Research Publications

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Gil, L., Pereira C., Branco P., & Teixeira A. (2006).  Formation of Acutissimin A in red wine through the contact with cork. JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN. 40(4), 217 - 221.
Gil, L., Pereira C., Branco P., & Teixeira A. (2006).  Formation of Acutissimin A in red wine through the contact with cork. JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN. 40, 217-221.
Graça, J., & Santos S. (2006).  Glycerol-derived ester oligomers from cork suberin.. Chemistry and physics of lipids. 144(1), 96 - 107.
Graça, J., & Santos S. (2006).  Glycerol-derived ester oligomers from cork suberin.. Chemistry and physics of lipids. 144, 96-107.
Henkin, Z., Hadar L., & Noy-Meir I. (2006).  Human-scale structural heterogeneity induced by grazing in a Mediterranean woodland landscape. Landscape Ecology. 22, 577-587.
Kurz-Besson, C., Otieno D., Vale R. Lobo do, Siegwolf R., Schmidt M., Herd A., et al. (2006).  Hydraulic Lift in Cork Oak Trees in a Savannah-Type Mediterranean Ecosystem and its Contribution to the Local Water Balance. Plant and Soil. 282, 361-378.
González, O., Andreu V., & Rubio J. L. (2006).  IMPACT OF FOREST FIRES ON HYDROLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF A TYPICAL MEDITERRANEAN FOREST SOIL. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 489-507.
Carvalho, J., Soares A., & Bio A. (2006).  Improving satellite images classification using remote and ground data integration by means of stochastic simulation. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27, 3375-3386.
Carvalho, J., Soares A., & Bio A. (2006).  Improving satellite images classification using remote and ground data integration by means of stochastic simulation. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(16), 3375 - 3386.
Karade, S. R., Irle M., & Maher K. (2006).  Influence of granule properties and concentration on cork-cement compatibility. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff. 64, 281-286.
Karade, S. R., Irle M., & Maher K. (2006).  Influence of granule properties and concentration on cork-cement compatibility. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff. 64(4), 281 - 286.
del Barrio, J. M. García, Ortega M., A De la Cueva V., & Elena-Rosselló R. (2006).  The influence of linear elements on plant species diversity of Mediterranean rural landscapes: assessment of different indices and statistical approaches.. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 119, 137-159.
Núñez, J. Alfonso Do, Serrano J. Selva, Barreal J. Antonio Ro, & González J. Antonio Sa (2006).  The influence of mycorrhization with Tuber melanosporum in the afforestation of a Mediterranean site with Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea. Forest Ecology and Management. 231, 226-233.
Archer, N. A. L., & Jones H. G. (2006).  Integrating hyperspectral imagery at different scales to estimate component surface temperatures. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27, 2141-2159.
Archer, N. A. L., & Jones H. G. (2006).  Integrating hyperspectral imagery at different scales to estimate component surface temperatures. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(11), 2141 - 2159.
Castro-Díez, P., Navarro J., Pintado A., Sancho L. G., & Maestro M. (2006).  Interactive effects of shade and irrigation on the performance of seedlings of three Mediterranean Quercus species. Tree Physiology. 26, 389-400.
Castro-Díez, P., Navarro J., Pintado A., Sancho L. G., & Maestro M. (2006).  Interactive effects of shade and irrigation on the performance of seedlings of three Mediterranean Quercus species. Tree Physiology. 26(3), 389 - 400.
Sardans, J., & Penuelas J. (2006).  Introduction of the factor of partitioning in the lithogenic enrichment factors of trace element bioaccumulation in plant tissues.. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 115(1-3), 473 - 98.
Sardans, J., & Penuelas J. (2006).  Introduction of the factor of partitioning in the lithogenic enrichment factors of trace element bioaccumulation in plant tissues.. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 115, 473-98.
Coelho, A. C., Horta M., Neves D., & Cravador A. (2006).  Involvement of a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase of Quercus suber in the defence response to infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 69(1-3), 62 - 72.
Coelho, A. C., Horta M., Neves D., & Cravador A. (2006).  Involvement of a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase of Quercus suber in the defence response to infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 69, 62-72.
Gil, L., & U De Heredia L. (2006).  La diversidad en las especies forestales: un cambio de escala. El ejemplo del alcornoque. Ecosistemas. XV, 1-9.
Alemayehu, T., Recatalá L., Fabbri A. G., & Sánchez J. (2006).  LAND USE CHANGE DETECTION AS A BASIS FOR ANALYSING DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES : A CASE STUDY IN TABERNAS. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 341-352.
Alemayehu, T., Recatalá L., Fabbri A. G., & Sánchez J. (2006).  LAND USE CHANGE DETECTION AS A BASIS FOR ANALYSING DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES : A CASE STUDY IN TABERNAS. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 341 - 352.
(2006).  Lichen diversity from Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Biosphere Reserve (SE Spain). Nova Hedwigia. 82, 31-50.
R. Belinchón, A. V. J. (2006).  Lichen diversity from Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Biosphere Reserve (SE Spain). Nova Hedwigia. 82(1-2), 31 - 50.
Graça, J., & Santos S. (2006).  Linear Aliphatic Dimeric Esters from Cork Suberin. Biomacromolecules. 7, 2003-2010.
Caritat, A., García-Berthou E., Lapeña R., & Vilar L. (2006).  Litter production in a Quercus suber forest of Montseny (NE Spain) and its relationship to meteorological conditions. Ann. For. Sci.. 63, 791-800.
Caritat, A., García-Berthou E., Lapeña R., & Vilar L. (2006).  Litter production in a Quercus suber forest of Montseny (NE Spain) and its relationship to meteorological conditions. Ann. For. Sci.. 63(7), 791 - 800.
Gratani, L., & Varone L. (2006).  Long-time variations in leaf mass and area of Mediterranean evergreen broad-leaf and narrow-leaf maquis species. Photosynthetica. 44, 161-168.
