Research Publications

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Balbontín, J., Negro J. José, Sarasola J. Hernán, Ferrero J. José, & Rivera D. (2008).  Land-use changes may explain the recent range expansion of the Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus in southern Europe. Ibis. 150, 707-716.
Belis, C. a., Finsinger W., & Ammann B. (2008).  The late glacial–Holocene transition as inferred from ostracod and pollen records in the Lago Piccolo di Avigliana (Northern Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 264, 306-317.
De Nicola, F., Maisto G., Prati M. V., & Alfani a. (2008).  Leaf accumulation of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Quercus ilex L.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 153, 376-383.
De Nicola, F., Maisto G., Prati M. V., & Alfani A. (2008).  Leaf accumulation of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Quercus ilex L.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 153(2), 376 - 383.
Brossa, R., Casals I., Pintó-Marijuan M., & Fleck I. (2008).  Leaf flavonoid content in Quercus ilex L. resprouts and its seasonal variation. Trees. 23, 401-408.
Brossa, R., Casals I., Pintó-Marijuan M., & Fleck I. (2008).  Leaf flavonoid content in Quercus ilex L. resprouts and its seasonal variation. Trees. 23(2), 401 - 408.
Benayas, J. M. R., Cuesta B., VILLAR-SALVADOR P., & Jáuregui P. (2008).  Life-history traits in an evergreen Mediterranean oak respond differentially to previous experimental environments. Web Ecology. 8, 74-83.
Benayas, J. M. R., Cuesta B., Villar-Salvador P., & Jáuregui P. (2008).  Life-history traits in an evergreen Mediterranean oak respond differentially to previous experimental environments. Web Ecology. 8(1), 74 - 83.
Montero, M. Jesús, Moreno G., & Bertomeu M. (2008).  Light distribution in scattered-trees open woodlands in Western Spain. Agroforestry Systems. 73, 233-244.
Montero, M. Jesús, Moreno G., & Bertomeu M. (2008).  Light distribution in scattered-trees open woodlands in Western Spain. Agroforestry Systems. 73(3), 233 - 244.
Gratani, L., Crescente M. Fiore, & Varone L. (2008).  Long-term monitoring of metal pollution by urban trees. Atmospheric Environment. 42, 8273-8277.
Figueiral, I., & Jorge S. O. (2008).  Man-Made Landscapes From the Third–Second Millennia Bc: the Example of Castelo Velho (Freixo De Numão, North-East Portugal). Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 27, 119-133.
Figueiral, I., & Jorge S. O. (2008).  Man-Made Landscapes From the Third–Second Millennia Bc: the Example of Castelo Velho (Freixo De Numão, North-East Portugal). Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 27(2), 119 - 133.
Espelta, J. Maria, Cortés P., Molowny-Horas R., Sánchez-Humanes B., & Retana J. (2008).  Masting mediated by summer drought reduces acorn predation in mediterranean oak forests. ECOLOGY. 89(3), 805 - 817.
Espelta, J. Maria, Cortés P., Molowny-Horas R., Sánchez-Humanes B., & Retana J. (2008).  Masting mediated by summer drought reduces acorn predation in mediterranean oak forests. ECOLOGY. 89, 805-817.
J Parra, G., & Villar M. A. Candás (2008).  Materia orgánica de suelos bajo encinas. Mineralización de carbono y nitrógeno. Forest Systems. 13, 75-83.
González-Tejero, M. R., Casares-Porcel M., Sánchez-Rojas C. P., Ramiro-Gutiérrez J. M., Molero-Mesa J., Pieroni A., et al. (2008).  Medicinal plants in the Mediterranean area: synthesis of the results of the project Rubia.. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 116, 341-357.
Papa, S., Pellegrino A., & Fioretto A. (2008).  Microbial activity and quality changes during decomposition of Quercus ilex leaf litter in three Mediterranean woods. Applied Soil Ecology. 40(3), 401 - 410.
Papa, S., Pellegrino a., & Fioretto a. (2008).  Microbial activity and quality changes during decomposition of Quercus ilex leaf litter in three Mediterranean woods. Applied Soil Ecology. 40, 401-410.
Grote, R., & Niinemets Ü. (2008).  Modeling volatile isoprenoid emissions – a story with split ends. Plant Biology. 10, 8-28.
Davi, H., Barbaroux C., Dufrêne E., François C., Montpied P., Bréda N., et al. (2008).  Modelling leaf mass per area in forest canopy as affected by prevailing radiation conditions. Ecological Modelling. 211(3-4), 339 - 349.
Davi, H., Barbaroux C., Dufrêne E., François C., Montpied P., Bréda N., et al. (2008).  Modelling leaf mass per area in forest canopy as affected by prevailing radiation conditions. Ecological Modelling. 211, 339-349.
Limousin, J-M., Rambal S., OURCIVAL JEAN-MARC., & Joffre R. (2008).  Modelling rainfall interception in a mediterranean Quercus ilex ecosystem: Lesson from a throughfall exclusion experiment. Journal of Hydrology. 357(1-2), 57 - 66.
Gouveia, A. C., & Freitas H. (2008).  Modulation of leaf attributes and water use efficiency in Quercus suber along a rainfall gradient. Trees. 23(2), 267 - 275.
Gouveia, A. C., & Freitas H. (2008).  Modulation of leaf attributes and water use efficiency in Quercus suber along a rainfall gradient. Trees. 23, 267-275.
Jakucs, E., & Eros-Honti Z. (2008).  Morphological-anatomical characterization and identification of Tomentella ectomycorrhizas.. Mycorrhiza. 18, 277-285.
Suz, L. M., Martín M. P., Oliach D., Fischer C. R., & Colinas C. (2008).  Mycelial abundance and other factors related to truffle productivity in Tuber melanosporum–Quercus ilex orchards. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 285(1), 72 - 78.
Suz, L. M., Martín M. P., Oliach D., Fischer C. R., & Colinas C. (2008).  Mycelial abundance and other factors related to truffle productivity in Tuber melanosporum–Quercus ilex orchards. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 285, 72-78.
Garcia-Montero, L. G., Di Massimo G., Manjon J. L., & García-Abril A. (2008).  New data on ectomycorrhizae and soils of the Chinese truffles Tuber pseudoexcavatum and Tuber indicum, and their impact on truffle cultivation.. Mycorrhiza. 19(1), 7 - 14.
Garcia-Montero, L. G., Di Massimo G., Manjon J. L., & García-Abril A. (2008).  New data on ectomycorrhizae and soils of the Chinese truffles Tuber pseudoexcavatum and Tuber indicum, and their impact on truffle cultivation.. Mycorrhiza. 19, 7-14.
