Research Publications

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KEENAN, T., Serra JOSEP. Maria, Lloret F., Ninyerola M., & SABATE S. (2011).  Predicting the future of forests in the Mediterranean under climate change, with niche- and process-based models: CO2 matters!. Global Change Biology. 17(1), 565 - 579.
Zamoum, M., Berchiche S., Sai K., Triggiani O., & Tarasco E. (2011).  Preliminary Survey of the Occurrence of Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Fungi in the Forest Soils of Algeria. Silva Lusitana. 19, 141-145.
Savoie, J-M., & Largeteau M. L. (2011).  Production of edible mushrooms in forests: trends in development of a mycosilviculture.. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 89, 971-979.
Fernandes, E. M., Correlo V. M., Chagas J. a.M., Mano J. F., & Reis R. L. (2011).  Properties of new cork–polymer composites: Advantages and drawbacks as compared with commercially available fibreboard materials. Composite Structures. 93, 3120-3129.
Piredda, R., Simeone M. C., Attimonelli M., BELLAROSA R., & Schirone B. (2011).  Prospects of barcoding the Italian wild dendroflora: oaks reveal severe limitations to tracking species identity.. Molecular ecology resources. 11, 72-83.
García, L. V., Ramo C., Aponte C., Moreno A., Domínguez M. T., Gómez-Aparicio LORENA., et al. (2011).  Protected wading bird species threaten relict centenarian cork oaks in a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve: A conservation management conflict. Biological Conservation. 144(2), 764 - 771.
Ricardo, C. P. P., Martins I., Francisco R., Sergeant K., Pinheiro C., Campos A., et al. (2011).  Proteins associated with cork formation in Quercus suber L. stem tissues.. Journal of proteomics. 74, 1266-1278.
Abril, N., Gion J-M., Kerner R., Müller-Starck G., Cerrillo R. M. Navarro, Plomion C., et al. (2011).  Proteomics research on forest trees, the most recalcitrant and orphan plant species.. Phytochemistry. 72(10), 1219 - 1242.
Devi, S. Kunjeshwor, Singh S. Sunil, Singh S. Jibankumar, Rully H., & Singh L. Rupachandr (2011).  Purification and Characterization of a Magnesium Ion Requiring N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine Specific Lectin from Seeds of Quercus ilex L.. BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. 75(9), 1752 - 1757.
Agra, H’el., & Ne’eman G. (2011).  Quercus calliprinos regrowth advantage under grazing in Mediterranean maquis and its management implications. Forest Ecology and Management. 261(1), 143 - 147.
Del Pulgar, J. Sánchez, Soukoulis C., Biasioli F., Cappellin L., García C., Gasperi F., et al. (2011).  Rapid characterization of dry cured ham produced following different PDOs by proton transfer reaction time of flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS).. Talanta. 85(1), 386 - 393.
Margalida, A., Moreno-Opo R., Arroyo B. E., & Arredondo A. (2011).  Reconciling the conservation of endangered species with economically important anthropogenic activities: interactions between cork exploitation and the cinereous vulture in Spain. Animal Conservation. 14, 167-174.
Pestana, M., Carneiro L., Lousada J., & Sardinha R. (2011).  Relação entre as Características Morfológicas e a Qualidade da Cortiça. Silva Lusitana. 19, 1-11.
Nijland, W., Jansma E., Addink E. a., M Delmás D., & De Jong S. M. (2011).  Relating ring width of Mediterranean evergreen species to seasonal and annual variations of precipitation and temperature. Biogeosciences. 8, 1141-1152.
Evidente, A., Andolfi A., & Cimmino A. (2011).  Relationships between the stereochemistry and biological activity of fungal phytotoxins. Chirality. 23(9), 674 - 693.
Domínguez, M. T., Marañón T., Murillo J. Manuel, & Redondo-Gómez S. (2011).  Response of Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota) and mastic shrub (Pistacia lentiscus L.) seedlings to high concentrations of Cd and Tl in the rhizosphere.. Chemosphere. 83(8), 1166 - 1174.
Disante, K. B., Fuentes D., & Cortina J. (2011).  Response to drought of Zn-stressed Quercus suber L. seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 70, 96-103.
Calatayud, V., Cerveró J., Calvo E., García-Breijo F-J., Reig-Armiñana J., & Sanz M. José (2011).  Responses of evergreen and deciduous Quercus species to enhanced ozone levels.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 159(1), 55 - 63.
SERRANO, M. S., FERNÁNDEZ-REBOLLO P., DE VITA P., CARBONERO M. D., & SÁNCHEZ M. E. (2011).  The role of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) in the decline affecting oak agroforestry ecosystems. Forest Pathology. 41, 382-386.
Lavoir, a. V., Duffet C., Mouillot F., Rambal S., Ratte J. P., Schnitzler J. P., et al. (2011).  Scaling-up leaf monoterpene emissions from a water limited Quercus ilex woodland. Atmospheric Environment. 45(17), 2888 - 2897.
Angulo, E., Caut S., & Cerdá X. (2011).  Scavenging in Mediterranean ecosystems: effect of the invasive Argentine ant. Biological Invasions. 13(5), 1183 - 1194.
ROSALINO, LUIS. M., Ferreira D., Leitão I., & Santos-Reis M. (2011).  Selection of nest sites by wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus in a Mediterranean agro-forest landscape. Ecological Research. 26, 445-452.
Rodriguez-Calcerrada, J., Pérez-Ramos I. M., OURCIVAL JEAN-MARC., Limousin J-M., Joffre R., & Rambal S. (2011).  Is selective thinning an adequate practice for adapting Quercus ilex coppices to climate change?. Annals of Forest Science. 68(3), 575 - 585.
Rivest, D., Rolo V., López-Díaz L., & Moreno G. (2011).  Shrub encroachment in Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: Retama sphaerocarpa and Cistus ladanifer induce contrasting effects on pasture and Quercus ilex production. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 141, 447-454.
Echevarría-Zomeño, S., Abril N., Ruiz-Laguna J., Jorrín-novo J., & Maldonado-Alconada A. M. (2011).  Simple, rapid and reliable methods to obtain high quality RNA and genomic DNA from Quercus ilex L. leaves suitable for molecular biology studies. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 34, 793-805.
Hachmi, M'H., Sesbou A., Benjelloun H., Handouz N. El, & Bouanane F. (2011).  A Simple Technique to Estimate the Flammability Index of Moroccan Forest Fuels. Journal of Combustion. 2011(Table 1), 1 - 11.
Romeralo, M., Moya-Laraño J., & Lado C. (2011).  Social amoebae: environmental factors influencing their distribution and diversity across south-western Europe.. Microbial ecology. 61, 154-165.
Lucas-Borja, M. E., Candel D., Jindo K., Moreno J. L., Andrés M., & Bastida F. (2011).  Soil microbial community structure and activity in monospecific and mixed forest stands, under Mediterranean humid conditions. Plant and Soil. 354, 359-370.
Guénon, R., Vennetier M., Dupuy N., Ziarelli F., & Gros R. (2011).  Soil organic matter quality and microbial catabolic functions along a gradient of wildfire history in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Applied Soil Ecology. 48, 81-93.
Schnabel, S., Pulido-Fernández M., & Lavado-Contador J. F. (2011).  Soil water repellency in rangelands of Extremadura (Spain) and its relationship with land management. Catena.
