Research Publications

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Pastorelli, R., Landi S., Trabelsi D., Piccolo R., Mengoni A., Bazzicalupo M., et al. (2011).  Effects of soil management on structure and activity of denitrifying bacterial communities. Applied Soil Ecology. 49, 46-58.
Fernandes, A. P., Alves C. A., Goncalves C., Tarelho L., Pio C., Schimdl C., et al. (2011).  Emission factors from residential combustion appliances burning Portuguese biomass fuels. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 13(11), 3196 - 3206.
Rives, J., Fernandez-Rodriguez I., Rieradevall J., & Gabarrell X. (2011).  Environmental analysis of the production of natural cork stoppers in southern Europe (Catalonia – Spain). Journal of Cleaner Production. 19, 259-271.
Rudner, M. (2011).  Ephemeral Wetland Vegetation in Mediterranean Heathland and Maquis Communities. Wetlands. 31, 551-562.
Ruiz-Labourdette, D., Martínez F., Martín-López B., Montes C., & Pineda F. D. (2011).  Equilibrium of vegetation and climate at the European rear edge. A reference for climate change planning in mountainous Mediterranean regions.. International journal of biometeorology. 55, 285-301.
Karioti, A., Tooulakou G., Bilia A. Rita, Psaras G. K., Karabourniotis G., & Skaltsa H. (2011).  Erinea formation on Quercus ilex leaves: anatomical, physiological and chemical responses of leaf trichomes against mite attack.. Phytochemistry. 72(2-3), 230 - 237.
Bugalho, M. N., Lecomte X., Gonçalves M., Caldeira M. C., & Branco M. (2011).  Establishing grazing and grazing-excluded patches increases plant and invertebrate diversity in a Mediterranean oak woodland. Forest Ecology and Management. 261, 2133-2139.
Gálvez-Bravo, L., López-Pintor A., Rebollo S., & Gómez-Sal A. (2011).  European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) engineering effects promote plant heterogeneity in Mediterranean dehesa pastures. Journal of Arid Environments. 75(9), 779 - 786.
Attorre, F., Alfò M., De Sanctis M., Francesconi F., Valenti R., Vitale M., et al. (2011).  Evaluating the effects of climate change on tree species abundance and distribution in the Italian peninsula. Applied Vegetation Science. 14(2), 242 - 255.
Ribeiro, T., Loureiro J., Santos C., & Morais-Cecílio L. (2011).  Evolution of rDNA FISH patterns in the Fagaceae. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 7, 1113-1122.
Sardans, J., Rivas-Ubach A., & Penuelas J. (2011).  Factors affecting nutrient concentration and stoichiometry of forest trees in Catalonia (NE Spain). Forest Ecology and Management. 262(11), 2024 - 2034.
Oliet, J. a, Salazar J. M., Villar R., Robredo E., & Valladares F. (2011).  Fall fertilization of Holm oak affects N and P dynamics, root growth potential, and post-planting phenology and growth. Annals of Forest Science. 68(3), 647 - 656.
Alves, C., Gonçalves C., Fernandes A. Patrícia, Tarelho L., & Pio C. (2011).  Fireplace and woodstove fine particle emissions from combustion of western Mediterranean wood types. Atmospheric Research. 101(3), 692 - 700.
Schaffhauser, a., Curt T., & Tatoni T. (2011).  Fire-vegetation interplay in a mosaic structure of Quercus suber woodlands and Mediterranean maquis under recurrent fires. Forest Ecology and Management. 262, 730-738.
Savo, V., Giulia C., Maria G. Paolo, & David R. (2011).  Folk phytotherapy of the Amalfi Coast (Campania, Southern Italy).. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 135, 376-392.
Frosch, B., Deil U., & (2011).  Forest vegetation on sacred sites of the Tangier Peninsula (NW Morocco) - discussed in a SW-Mediterranean context. Phytocoenologia. 41(3), 153 - 181.
Sedda, L., Delogu G., & Dettori S. (2011).  Forty-four years of land use changes in a Sardinian cork oak agro-silvopastoral system: a qualitative analysis. The Open Forest Science Journal. 4, 57 - 66.
Azul, A. Marisa, Mendes S. Margarida, Sousa J. Paulo, & Freitas H. (2011).  Fungal fruitbodies and soil macrofauna as indicators of land use practices on soil biodiversity in Montado. Agroforestry Systems. 82(2), 121 - 138.
Mereu, S., Gerosa G., Marzuoli R., Fusaro L., Salvatori E., Finco A., et al. (2011).  Gas exchange and JIP-test parameters of two Mediterranean maquis species are affected by sea spray and ozone interaction. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 73, 80-88.
Costa, J., Miguel C., Almeida H., Oliveira M. M., Matos J. a, Simões F., et al. (2011).  Genetic divergence in Cork Oak based on cpDNA sequence data. BMC Proceedings. 5,
Fernandes, P., Costa A., Rocha C., Santos C., & Al E. T. (2011).  GENETIC STABILITY EVALUATION OF QUERCUS SUBER L . SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS BY RAPD ANALYSIS. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 43(6), 2727 - 2731.
GOITI, U., AIHARTZA J., & GUIU M. (2011).  Geoffroy's bat, Myotis emarginatus, preys preferentially on spiders in multistratified dense habitats: a study of foraging bats in the Mediterranean. Folia Zoologica. 60(1), 17 - 24.
Diez-Vial, I. (2011).  Geographical cluster and performance: The case of Iberian ham. Food Policy. 36(4), 517 - 525.
Gaspar, P., Escribano A. J., Mesías F. J., Escribano M., & Pulido A. F. (2011).  Goat systems of Villuercas-Ibores area in SW Spain: Problems and perspectives of traditional farming systems. Small Ruminant Research. 97(1-3), 1 - 11.
Chaideftou, E., Thanos C. A., Bergmeier E., Kallimanis A. S., & Dimopoulos P. (2011).  The herb layer restoration potential of the soil seed bank in an overgrazed oak forest. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH-THESSALONIKI. 15, 47 - 57.
Otieno, D. O., Mirzaei H., Hussain M. Z., Li Y. L., Schmidt M. W. T., Wartinger M., et al. (2011).  Herbaceous layer development during spring does not deplete soil nitrogen in the Portuguese montado. Journal of Arid Environments. 75(3), 231 - 238.
Jones, N., de Graaff J., Rodrigo I., & Duarte F. (2011).  Historical review of land use changes in Portugal (before and after EU integration in 1986) and their implications for land degradation and conservation, with a focus on Centro and Alentejo regions. Applied Geography. 31(3), 1036 - 1048.
García-Ruiz, J. M., & Lana-Renault N. (2011).  Hydrological and erosive consequences of farmland abandonment in Europe, with special reference to the Mediterranean region – A review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 140(3-4), 317 - 338.
De Nicola, F., Alfani A., & D’Ambrosio N. (2011).  Impact of the Mediterranean Urban Environment on Photosynthetic Efficiency of Quercus ilex Leaves. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 220(1-4), 151 - 160.
Pasho, E., J. Camarero J., de Luis M., & Vicente-Serrano S. M. (2011).  Impacts of drought at different time scales on forest growth across a wide climatic gradient in north-eastern Spain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151(12), 1800 - 1811.
