Research Publications

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Liñán, J., Cantos M., Troncoso J., García J. L., Fernández A., & Troncoso A. (2011).  Some propagation methods for cloning holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) plants. Central European Journal of Biology. 6(3), 359 - 364.
Liñán, J., Cantos M., Troncoso J., García J. L., Fernández A., & Troncoso A. (2011).  Some propagation methods for cloning holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) plants. Central European Journal of Biology. 6, 359-364.
Jimenez-Pino, A. (2011).  Spatial distribution of Cydia fagiglandana (Zeller) in an exploited holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest.. Spanish Journal of …. 9(2), 570 - 579.
Llusia, J., Penuelas J., Alessio G. a., & Ogaya R. (2011).  Species-specific, seasonal, inter-annual, and historically-accumulated changes in foliar terpene emission rates in Phillyrea latifolia and Quercus ilex submitted to rain exclusion in the Prades Mountains (Catalonia). Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 58, 126-132.
Llusia, J., Penuelas J., Alessio G. a, & Ogaya R. (2011).  Species-specific, seasonal, inter-annual, and historically-accumulated changes in foliar terpene emission rates in Phillyrea latifolia and Quercus ilex submitted to rain exclusion in the Prades Mountains (Catalonia). Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 58(1), 126 - 132.
Evidente, A., Maddau L., Scanu B., Andolfi A., Masi M., Motta A., et al. (2011).  Sphaeropsidones, Phytotoxic Dimedone Methyl Ethers Produced by Diplodia cupressi: A Structure−Activity Relationship Study. Journal of Natural Products. 74(4), 757 - 763.
Galván, J. Valero, Valledor L., Cerrillo R. M. Navarro, Pelegrín E. Gil, & Jorrín-Novo J. V. (2011).  Studies of variability in Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) through acorn protein profile analysis.. Journal of proteomics. 74, 1244-1255.
Baeza, M. J., Santana V. M., Pausas J. G., & Vallejo V. R. (2011).  Successional trends in standing dead biomass in Mediterranean basin species. Journal of Vegetation Science. 22(3), 467 - 474.
Chaves, I., Passarinho J. António P., Capitão C., Chaves M. Manuela, Fevereiro P., & Ricardo C. P. P. (2011).  Temperature stress effects in Quercus suber leaf metabolism.. Journal of plant physiology. 168, 1729-1734.
Robles, H., Ciudad C., & Matthysen E. (2011).  Tree-cavity occurrence, cavity occupation and reproductive performance of secondary cavity-nesting birds in oak forests: The role of traditional management practices. Forest Ecology and Management. 261, 1428-1435.
Gea-Izquierdo, G., Cherubini P., & Cañellas I. (2011).  Tree-rings reflect the impact of climate change on Quercus ilex L. along a temperature gradient in Spain over the last 100years. Forest Ecology and Management. 262(9), 1807 - 1816.
Baldantoni, D., Fagnano M., & Alfani A. (2011).  Tropospheric ozone effects on chemical composition and decomposition rate of Quercus ilex L. leaves.. The Science of the total environment. 409, 979-984.
Andivia, E., FERNÁNDEZ MANUEL., VÁZQUEZ-PIQUÉ JAVIER., & Alejano R. (2011).  Two provenances of Quercus ilex ssp. ballota (Desf) Samp. nursery seedlings have different response to frost tolerance and autumn fertilization. European Journal of Forest Research. 131(4), 1091 - 1101.
Olivella, M. À., Jové P., & Oliveras A. (2011).  The use of cork waste as a biosorbent for persistent organic pollutants–Study of adsorption/desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 46(8), 824 - 832.
Rubiales, J. M., Hernández L., Romero F., & Sanz C. (2011).  The use of forest resources in central Iberia during the Late Iron Age. Insights from the wood charcoal analysis of Pintia, a Vaccaean oppidum. Journal of Archaeological Science. 38, 1-10.
Cassagne, N., Pimont F., Dupuy J-L., Linn R. R., Mårell A., Oliveri C., et al. (2011).  Using a fire propagation model to assess the efficiency of prescribed burning in reducing the fire hazard. Ecological Modelling. 222(8), 1502 - 1514.
Chirino, E., Vilagrosa A., & V. Vallejo R. (2011).  Using hydrogel and clay to improve the water status of seedlings for dryland restoration. Plant and Soil. 344(1-2), 99 - 110.
Pinho, P., Dias T., Cruz C., Y Tang S., Sutton M. A., Martins-Loução M-A., et al. (2011).  Using lichen functional diversity to assess the effects of atmospheric ammonia in Mediterranean woodlands. Journal of Applied Ecology. 48, 1107-1116.
Linaldeddu, B. T., Sirca C., Spano D., & Franceschini A. (2011).  Variation of endophytic cork oak-associated fungal communities in relation to plant health and water stress. Forest Pathology. 41(3), 193 - 201.
Joannin, S., Bassinot F., Nebout N. Combourieu, Peyron O., & Beaudouin C. (2011).  Vegetation response to obliquity and precession forcing during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in Western Mediterranean region (ODP site 976). Quaternary Science Reviews. 30, 280-297.
Leal, S., Sousa V. B., Knapic S., Louzada J. Luís, & Pereira H. (2011).  Vessel size and number are contributors to define wood density in cork oak. European Journal of Forest Research. 130, 1023-1029.
Collins, F., Brabazon D., & Moran K. (2011).  Viscoelastic impact characterisation of solid sports balls used in the Irish sport of Hurling. Sports Engineering. 14(1), 15 - 25.
Barreto, M. C., L. Boas V., Carneiro L. C., San Rom M. V., L. Boas V., & San Romão M. V. (2011).  Volatile Compounds in Samples of Cork and also Produced by Selected Fungi. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 59(12), 6568 - 6574.
Quero, JL., Sterck FJ., Martínez-Vilalta J., & Villar R. (2011).  Water-use strategies of six co-existing Mediterranean woody species during a summer drought. Oecologia. 166, 45-57.
Olivera, a., Fischer C. R., Bonet J. a, J. de Aragón M., Oliach D., & Colinas C. (2011).  Weed management and irrigation are key treatments in emerging black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) cultivation. New Forests. 42(2), 227 - 239.
Halada, L., Evans D., Romão C., & Petersen J-E. (2011).  Which habitats of European importance depend on agricultural practices?. Biodiversity and Conservation. 20(11), 2365 - 2378.
