Research Publications

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Cruz, M. J., Rebelo R., & Crespo E. G. (2006).  Effects of an introduced crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, on the distribution of south‐western Iberian amphibians in their breeding habitats. Ecography. 3(November 2005), 329 - 338.
Catry, F. Xavier, Rego F. Castro, Bugalho M. Nuno, Lopes T., Silva J. Sande, & Moreira F. (2006).  Effects of fire on tree survival and regeneration in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management. 234,
Catry, F. Xavier, Rego F. Castro, Bugalho M. Nuno, Lopes T., Silva J. Sande, & Moreira F. (2006).  Effects of fire on tree survival and regeneration in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management. 234, S197.
M Quero, C. (2006).  Eficiencia técnica de la producción de vacuno de carne en la dehesa. Revista Española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros. 212, 139-154.
Díaz, M. Espejo, de Tena A. Espejo Gut, Matos C., & Pereira P. M. (2006).  Elección de fincas piloto para el desarrollo del proyecto interreg-iiia dehesa-montado sp4.e13. Gestión ambiental y económica del ecosistema dehesa en la Península Ibérica. 249-258.
Carrión, J. S., Scott L., & Marais E. (2006).  Environmental implications of pollen spectra in bat droppings from southeastern Spain and potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 140(3-4), 175 - 186.
Carrión, J. S., Scott L., & Marais E. (2006).  Environmental implications of pollen spectra in bat droppings from southeastern Spain and potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 140, 175-186.
Draper, I., Lara F., Albertos B., Garilleti R., & Mazimpaka V. (2006).  Epiphytic bryoflora of the Atlas and Antiatlas Mountains, including a synthesis of the distribution of epiphytic bryophytes in Morocco.. Journal of Bryology. 28, 312-330.
Draper, I., Lara F., Albertos B., Garilleti R., & Mazimpaka V. (2006).  Epiphytic bryoflora of the Atlas and Antiatlas Mountains, including a synthesis of the distribution of epiphytic bryophytes in Morocco.. Journal of Bryology. 28(4), 312 - 330.
Carreiras, J. M. B., Pereira J. M. C., & Pereira J. S. (2006).  Estimation of tree canopy cover in evergreen oak woodlands using remote sensing. Forest Ecology and Management. 223, 45-53.
Carreiras, J. M. B., Pereira J. M. C., & Pereira J. S. (2006).  Estimation of tree canopy cover in evergreen oak woodlands using remote sensing. Forest Ecology and Management. 223(1-3), 45 - 53.
Kleikamp, B., & Joergensen R. Georg (2006).  Evaluation of arbuscular mycorrhiza with symbiotic and nonsymbiotic pea isolines at three sites in the Alentejo, Portugal. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 169, 661-669.
Eugenio, M. E., Alaejos J., Diaz M. J., Lopez F., & Vidal T. (2006).  Evaluation of holm oak (Quercus ilex) wood as alternative source for cellulose pulp. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY. 40, 53-61.
Eugenio, M. E., Alaejos J., Diaz M. J., López F., & Vidal T. (2006).  Evaluation of holm oak (Quercus ilex) wood as alternative source for cellulose pulp. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY. 40(1-2), 53 - 61.
Alfaia, C. M. M., Ribeiro V. S. S., Lourenço M. R. a, Quaresma M. a G., Martins S. I. V., Portugal a. P. V., et al. (2006).  Fatty acid composition, conjugated linoleic acid isomers and cholesterol in beef from crossbred bullocks intensively produced and from Alentejana purebred bullocks reared according to Carnalentejana-PDO specifications.. Meat science. 72, 425-436.
Alfaia, C. M. M., Ribeiro V. S. S., Lourenço M. R. a, Quaresma M. a G., Martins S. I. V., Portugal a. P. V., et al. (2006).  Fatty acid composition, conjugated linoleic acid isomers and cholesterol in beef from crossbred bullocks intensively produced and from Alentejana purebred bullocks reared according to Carnalentejana-PDO specifications.. Meat science. 72(3), 425 - 436.
Alfaia, C. M. M., Quaresma M. A. G., Castro M. L. F., Martins S. I. V., Portugal A. P. V., Fontes C. M. G. A., et al. (2006).  Fatty acid composition, including isomeric profile of conjugated linoleic acid, and cholesterol in Mertolenga-PDO beef. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 86, 2196-2205.
Alfaia, C. M. M., Quaresma M. A. G., Castro M. L. F., Martins S. I. V., Portugal A. P. V., Fontes C. M. G. A., et al. (2006).  Fatty acid composition, including isomeric profile of conjugated linoleic acid, and cholesterol in Mertolenga-PDO beef. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 86(13), 2196 - 2205.
Gasmi-Boubaker, A., Kayouli C., & Buldgen A. (2006).  Feed blocks as a supplement for goat kids grazing natural Tunisian rangeland during the dry season. ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 126, 31-41.
Gasmi-Boubaker, A., Kayouli C., & Buldgen A. (2006).  Feed blocks as a supplement for goat kids grazing natural Tunisian rangeland during the dry season. ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 126(1-2), 31 - 41.
Sarà, M., Bellia E., & Milazzo A. (2006).  Fire disturbance disrupts co-occurrence patterns of terrestrial vertebrates in Mediterranean woodlands. Journal of Biogeography. 33, 843-852.
Sarà, M., Bellia E., & Milazzo A. (2006).  Fire disturbance disrupts co-occurrence patterns of terrestrial vertebrates in Mediterranean woodlands. Journal of Biogeography. 33(5), 843 - 852.
Madoui, A., & Goldammer J. G. (2006).  Fire effects on the composition of Pinus halepensis and Quercus rotundifolia communities in the Bou-Taleb Forest, Algeria, with application of a multivariable analysis. Forest Ecology and Management. 234,
Madoui, A., & Goldammer J. G. (2006).  Fire effects on the composition of Pinus halepensis and Quercus rotundifolia communities in the Bou-Taleb Forest, Algeria, with application of a multivariable analysis. Forest Ecology and Management. 234, S168.
De Santis, A., Vaughan P., & Chuvieco E. (2006).  Foliage moisture content estimation from one-dimensional and two-dimensional spectroradiometry for fire danger assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 111(G4), n/a - n/a.
De Santis, A., Vaughan P., & Chuvieco E. (2006).  Foliage moisture content estimation from one-dimensional and two-dimensional spectroradiometry for fire danger assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 111, n/a--n/a.
Avilés, J. M., Sánchez J. M., & Parejo D. (2006).  Food selection of wintering common cranes (Grus grus) in holm oak (Quercus ilex) dehesas in south-west Spain in a rainy season. Journal of Zoology. 256, 71-79.
Avilés, J. M., Sánchez J. M., & Parejo D. (2006).  Food selection of wintering common cranes (Grus grus) in holm oak (Quercus ilex) dehesas in south-west Spain in a rainy season. Journal of Zoology. 256(1), 71 - 79.
Tárrega, R., Calvo L., Marcos E., & Taboada Á. (2006).  Forest structure and understory diversity in Quercus pyrenaica communities with different human uses and disturbances. Forest Ecology and Management. 227(1-2), 50 - 58.
Tárrega, R., Calvo L., Marcos E., & Taboada Á. (2006).  Forest structure and understory diversity in Quercus pyrenaica communities with different human uses and disturbances. Forest Ecology and Management. 227, 50-58.
