Research Publications

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Caldeira, A. Teresa, Arteiro J. M. M. M. S., Coelho A. V., & J. Roseiro C. (2011).  Combined use of LC–ESI-MS and antifungal tests for rapid identification of bioactive lipopeptides produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CCMI 1051. Process Biochemistry. 46(9), 1738 - 1746.
Zamorano, M., Popov V., Rodriguez M. L., & Garcia-Maraver A. (2011).  A comparative study of quality properties of pelletized agricultural and forestry lopping residues. RENEWABLE ENERGY. 36, 3133-3140.
Carvalho, F., & Mira A. (2011).  Comparing annual vertebrate road kills over two time periods, 9 years apart: a case study in Mediterranean farmland. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 57(1), 157 - 174.
Bonal, R., Espelta J. Maria, & Vogler A. P. (2011).  Complex selection on life-history traits and the maintenance of variation in exaggerated rostrum length in acorn weevils.. Oecologia. 167(4), 1053 - 1061.
Carvalho, J. P. F. (2011).  Composition and structure of natural mixed-oak stands in northern and central Portugal. Forest Ecology and Management. 262(10), 1928 - 1937.
Canteiro, C., Pinto-Cruz C., M. Simões P., & Gazarini L. (2011).  Conservation of Mediterranean oak woodlands: understorey dynamics under different shrub management. Agroforestry Systems. 82(2), 161 - 171.
de la Montaña, E., Benayas J. M. Rey, Vasques A., Razola I., & Cayuela L. (2011).  Conservation planning of vertebrate diversity in a Mediterranean agricultural-dominant landscape. Biological Conservation. 144(10), 2468 - 2478.
Baricevic, D., & Šapic I. (2011).  A Contribution to the Knowledge of Composition and Classification of Holm Oak Forests in Istria. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. 87 - 98.
Soares, B., Reis L., & Sousa L. (2011).  Cork composites and their role in sustainable development. Procedia Engineering. 10, 3214 - 3219.
Bragança, H., Rigling D., Diogo E., Capelo J., Phillips A., & Tenreiro R. (2011).  Cryphonectria naterciae: a new species in the Cryphonectria-Endothia complex and diagnostic molecular markers based on microsatellite-primed PCR.. Fungal biology. 115(9), 852 - 861.
Yilmaz, A., Uslu E., & M Babac T. (2011).  Cytogenetic studies on Quercus L. (Fagaceae) species belonging to Ilex and Cerris section in Turkey. CARYOLOGIA. 64, 297-301.
Amici, V. (2011).  Dealing with vagueness in complex forest landscapes: A soft classification approach through a niche-based distribution model. Ecological Informatics. 6(6), 371 - 383.
Gimeno, T. E., Pías B., Martínez-Fernández J., Quiroga D. L., Escudero A., & Valladares F. (2011).  The decreased competition in expanding versus mature juniper woodlands is counteracted by adverse climatic effects on growth. European Journal of Forest Research. 131(4), 977 - 987.
Delgado-Baquerizo, M., & Gallardo A. (2011).  Depolymerization and mineralization rates at 12 Mediterranean sites with varying soil N availability. A test for the Schimel and Bennett model. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 43(3), 693 - 696.
BOUCHAOUR-DJABEUR, S., BENABDELI K., Bejamaa M. Lahbib, & Stiti B. (2011).  Déprédation des glands de chêne liège par les insectes et possibilités de germination et de croissance des semis. Geo-Eco-Trop. 35, 69 - 80.
Hernández-Ceballos, M. a., García-Mozo H., Adame J. a., Domínguez-Vilches E., Bolívar J. P., De la Morena B. a., et al. (2011).  Determination of potential sources of Quercus airborne pollen in Córdoba city (southern Spain) using back-trajectory analysis. Aerobiologia. 27, 261-276.
Varelas, V., Sanvicens N., -Pilar-Marco M., & Kintzios S. (2011).  Development of a cellular biosensor for the detection of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA). Talanta. 84, 936-940.
Valdecantos, A., Cortina J., & V Vallejo R. (2011).  Differential field response of two Mediterranean tree species to inputs of sewage sludge at the seedling stage. Ecological Engineering. 37, 1350-1359.
Gómez-Aparicio, LORENA., GARCÍA-VALDÉS R., Ruíz-Benito PALOMA., & Zavala MIGUEL. a (2011).  Disentangling the relative importance of climate, size and competition on tree growth in Iberian forests: implications for forest management under global change. Global Change Biology. 17(7), 2400 - 2414.
Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Covelo F., & Gallardo A. (2011).  Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Pedosphere. 21(3), 309 - 318.
Alejano, R., Vázquez-Piqué J., Carevic F., & Fernández M. (2011).  Do ecological and silvicultural factors influence acorn mass in Holm Oak (southwestern Spain)?. Agroforestry Systems. 83(1), 25 - 39.
Padilla, F. M., Miranda J. de Dios, Ortega R., Hervás M., Sánchez J., & Pugnaire F. I. (2011).  Does shelter enhance early seedling survival in dry environments? A test with eight Mediterranean species. Applied Vegetation Science. 14, 31-39.
Fragoso, R., Marques C., Lucas M. R., Martins M. B., & Jorge R. (2011).  The economic effects of common agricultural policy on Mediterranean montado/dehesa ecosystem. Journal of Policy Modeling. 33, 311-327.
Richard, F., Roy M., Shahin O., Sthultz C., Duchemin M., Joffre R., et al. (2011).  Ectomycorrhizal communities in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem dominated by Quercus ilex: seasonal dynamics and response to drought in the surface organic horizon. Annals of Forest Science. 68(1), 57 - 68.
Pasquini, S., Braidot E., Petrussa E., & Vianello A. (2011).  Effect of different storage conditions in recalcitrant seeds of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) during germination. Seed Science and Technology. 39, 165-177.
Correia, P. R., & Beirão-da-Costa M. L. (2011).  Effect of Drying Temperatures on Starch-Related Functional and Thermal Properties of Acorn Flours. Journal of Food Science. 76, E196----E202.
Aranjuelo, I., Pintó-Marijuan M., Avice J. Christophe, & Fleck I. (2011).  Effect of elevated CO2 on carbon partitioning in young Quercus ilex L. during resprouting. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 25(11), 1527 - 1535.
Rogosic, J., Saric T., Herceg N., Zjalic S., Stanic S., & Skobic D. (2011).  Effect of supplementation with barley and calcium hydroxide on intake of Mediterranean shrubs by goats. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE. 10(2), 117 - 123.
Pereira, P., Úbeda X., Martin D., Mataix-Solera J., & Guerrero C. (2011).  Effects of a low severity prescribed fire on water-soluble elements in ash from a cork oak (Quercus suber) forest located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.. Environmental research. 111, 237-247.
Zabala, a., & Pons X. (2011).  Effects of lossy compression on remote sensing image classification of forest areas. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 13(1), 43 - 51.
