Research Publications

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García-López, J. M., & Allué C. (2011).  Modelling phytoclimatic versatility as a large scale indicator of adaptive capacity to climate change in forest ecosystems. Ecological Modelling. 222(8), 1436 - 1447.
Alonso, R., Vivanco M. G., González-Fernández I., Bermejo V., Palomino I., Garrido J. Luis, et al. (2011).  Modelling the influence of peri-urban trees in the air quality of Madrid region (Spain).. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 159, 2138-2147.
Mediavilla, S., Escudero A., González-Zurdo P., & García-Ciudad A. (2011).  Morphological and chemical leaf composition of Mediterranean evergreen tree species according to leaf age. Trees. 25(4), 669 - 677.
Bauer, E-M., & Bergmeier E. (2011).  The mountain woodlands of western Crete - plant communities, forest goods, grazing impact and conservation. Phytocoenologia. 41(2), 73 - 115.
Cohen, M., Varga D., Vila J., & Barrassaud E. (2011).  A multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach to monitor landscape dynamics: a case study in the Catalan pre-Pyrenees (Spain). The Geographical Journal. 177(1), 79 - 91.
García, M., Riaño D., Chuvieco E., Salas J., F. Danson M., García M., et al. (2011).  Multispectral and LiDAR data fusion for fuel type mapping using Support Vector Machine and decision rules. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT. 115(6), 1369 - 1379.
Belhoucine, L., Bouhraoua R. T., Meijer M., Houbraken J., M Harrak J., Samson R. A., et al. (2011).  Mycobiota associated with Platypus cylindrus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Platypodidae) in cork oak stands of North West Algeria, Africa. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH. 5, 4411-4423.
Coelho, A. Cristina, Ebadzad G., & Cravador A. (2011).  New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. Fifth Meeting of the IUFRO Working Party S07-02-09, Phytophthora Diseases in Forests and Natural Ecosystems. 0134, 143 - 157.
Chaparro-Suarez, I. G., Meixner F. X., & Kesselmeier J. (2011).  Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) uptake by vegetation controlled by atmospheric concentrations and plant stomatal aperture. Atmospheric Environment. 45(32), 5742 - 5750.
Marco, A., Meola A., Maisto G., Giordano M., & De Santo A. Virzo (2011).  Non-additive effects of litter mixtures on decomposition of leaf litters in a Mediterranean maquis. Plant and Soil. 344, 305-317.
Teti, A. J., Rodriguez D. E., Federici J. F., & Brisson C. (2011).  Non-Destructive Measurement of Water Diffusion in Natural Cork Enclosures Using Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 32, 513-527.
Paulo, J. Amaral, Tomé J., & Tomé M. (2011).  Nonlinear fixed and random generalized height–diameter models for Portuguese cork oak stands. Annals of Forest Science. 68, 295-309.
Maisto, G., De Marco A., Meola A., Sessa L., & De Santo A. Virzo (2011).  Nutrient dynamics in litter mixtures of four Mediterranean maquis species decomposing in situ. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 43(3), 520 - 530.
Campos, J. a (2011).  Nutrients and trace elements content of wood decay fungi isolated from oak (Quercus ilex).. Biological trace element research. 144(1-3), 1370 - 1380.
Quaresma, M. a G., Alves S. P., Trigo-Rodrigues I., Pereira-Silva R., Santos N., Lemos J. P. C., et al. (2011).  Nutritional evaluation of the lipid fraction of feral wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) meat.. Meat science. 89, 457-461.
Antunes, C. Rolo, & Coutinho M. Azevedo (2011).  O factor de coberto vegetal, para árvores e Arbustos, em modelos de erosão hídrica. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 34, 234 - 242.
Aponte, C., García L. V., Pérez-Ramos I. M., Gutiérrez E., & Marañón T. (2011).  Oak trees and soil interactions in Mediterranean forests: a positive feedback model. Journal of Vegetation Science. 22(5), 856 - 867.
Bianchi, L., Calamini G., & Sioni S. (2011).  Observations on natural regeneration in grazed Holm oak stands in the Ogliastra province (Sardinia, Italy). Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale. 8(4), 103 - 112.
Werners, S. E., West J., Leemans R., Tabara J. D., Dai X., Flachner Z., et al. (2011).  Opportunities and Constraints for Climate Adaptation in Regional Water and Land Use Planning. (W Filho, L., Ed.).The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change. 669-692.
da Silva, P. Martins, Aguiar C. a S., Silva I. de Faria e, Serrano A. R. M., Silva I. Faria e, & Serrano A. R. M. (2011).  Orchard and riparian habitats enhance ground dwelling beetle diversity in Mediterranean agro-forestry systems. Biodiversity and Conservation. 20(4), 861 - 872.
Gómez-Rey, M. Xesús, Garcês A., & Madeira M. (2011).  Organic C distribution and N mineralization in soil of oak woodlands with improved pastures. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 34, 80 - 92.
Bussotti, F., Desotgiu R., Cascio C., Pollastrini M., Gravano E., Gerosa G., et al. (2011).  Ozone stress in woody plants assessed with chlorophyll a fluorescence. A critical reassessment of existing data. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 73, 19 - 30.
Plaza, A., & Plaza J. (2011).  Parallel Implementation of Linear and Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images. (, Ed.).HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IN REMOTE SENSING. 8183,
Tormo, R., Silva I., Gonzalo A., Moreno A., Pérez R., & Fernández S. (2011).  Phenological records as a complement to aerobiological data.. International journal of biometeorology. 55, 51-65.
Misson, L., DEGUELDRE DAVID., COLLIN CHRISTIAN., RODRIGUEZ RAQUEL., ROCHETEAU ALAIN., OURCIVAL JEAN-MARC., et al. (2011).  Phenological responses to extreme droughts in a Mediterranean forest. Global Change Biology. 17(2), 1036 - 1048.
Garbulsky, M. F., Penuelas J., Gamon J., Inoue Y., & Filella I. (2011).  The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and the remote sensing of leaf, canopy and ecosystem radiation use efficienciesA review and meta-analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115(2), 281 - 297.
Holland, V., & Brüggemann W. (2011).  Photosynthetic properties of Quercus × hispanica Lam. and Q. suber L. under harsh Central European winter conditions. Photosynthetica. 49, 459-465.
Maddau, L., Perrone C., Andolfi A., Spanu E., Linaldeddu B. T., & Evidente A. (2011).  Phytotoxins produced by the oak pathogen Discula quercina. Forest Pathology. 41(2), 85 - 89.
Armas, C., & Pugnaire F. Ignacio (2011).  Plant neighbour identity matters to belowground interactions under controlled conditions.. PloS one. 6(11), 
Sanz, J., Bermejo V., Muntifering R., González-Fernández I., Gimeno B. S., Elvira S., et al. (2011).  Plant phenology, growth and nutritive quality of Briza maxima: responses induced by enhanced ozone atmospheric levels and nitrogen enrichment.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 159, 423-430.
