Research Publications

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Gea-Izquierdo, G., Montero G., & Cañellas I. (2009).  Changes in limiting resources determine spatio-temporal variability in tree–grass interactions. Agroforestry Systems. 76, 375-387.
Echevarría-Zomeño, S., Ariza D., Jorge I., Lenz C., Del Campo A., Jorrín J. V., et al. (2009).  Changes in the protein profile of Quercus ilex leaves in response to drought stress and recovery.. Journal of plant physiology. 166(3), 233 - 245.
Echevarría-Zomeño, S., Ariza D., Jorge I., Lenz C., Del Campo A., Jorrín J. V., et al. (2009).  Changes in the protein profile of Quercus ilex leaves in response to drought stress and recovery.. Journal of plant physiology. 166, 233-245.
Hussain, M. Z., Otieno D. O., Mirzae H., Li Y. L., Schmidt M. W. T., Siebke L., et al. (2009).  CO2 exchange and biomass development of the herbaceous vegetation in the Portuguese montado ecosystem during spring. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 132, 143-152.
H Maia, E., Hammouch A., & Aboutajdine D. (2009).  Color-texture analysis by mutual information for multispectral image classification. Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, 2009. PacRim 2009. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on. 359-364.
H. Maia, E., Hammouch A., & Aboutajdine D. (2009).  Color-texture analysis by mutual information for multispectral image classification.
Fernandes, P. M. (2009).  Combining forest structure data and fuel modelling to classify fire hazard in Portugal. Annals of Forest Science. 66(4), 
Fernandes, P. M. (2009).  Combining forest structure data and fuel modelling to classify fire hazard in Portugal. Annals of Forest Science. 66, 415.
Davison, B., Taipale R., Langford B., Misztal P., Fares S., Matteucci G., et al. (2009).  Concentrations and fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds above a Mediterranean macchia ecosystem in western Italy. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 6, 1655-1670.
Davison, B., Taipale R., Langford B., Misztal P., Fares S., Matteucci G., et al. (2009).  Concentrations and fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds above a Mediterranean macchia ecosystem in western Italy. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 6(8), 1655 - 1670.
Matías, L., Mendoza I., Zamora R., & Mat L. (2009).  Consistent pattern of habitat and species selection by post-dispersal seed predators in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape. Plant Ecology. 203(1), 137 - 147.
Matías, L., Mendoza I., Zamora R., & Mat L. (2009).  Consistent pattern of habitat and species selection by post-dispersal seed predators in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape. Plant Ecology. 203, 137-147.
Campos, P., Oviedo J. L., Caparros A., Huntsinger L., & Coelho I. (2009).  Contingent Valuation of Woodland-Owner Private Amenities in Spain, Portugal, and California.. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 62(3), 240 - 252.
Campos, P., Oviedo J. L., Caparros A., Huntsinger L., & Coelho I. (2009).  Contingent Valuation of Woodland-Owner Private Amenities in Spain, Portugal, and California.. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 62, 240-252.
da Ponte-e-Sousa, J. Carlos a., Neto-Vaz A. Manuel, da Ponte-e-Sousa J. Carlos a., & Neto-Vaz A. Manuel (2009).  Cork and metals: a review. Wood Science and Technology. 45, 183-202.
da Ponte-e-Sousa, J. Carlos a C., Neto-Vaz A. Manuel, da Ponte-e-Sousa J. Carlos a d, & Neto-Vaz A. Manuel (2009).  Cork and metals: a review. Wood Science and Technology. 45(1), 183 - 202.
VIDAL, N., BALLESTER A., FERNÁNDEZ M. R., CUENCA B., & OCAÑA L. (2009).  Crioconservación de genotipos adultos de castaño y alcornoque seleccionados en campo. V Congreso Forestal Español. 1-10.
VIDAL, N., BALLESTER A., FERNÁNDEZ M. R., Cuenca B., & Ocaña L. (2009).  Crioconservación de genotipos adultos de castaño y alcornoque seleccionados en campo. V Congreso Forestal Español. 1 - 10.
Jiménez, M. Dolores, Pardos M., Puértolas J., Kleczkowski L. A., & Pardos J. Alberto (2009).  Deep shade alters the acclimation response to moderate water stress in Quercus suber L.. Forestry. 82, 285-298.
Campelo, F., Nabais C., García-González I., Cherubini P., Gutiérrez E., & Freitas H. (2009).  Dendrochronology of Quercus ilex L. and its potential use for climate reconstruction in the Mediterranean region. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39, 2486-2493.
Campelo, F., Nabais C., García-González I., Cherubini P., GUTIÉRREZ E., & Freitas H. (2009).  Dendrochronology of Quercus ilex L. and its potential use for climate reconstruction in the Mediterranean region. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39(12), 2486 - 2493.
Burgarella, C., Lorenzo Z., Jabbour-Zahab R., Lumaret R., Guichoux E., Petit R. J., et al. (2009).  Detection of hybrids in nature: application to oaks (Quercus suber and Q. ilex).. Heredity. 102(5), 442 - 452.
Burgarella, C., Lorenzo Z., Jabbour-Zahab R., Lumaret R., Guichoux E., Petit R. J., et al. (2009).  Detection of hybrids in nature: application to oaks (Quercus suber and Q. ilex).. Heredity. 102, 442-452.
Lenoir, J., Gégout J-C., Pierrat J-C., Bontemps J-D., & Dhôte J-F. (2009).  Differences between tree species seedling and adult altitudinal distribution in mountain forests during the recent warm period (1986–2006). Ecography. 32(5), 765 - 777.
Sanz-Pérez, V., Castro-Diez P., & Valladares F. (2009).  Differential and interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on budburst and carbon reserves in two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks. Plant Biology. 11, 142-151.
Sanz-Pérez, V., Castro-Díez P., & Valladares F. (2009).  Differential and interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on budburst and carbon reserves in two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks. Plant Biology. 11(2), 142 - 151.
Peguero-Pina, J. Javier, Sancho-Knapik D., Morales F., Flexas J., & Gil-Pelegrín E. (2009).  Differential photosynthetic performance and photoprotection mechanisms of three Mediterranean evergreen oaks under severe drought stress. FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY. 36, 453-462.
Letreuch-Belarouci, A. (2009).  Diversité floristique des suberaies du Parc National de Tlemcen (Algerie. Acta botánica malacitana. 34, 77 - 89.
Azul, A. Marisa, Castro P., Sousa J. Paulo, & Freitas H. (2009).  Diversity and fruiting patterns of ectomycorrhizal and saprobic fungi as indicators of land-use severity in managed woodlands dominated by Quercus suber — a case study from southern Portugal. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39(12), 2404 - 2417.
Azul, A. Marisa, Castro P., Sousa J. Paulo, & Freitas H. (2009).  Diversity and fruiting patterns of ectomycorrhizal and saprobic fungi as indicators of land-use severity in managed woodlands dominated by Quercus suber — a case study from southern Portugal. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39, 2404-2417.
