Research Publications

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Pérez-González, J., a Barbosa M., Carranza J., & Torres-Porras J. (2010).  Relative Effect of Food Supplementation and Natural Resources on Female Red Deer Distribution in a Mediterranean Ecosystem. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74(8), 1701 - 1708.
Villar-Salvador, P., Heredia N., & Millard P. (2010).  Remobilization of acorn nitrogen for seedling growth in holm oak (Quercus ilex), cultivated with contrasting nutrient availability.. Tree physiology. 30, 257-63.
Barrientos, R. (2010).  Retention of native vegetation within the plantation matrix improves its conservation value for a generalist woodpecker. Forest Ecology and Management. 260(5), 595 - 602.
Casals, P., Garcia-Pausas J., Montané F., Romanyà J., & Rovira P. (2010).  Root decomposition in grazed and abandoned dry Mediterranean dehesa and mesic mountain grasslands estimated by standard labelled roots. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 139(4), 759 - 765.
Ceballos, A., Cerdà A., & Schnabel S. (2010).  RUNOFF PRODUCTION AND EROSION PROCESSES ON A DEHESA IN WESTERN SPAIN*. Geographical Review. 92(3), 333 - 353.
Díaz-Barradas, M. Cruz, Zunzunegui M., Ain-Lhout F., Jáuregui J., Boutaleb S., Álvarez-Cansino L., et al. (2010).  Seasonal physiological responses of Argania spinosa tree from Mediterranean to semi-arid climate. Plant and Soil. 337(1-2), 217 - 231.
Galvez, R., Descalzo M. A., Miro G., Jimenez M. I., Martin O., F. Santos-Brandao D., et al. (2010).  Seasonal trends and spatial relations between environmental/meteorological factors and leishmaniosis sand fly vector abundances in Central Spain. ACTA TROPICA. 115(1-2, SI), 95 - 102.
Esteso-Martínez, J., Peguero-Pina J. Javier, Valladares F., Morales F., & Gil-Pelegrín E. (2010).  Self-shading in cork oak seedlings: Functional implications in heterogeneous light environments. Acta Oecologica. 36(4), 423 - 430.
Farris, E., Filigheddu R., Deiana P., Farris G. a, & Garau G. (2010).  Short-term effects on sheep pastureland due to grazing abandonment in a Western Mediterranean island ecosystem: A multidisciplinary approach. Journal for Nature Conservation. 18(4), 258 - 267.
De Oliveira, T., Hättenschwiler S., & Handa I. Tanya (2010).  Snail and millipede complementarity in decomposing Mediterranean forest leaf litter mixtures. Functional Ecology. 24(4), 937 - 946.
De Oliveira, T., Hättenschwiler S., & Handa I. Tanya (2010).  Snail and millipede complementarity in decomposing Mediterranean forest leaf litter mixtures. Functional Ecology. 24(4), 937 - 946.
Zucca, C., Canu A., & Previtali F. (2010).  Soil degradation by land use change in an agropastoral area in Sardinia (Italy). Catena. 83, 46-54.
Cocco, A., Cossu A. Q., Erre P., Nieddu G., & Luciano P. (2010).  Spatial analysis of gypsy moth populations in Sardinia using geostatistical and climate models. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 12(4), 417 - 426.
Fedriani, J. M., Wiegand T., & Delibes M. (2010).  Spatial pattern of adult trees and the mammal-generated seed rain in the Iberian pear. Ecography.
Baraza, E., Zamora R., & Hódar J. a (2010).  Species-Specific Responses of Tree Saplings to Herbivory in Contrasting Light Environments: An Experimental Approach. Ecoscience. 17(2), 156 - 165.
García, A., Perea J., Acero R., & Angón E. (2010).  Structural characterizarion of extensive farms in Andalusian dehesas. Arch. Zoot. 59(228), 577 - 588.
Teixeira, R. Teresa, & Pereira H. (2010).  Suberized Cell Walls of Cork from Cork Oak Differ from Other Species. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 16(5), 569 - 575.
Pignone, D., & Laghetti G. (2010).  On sweet acorn (Quercus spp.) cake tradition in Italian cultural and ethnic islands. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 57(8), 1261 - 1266.
Anjos, O., Pereira H., & M. Rosa E. (2010).  Tensile properties of cork in axial stress and influence of porosity, density, quality and radial position in the plank. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 69(1), 85 - 91.
P. Rodríguez, B., F. Tomé V., Lozano J. C., & Fernández M. a Pérez (2010).  Transfer of 238U, 230Th, 226Ra, and 210Pb from soils to tree and shrub species in a Mediterranean area.. Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine. 68(6), 1154 - 1159.
Vieira, L. C., Oliveira N. G., & Gayubo S. F. (2010).  On the use of Apiformes and Spheciformes (Insecta: Hymenoptera) populations as a management tool. Biodiversity and Conservation. 20(3), 519 - 530.
Campelo, F., Nabais C., Gutiérrez E., Freitas H., & García-González I. (2010).  Vessel features of Quercus ilex L. growing under Mediterranean climate have a better climatic signal than tree-ring width. Trees. 24(3), 463 - 470.
Cuesta, B., Villar-Salvador P., Puértolas J., Jacobs D. F., & Benayas J. M. Rey (2010).  Why do large, nitrogen rich seedlings better resist stressful transplanting conditions? A physiological analysis in two functionally contrasting Mediterranean forest species. Forest Ecology and Management. 260(1), 71 - 78.
Tárrega, R., Calvo L., Taboada Á., García-Tejero S., & Marcos E. (2009).  Abandonment and management in Spanish dehesa systems: Effects on soil features and plant species richness and composition. Forest Ecology and Management. 257, 731-738.
Castro, H., & Freitas H. (2009).  Above-ground biomass and productivity in the Montado: From herbaceous to shrub dominated communities. Journal of Arid Environments. 73(4-5), 506 - 511.
Fares, S., Mereu S., G. Mugnozza S., Vitale M., Manes F., Frattoni M., et al. (2009).  The ACCENT-VOCBAS field campaign on biosphere-atmosphere interactions in a Mediterranean ecosystem of Castelporziano (Rome): site characteristics, climatic and meteorological conditions, and eco-physiology of vegetation. Biogeosciences. 6(6), 1043 - 1058.
Fares, S., Mereu S., G Mugnozza S., Vitale M., Manes F., Frattoni M., et al. (2009).  The ACCENT-VOCBAS field campaign on biosphere-atmosphere interactions in a Mediterranean ecosystem of Castelporziano (Rome): site characteristics, climatic and meteorological conditions, and eco-physiology of vegetation. Biogeosciences. 6, 1043-1058.
Espelta, J. Maria, Cortes P., Molowny-Horas R., & Retana J. (2009).  Acorn crop size and pre-dispersal predation determine inter-specific differences in the recruitment of co-occurring oaks.. Oecologia. 161(3), 559 - 68.
Costa, A., Pereira H., & Madeira M. (2009).  Análise Espacial da Mortalidade do Sobreiro em S. Bartolomeu da Serra (Santiago do Cacém). Congresso Florestal Nacional, 6º, Ponta Delgada, 2009 - A floresta num mundo globalizado. 123 - 129.
Costa, A., Pereira H., & Madeira M. (2009).  Análise Espacial da Mortalidade do Sobreiro em S. Bartolomeu da Serra (Santiago do Cacém). Congresso Florestal Nacional, 6º, Ponta Delgada, 2009 - A floresta num mundo globalizado. 123-129.
