Research Publications

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Gratani, L., Varone L., & Bonito A. (2007).  Environmental induced variations in leaf dark respiration and net photosynthesis of Quercus ilex L.. Photosynthetica. 45, 633-636.
Ghaioule, D., Lumaret J-P., Rochat D., Maatouf N., & Niogret J. (2007).  Estimation of white grub damage (Coleoptera : Scarabaeoidea) in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) regeneration parcels of the Mamora forest (Morocco) and search for biological control using sex pheromones.. ANNALES DE LA SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. 43, 1-8.
Ghaioule, D., Lumaret J-P., Rochat D., Maatouf N., & Niogret J. (2007).  Estimation of white grub damage (Coleoptera : Scarabaeoidea) in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) regeneration parcels of the Mamora forest (Morocco) and search for biological control using sex pheromones.. ANNALES DE LA SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. 43(1), 1 - 8.
M Bonet, A., & Vallès J. (2007).  Ethnobotany of Montseny biosphere reserve (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula): plants used in veterinary medicine.. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 110, 130-147.
M. Bonet, A., & Vallès J. (2007).  Ethnobotany of Montseny biosphere reserve (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula): plants used in veterinary medicine.. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 110(1), 130 - 147.
Arbouche, H. Saadia, & Arbouche F. (2007).  Evaluation of the energy value of plant species consumed by the Barbary Deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus, Bennet 1833) in the area of El Ayoune (El Kala National Park, Algeria). REVUE D ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE. 62(4), 375 - 380.
Arbouche, H. Saadia, & Arbouche F. (2007).  Evaluation of the energy value of plant species consumed by the Barbary Deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus, Bennet 1833) in the area of El Ayoune (El Kala National Park, Algeria). REVUE D ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE. 62, 375-380.
Barboutis, J. a, & Philippou J. L. (2007).  Evergreen Mediterranean hardwoods as particleboard raw material. Building and Environment. 42(3), 1183 - 1187.
Barboutis, J. a., & Philippou J. L. (2007).  Evergreen Mediterranean hardwoods as particleboard raw material. Building and Environment. 42, 1183-1187.
Bajocco, S., & Ricotta C. (2007).  Evidence of selective burning in Sardinia (Italy): which land-cover classes do wildfires prefer?. Landscape Ecology. 23(2), 241 - 248.
Bajocco, S., & Ricotta C. (2007).  Evidence of selective burning in Sardinia (Italy): which land-cover classes do wildfires prefer?. Landscape Ecology. 23, 241-248.
Gameiro, C. Pires, Cirne J., & Gary G. (2007).  Experimental study of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of cork under compressive loading. Journal of Materials Science. 42, 4316-4324.
Gameiro, C. Pires, Cirne J., & Gary G. (2007).  Experimental study of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of cork under compressive loading. Journal of Materials Science. 42(12), 4316 - 4324.
Ascensão, F., & Mira A. (2007).  Factors affecting culvert use by vertebrates along two stretches of road in southern Portugal. Ecological Research. 22, 57-66.
Ascensão, F., & Mira A. (2007).  Factors affecting culvert use by vertebrates along two stretches of road in southern Portugal. Ecological Research. 22(1), 57 - 66.
Cano, L., Escarre J., & Sans F. X. (2007).  Factors affecting the invasion success of Senecio inaequidens and S. pterophorus in Mediterranean plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. 18(2), 281 - 288.
Caño, L., Escarré J., & Sans F. X. (2007).  Factors affecting the invasion success of Senecio inaequidens and S. pterophorus in Mediterranean plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. 18, 281-288.
Espírito-Santo, C., ROSALINO LUIS. M., & Santos-Reis M. (2007).  Factors affecting the placement of common genet latrine sites in a Mediterranean landscape in Portugal. Journal of mammalogy. 88, 201-207.
Espírito-Santo, C., ROSALINO LUIS. M., & Santos-Reis M. (2007).  Factors affecting the placement of common genet latrine sites in a Mediterranean landscape in Portugal. Journal of mammalogy. 88(1), 201 - 207.
Cardoso, A. Cristina, Poeiras A. Sofia, & Carrapato C. (2007).  Factors responsible for the presence and distribution of black bellied sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis in the Nature Park ``Vale do Guadiana''. ARDEOLA. 54, 205-215.
Cardoso, A. Cristina, Poeiras A. Sofia, & Carrapato C. (2007).  Factors responsible for the presence and distribution of black bellied sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis in the Nature Park ``Vale do Guadiana''. ARDEOLA. 54(2), 205 - 215.
Fernández, M., Ordóñez J. Antonio, Cambero I., Santos C., Pin C., & De La Hoz L. (2007).  Fatty acid compositions of selected varieties of Spanish dry ham related to their nutritional implications. Food Chemistry. 101(1), 107 - 112.
Fernández, M., Ordóñez J. Antonio, Cambero I., Santos C., Pin C., & De La Hoz L. (2007).  Fatty acid compositions of selected varieties of Spanish dry ham related to their nutritional implications. Food Chemistry. 101, 107-112.
CELESTINO, C., HERNÁNDEZ I., Lopez-Vela D., CARNEROS E., ALEGRE J., TORIBIO M., et al. (2007).  First data from a field trial of Quercus suber plants regenerated from mature selected trees and from their half-sib progenies by somatic embryogenesis. (, Ed.).Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Acclimatization and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants. 215-218.
Celestino, C., Hernández I., Lopez-Vela D., Carneros E., Alegre J., Toribio M., et al. (2007).  First data from a field trial of Quercus suber plants regenerated from mature selected trees and from their half-sib progenies by somatic embryogenesis. (Santamaria, JM. and Desjar, Ed.).Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Acclimatization and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants. 215 - 218.
Linaldeddu, B. T., Franceschini A., Luque J., & Phillips A. J. L. (2007).  First Report of Canker Disease Caused by Botryosphaeria parva on Cork Oak Trees in Italy. Plant Disease. 91(3), 
Gómez-Casero, M. T. (2007).  Flowering phenology of Mediterranean Quercus species in different locations (Córdoba, SW Iberian Peninsula). Acta botánica malacitana. 32, 127-146.
Abril, S., Oliveras J., & Gómez C. (2007).  Foraging Activity and Dietary Spectrum of the Argentine Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Invaded Natural Areas of the Northeast Iberian Peninsula. Environmental Entomology,. 36, 1166-1173.
Abril, S., Oliveras J., & Gómez C. (2007).  Foraging Activity and Dietary Spectrum of the Argentine Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Invaded Natural Areas of the Northeast Iberian Peninsula. Environmental Entomology,. 36(5), 1166 - 1173.
Cullotta, S., & Marchetti M. (2007).  Forest types for biodiversity assessment at regional level: the case study of Sicily (Italy). European Journal of Forest Research. 126, 431-447.
