilhó T., & Pereira H. (2011).  The cellular structure of cork from Quercus cerris var. cerris bark in a materials’ perspective. Industrial Crops and Products. 34, 929-936.
Costa, A., Madeira M., Santos J. Lima, & Oliveira Â. (2011).  Change and dynamics in Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands landscapes of Southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Landscape and Urban Planning. 102(3), 164 - 176.
Muñoz-Rojas, M., De la Rosa D., Zavala L. M., JORDÁN A., & Anaya-Romero M. (2011).  Changes in land cover and vegetation carbon stocks in Andalusia, Southern Spain (1956-2007).. The Science of the total environment. 409, 2796-2806.
Anjos, O., Pereira H., & Rosa M. Emília (2011).  Characterization of radial bending properties of cork. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 69, 557-563.
Ogaya, R., Penuelas J., Asensio D., & Llusia J. (2011).  Chlorophyll fluorescence responses to temperature and water availability in two co-dominant Mediterranean shrub and tree species in a long-term field experiment simulating climate change. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 73, 89 - 93.
