Research Publications

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Ali, A. Ahmed, Roiron P., Chabal L., Ambert P., Gasco J., André J., et al. (2008).  Holocene hydrological and vegetation changes in southern France inferred by the study of an alluvial travertine system (Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Hérault). Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 340, 356-366.
Ali, A. Ahmed, Roiron P., Chabal L., Ambert P., Gasco J., André J., et al. (2008).  Holocene hydrological and vegetation changes in southern France inferred by the study of an alluvial travertine system (Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Hérault). Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 340(6), 356 - 366.
Blondel, J. (2008).  On humans and wildlife in Mediterranean islands. Journal of Biogeography. 35(3), 509 - 518.
Blondel, J. (2008).  On humans and wildlife in Mediterranean islands. Journal of Biogeography. 35, 509-518.
Coquet, C., Ferré E., Peyronel D., Dal Farra C., & Farnet A. Marie (2008).  Identification of new molecules extracted from Quercus suber L. cork.. Comptes rendus biologies. 331, 853-858.
Coquet, C., Ferré E., Peyronel D., Dal Farra C., & Farnet A. Marie (2008).  Identification of new molecules extracted from Quercus suber L. cork.. Comptes rendus biologies. 331(11), 853 - 858.
Moreno, G., & Cubera E. (2008).  Impact of stand density on water status and leaf gas exchange in Quercus ilex. Forest Ecology and Management. 254, 74-84.
Moreno, G., & Cubera E. (2008).  Impact of stand density on water status and leaf gas exchange in Quercus ilex. Forest Ecology and Management. 254(1), 74 - 84.
Abreu, M. M., Matias M. J., M Magalhães C. F., & Basto M. J. (2008).  Impacts on water, soil and plants from the abandoned Miguel Vacas copper mine, Portugal. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 96, 161-170.
Abreu, M. M., Matias M. J., M. Magalhães C. F., & Basto M. J. (2008).  Impacts on water, soil and plants from the abandoned Miguel Vacas copper mine, Portugal. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 96(2-3), 161 - 170.
Alessio, G. A., Penuelas J., De Lillis M., & Llusia J. (2008).  Implications of foliar terpene content and hydration on leaf flammability of Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis. Plant Biology. 10, 123-128.
Alessio, G. A., Penuelas J., De Lillis M., & Llusia J. (2008).  Implications of foliar terpene content and hydration on leaf flammability of Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis. Plant Biology. 10(1), 123 - 128.
Horta, M., Sousa N., Coelho A. C., Neves D., & Cravador A. (2008).  In vitro and in vivo quantification of elicitin expression in Phytophthora cinnamomi. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 73, 48-57.
Maltez-Mouro, S., García L. V., & Freitas H. (2008).  Influence of forest structure and environmental variables on recruit survival and performance of two Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea L. and Q. suber Lam.). European Journal of Forest Research. 128, 27-36.
Maltez-Mouro, S., García L. V., & Freitas H. (2008).  Influence of forest structure and environmental variables on recruit survival and performance of two Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea L. and Q. suber Lam.). European Journal of Forest Research. 128(1), 27 - 36.
Alejano, R., Tapias R., Fernández M., Torres E., Alaejos J., & Domingo J. (2008).  Influence of pruning and the climatic conditions on acorn production in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) dehesas in SW Spain. Annals of Forest Science. 65,
Alejano, R., TAPIAS R., Fernández M., Torres E., Alaejos J., & Domingo J. (2008).  Influence of pruning and the climatic conditions on acorn production in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) dehesas in SW Spain. Annals of Forest Science. 65, 209.
Alaejos, J., López F., Pérez A., Rodríguez A., & Jiménez L. (2008).  Influence of the holm oak soda pulping conditions on the properties of the resulting paper sheets.. Bioresource technology. 99, 6320-4.
Alaejos, J., López F., Pérez A., Rodríguez A., & Jiménez L. (2008).  Influence of the holm oak soda pulping conditions on the properties of the resulting paper sheets.. Bioresource technology. 99(14), 6320 - 4.
Lacambra, L. Carlos Jov, Andray A. Blanco, & Francés F. Santos (2008).  Influence of the soil water holding capacity on the potential distribution of forest species. A case study: the potential distribution of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) in central-western Spain. European Journal of Forest Research. 129, 111-117.
Alessio, G. A., Penuelas J., Llusia J., Ogaya R., Estiarte M., & De Lillis M. (2008).  Influence of water and terpenes on flammability in some dominant Mediterranean species. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE. 17, 274-286.
Alessio, G. A., Penuelas J., Llusia J., Ogaya R., Estiarte M., & De Lillis M. (2008).  Influence of water and terpenes on flammability in some dominant Mediterranean species. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE. 17(2), 274 - 286.
Núñez, J. Alfonso Do, González R. Planelles, Barreal J. Antonio Ro, & González J. Antonio Sa (2008).  Influence of water-stress acclimation and Tuber melanosporum mycorrhization on Quercus ilex seedlings. Agroforestry Systems. 75, 251-259.
Núñez, J. Alfonso Do, González R. Planelles, Barreal J. Antonio Ro, & González J. Antonio Sa (2008).  Influence of water-stress acclimation and Tuber melanosporum mycorrhization on Quercus ilex seedlings. Agroforestry Systems. 75(3), 251 - 259.
Puértolas, J., Pardos M., & Jiménez M. D. (2008).  Interactive responses of Quercus suber L. seedlings to light and mild water stress: effects on morphology and gas exchange traits. Annals of Forest Science. 65, 611.
Puértolas, J., Pardos M., & Jiménez M. D. (2008).  Interactive responses of Quercus suber L. seedlings to light and mild water stress: effects on morphology and gas exchange traits. Annals of Forest Science. 65,
Gouveia, A. C., & Freitas H. (2008).  Intraspecific competition and water use efficiency in Quercus suber: evidence of an optimum tree density?. Trees. 22, 521-530.
P PALACIN, CAMPOS., & A GASS CAPARROS. (2008).  La renta ambiental de los bosques. ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura. CLXXXIV, 57-69.
P. Palacín, C., & A. Gass C. (2008).  La renta ambiental de los bosques. ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura. CLXXXIV(729), 57 - 69.
Balbontín, J., Negro J. José, Sarasola J. Hernán, Ferrero J. José, & Rivera D. (2008).  Land-use changes may explain the recent range expansion of the Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus in southern Europe. Ibis. 150(4), 707 - 716.
