Research Publications

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Leal, S., Sousa V. B., & Pereira H. (2007).  Radial variation of vessel size and distribution in cork oak wood (Quercus suber L.). Wood Science and Technology. 41, 339-350.
Knapic, S., Louzada J. L., Leal S., & Pereira H. (2007).  Radial variation of wood density components and ring width in cork oak trees. Annals of forest science. 64, 211-218.
Llorens, P., & Domingo F. (2007).  Rainfall partitioning by vegetation under Mediterranean conditions. A review of studies in Europe. Journal of Hydrology. 335(1-2), 37 - 54.
Maltez-Mouro, S., García L. V., Marañón T., & Freitas H. (2007).  Recruitment patterns in a Mediterranean oak forest: A case study showing the importance of the spatial component. FOREST SCIENCE. 53(6), 645 - 652.
Maltez-Mouro, S., Garcia L. V., Marañón T., & Freitas H. (2007).  Recruitment patterns in a Mediterranean oak forest: A case study showing the importance of the spatial component. FOREST SCIENCE. 53, 645-652.
González, F., Murillo M., Paredes J., & Prieto P. M. (2007).  Recursos pascícolas de la dehesa extremeña. Primeros datos para la modelización de su gestión. Pastos. 37, 231-239.
Rodriguez-Cruz, S., Andrades M. S., Sanchez-Camazano M., & Sanchez-Martin M. J. (2007).  Relationship between The Adsorption Capacity of Pesticides by Wood Residues and The Properties of Woods and Pesticides. Environmental Science & Technology. 41(10), 3613 - 3619.
Rodriguez-Cruz, S., Andrades M. S., Sanchez-Camazano M., & Sanchez-Martin M. J. (2007).  Relationship between The Adsorption Capacity of Pesticides by Wood Residues and The Properties of Woods and Pesticides. Environmental Science & Technology. 41, 3613-3619.
Campelo, F., GUTIÉRREZ E., Ribas M., Nabais C., & Freitas H. (2007).  Relationships between climate and double rings in Quercus ilex from northeast Spain. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 37(10), 1915 - 1923.
Campelo, F., Gutiérrez E., Ribas M., Nabais C., & Freitas H. (2007).  Relationships between climate and double rings in Quercus ilex from northeast Spain. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 37, 1915-1923.
Archaux, F. Frederic, & Bakkaus N. Noemie (2007).  Relative impact of stand structure, tree composition and climate on mountain bird communities. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 247, 72-79.
Archaux, F. Frederic, & Bakkaus N. Noemie (2007).  Relative impact of stand structure, tree composition and climate on mountain bird communities. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 247(1-3), 72 - 79.
Belloch, C., Villa-Carvajal M., Alvarez-Rodriguez M. L., & Coque J. J. R. (2007).  Rhodotorula subericola sp nov., an anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast species isolated from bark of Quercus suber (cork oak). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY. 57(7), 1668 - 1671.
Belloch, C., Villa-Carvajal M., Alvarez-Rodriguez M. L., & Coque J. J. R. (2007).  Rhodotorula subericola sp nov., an anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast species isolated from bark of Quercus suber (cork oak). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY. 57, 1668-1671.
Kallimanis, A. S., Halley J. M., Vokou D., & Sgardelis S. P. (2007).  The scale of analysis determines the spatial pattern of woody species diversity in the Mediterranean environment. Plant Ecology. 196, 143-151.
Dominguez, M., Barba E., Canto J. L., Lopez G. M., & Monros J. S. (2007).  Seasonal interchange of the European Robin Erithacus rubecula populations in an evergreen holm oak forest. ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA. 42, 15-21.
Dominguez, M., Barba E., Canto J. L., Lopez G. M., & Monros J. S. (2007).  Seasonal interchange of the European Robin Erithacus rubecula populations in an evergreen holm oak forest. ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA. 42(1), 15 - 21.
Asensio, D., Penuelas J., Ogaya R., & Llusia J. (2007).  Seasonal soil and leaf CO2 exchange rates in a Mediterranean holm oak forest and their responses to drought conditions. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 41, 2447-2455.
Asensio, D., Penuelas J., Ogaya R., & Llusia J. (2007).  Seasonal soil and leaf CO2 exchange rates in a Mediterranean holm oak forest and their responses to drought conditions. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 41(11), 2447 - 2455.
ASENSIO, D., Penuelas J., Ogaya R., & Llusia J. (2007).  Seasonal soil VOC exchange rates in a Mediterranean holm oak forest and their responses to drought conditions. Atmospheric Environment. 41(11), 2456 - 2466.
Asensio, D., Penuelas J., Ogaya R., & Llusia J. (2007).  Seasonal soil VOC exchange rates in a Mediterranean holm oak forest and their responses to drought conditions. Atmospheric Environment. 41, 2456-2466.
Quero, J. Luis, Villar R., Marañón T., Zamora R., & Poorter L. (2007).  SEED - MASS EFFECTS IN FOUR MEDITERRANEAN QUERCUS SPECIES (FAGACEAE ) GROWING IN CONTRASTING LIGHT ENVIRONMENTS. American Journal of Botany 94(11):. 94(11), 1795 - 1803.
Quero, J. Luis, Villar R., Marañón T., Zamora R., & Poorter L. (2007).  SEED - MASS EFFECTS IN FOUR MEDITERRANEAN QUERCUS SPECIES (FAGACEAE ) GROWING IN CONTRASTING LIGHT ENVIRONMENTS. American Journal of Botany 94(11):. 94, 1795-1803.
FUENTES, D., Valdecantos a., CORTINA J., & Vallejo V. R. R. (2007).  Seedling performance in sewage sludge-amended degraded Mediterranean woodlands. Ecological Engineering. 31(4), 281 - 291.
FUENTES, D., VALDECANTOS A., CORTINA J., & Vallejo V.R. R. (2007).  Seedling performance in sewage sludge-amended degraded Mediterranean woodlands. Ecological Engineering. 31, 281-291.
Blanch, J-salvador., Penuelas J., & Llusia J. (2007).  Sensitivity of terpene emissions to drought and fertilization in terpene-storing Pinus halepensis and non-storing Quercus ilex. Physiologia Plantarum. 131, 211-225.
Blanch, J-salvador., Penuelas J., & Llusia J. (2007).  Sensitivity of terpene emissions to drought and fertilization in terpene-storing Pinus halepensis and non-storing Quercus ilex. Physiologia Plantarum. 131(2), 211 - 225.
Grote, R. (2007).  Sensitivity of volatile monoterpene emission to changes in canopy structure: a model-based exercise with a process-based emission model. New Phytologist. 173, 550-561.
Castro, M. J. V. (2007).  Sobrevivência do sobreiro a incêndios em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Relatório final de estágio, licenciatura em Ecologia ….
Castro, M. J. V. (2007).  Sobrevivência do sobreiro a incêndios em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
