Research Publications

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Eires, R., Camoes A., & Jalali S. (2008).  New Eco-Friendly Gypsum Materials for Civil Construction. (, Ed.).ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM IV. 587-588, 908-912.
Eires, R., Camoes A., & Jalali S. (2008).  New Eco-Friendly Gypsum Materials for Civil Construction. (Marques, AT. and Silva, Ed.).ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM IV. 587-588, 908 - 912.
Alarcón-Gutiérrez, E., Floch C., Ruaudel F., & Criquet S. (2008).  Non-enzymatic hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) in a Mediterranean oak (Quercus ilex L.) litter. European Journal of Soil Science. 59(2), 139 - 146.
Alarcón-Gutiérrez, E., Floch C., Ruaudel F., & Criquet S. (2008).  Non-enzymatic hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) in a Mediterranean oak (Quercus ilex L.) litter. European Journal of Soil Science. 59, 139-146.
Barreto, L. Soares (2008).  O Algoritmo BARCOR: Classificação de Cortiça para Rolhas Recorrendo a Quatro Atributos de Qualidade. Silva Lusitana. 16, 207 - 227.
Barreto, L. Soares (2008).  O Algoritmo BARCOR: Classificação de Cortiça para Rolhas Recorrendo a Quatro Atributos de Qualidade. Silva Lusitana. 16, 207-227.
Gómez-Aparicio, L., PÉREZ-RAMOS I. M., Mendoza I., Matías L., Quero J. L., Castro J., et al. (2008).  Oak seedling survival and growth along resource gradients in Mediterranean forests: implications for regeneration in current and future environmental scenarios. Oikos. 117, 1683-1699.
Juárez-López, F. José, Escudero A., & Mediavilla S. (2008).  Ontogenetic changes in stomatal and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis of two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks differing in leaf life span. Tree Physiology. 28, 367-374.
La Marca, O., Marziliano P. A., & Scopigno D. (2008).  Opzioni selvicolturali su cedui di leccio del Gargano: risultati a 14 anni dall'avvio della sperimentazione. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. 5, 318-336.
Fletcher, W. J., & Goñi M. Fernanda S. (2008).  Orbital- and sub-orbital-scale climate impacts on vegetation of the western Mediterranean basin over the last 48,000 yr. Quaternary Research. 70, 451-464.
Fletcher, W. J., & Goñi M. Fernanda S. (2008).  Orbital- and sub-orbital-scale climate impacts on vegetation of the western Mediterranean basin over the last 48,000 yr. Quaternary Research. 70(3), 451 - 464.
Jimenez, J. J., Sanchez J. E., Romero M. A., Belbahri L., Trapero A., Lefort F., et al. (2008).  Pathogenicity of Pythium spiculum and P-sterilum on feeder roots of Quercus rotundifolia. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 57(2), 
Jimenez, J. J., Sanchez J. E., Romero M. A., Belbahri L., TRAPERO A., Lefort F., et al. (2008).  Pathogenicity of Pythium spiculum and P-sterilum on feeder roots of Quercus rotundifolia. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 57, 369.
Karioti, A., Tooulakou G., Karabourniotis G., Bilia A. R., & Skaltsa H. (2008).  Phenolic variations in mite infected leaves of Quercus ilex L. (Fagaceae). PLANTA MEDICA. 74, 1098.
García-Plazaola, J. Ignacio, Esteban R., Hormaetxe K., Fernández-Marín B., & Becerril J. Maria (2008).  Photoprotective responses of Mediterranean and Atlantic trees to the extreme heat-wave of summer 2003 in Southwestern Europe. Trees. 22(3), 385 - 392.
García-Plazaola, J. Ignacio, Esteban R., Hormaetxe K., Fernández-Marín B., & Becerril J. Maria (2008).  Photoprotective responses of Mediterranean and Atlantic trees to the extreme heat-wave of summer 2003 in Southwestern Europe. Trees. 22, 385-392.
Arena, C., Vitale L., & A. De Santo V. (2008).  Photosynthesis and photoprotective strategies in Laurus nobilis L. and Quercus ilex L. under summer drought and winter cold. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 142(3), 472 - 479.
Arena, C., Vitale L., & A de Santo V. (2008).  Photosynthesis and photoprotective strategies in Laurus nobilis L. and Quercus ilex L. under summer drought and winter cold. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 142, 472-479.
Lopez, J. M. Garcia, & C. CAMACHO ALLUÉ. (2008).  Phytoclimatic versatility and potential diversity of natural arboreal forest cover in peninsular Spain. INVESTIGACION AGRARIA-SISTEMAS Y RECURSOS FORESTALES. 17(3), 297 - 307.
Lopez, J. M. Garcia, & C CAMACHO ALLUÉ. (2008).  Phytoclimatic versatility and potential diversity of natural arboreal forest cover in peninsular Spain. INVESTIGACION AGRARIA-SISTEMAS Y RECURSOS FORESTALES. 17, 297-307.
Taboada, Á., Tárrega R., Calvo L., Marcos E., Marcos J. Antonio, & Salgado J. María (2008).  Plant and carabid beetle species diversity in relation to forest type and structural heterogeneity. European Journal of Forest Research. 129, 31-45.
Taboada, Á., Tárrega R., Calvo L., Marcos E., Marcos J. Antonio, & Salgado J. María (2008).  Plant and carabid beetle species diversity in relation to forest type and structural heterogeneity. European Journal of Forest Research. 129(1), 31 - 45.
Freisinger, E. (2008).  Plant MTs-long neglected members of the metallothionein superfamily. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 6663-6675.
Freisinger, E. (2008).  Plant MTs-long neglected members of the metallothionein superfamily. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 6663 - 6675.
Jardine, K., Harley P., Karl T., Guenther A., Lerdau M., & Mak J. E. (2008).  Plant physiological and environmental controls over the exchange of acetaldehyde between forest canopies and the atmosphere. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 5, 1559-1572.
Beja, P., Gordinho L., Reino L., Loureiro F., Santos-Reis M., & Borralho R. (2008).  Predator abundance in relation to small game management in southern Portugal: conservation implications. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 55(3), 227 - 238.
Beja, P., Gordinho L., Reino L., Loureiro F., Santos-Reis M., & Borralho R. (2008).  Predator abundance in relation to small game management in southern Portugal: conservation implications. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 55, 227-238.
Campanile, G., Schena L., & Luisi N. (2008).  Real-time PCR identification and detection of Fuscoporia torulosa in Quercus ilex. Plant Pathology. 57, 76-83.
Campanile, G., Schena L., & Luisi N. (2008).  Real-time PCR identification and detection of Fuscoporia torulosa in Quercus ilex. Plant Pathology. 57(1), 76 - 83.
García-Mozo, H., Chuine I., Aira M. J. J., Belmonte J., Bermejo D., C. de la Guardia D., et al. (2008).  Regional phenological models for forecasting the start and peak of the Quercus pollen season in Spain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148(3), 372 - 380.
