Research Publications

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de Rancourt, M., Fois N., Lavín M. P., Tchakérian E., & Vallerand F. (2006).  Mediterranean sheep and goats production: An uncertain future. Small Ruminant Research. 62, 167-179.
de Rancourt, M., Fois N., Lavín M. P., Tchakérian E., & Vallerand F. (2006).  Mediterranean sheep and goats production: An uncertain future. Small Ruminant Research. 62(3), 167 - 179.
Kapur, S., Akça E., Kapur B., & Öztürk A. (2006).  MIGRATION : AN IRREVERSIBLE IMPACT OF LAND DEGRADATION IN TURKEY. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 291-301.
Cardillo, E., & Bernal C. J. (2006).  Morphological response and growth of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings at different shade levels. Forest Ecology and Management. 222, 296-301.
Cardillo, E., & Bernal C. J. (2006).  Morphological response and growth of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings at different shade levels. Forest Ecology and Management. 222(1-3), 296 - 301.
Pereira, M. (2006).  O geo-processamento da informação e seu tratamento estatístico no âmbito do projecto Montado. Jornadas técnicas sobre a gestão ambiental e económica do ecossistema Montado / Dehesa.
Pereira, M. (2006).  O geo-processamento da informação e seu tratamento estatístico no âmbito do projecto Montado. Jornadas técnicas sobre a gestão ambiental e económica do ecossistema Montado / Dehesa.
Kosmas, C., Tsara M., Moustakas N., Kosma D., & Yassoglou N. (2006).  PART . VI Desertification Indicators and Forecasting Techniques ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS AND INDICATORS OF DESERTIFICATION. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 527-547.
Kosmas, C., Tsara M., Moustakas N., Kosma D., & Yassoglou N. (2006).  PART . VI Desertification Indicators and Forecasting Techniques ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS AND INDICATORS OF DESERTIFICATION. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 527 - 547.
Basílio, M. C., & Gaspar R. (2006).  Penicillium glabrum cork colonising isolates-preliminary analysis of their genomic similarity. Revista iberoamericana Micologia. 23, 151 - 154.
Basílio, M. C., & Gaspar R. (2006).  Penicillium glabrum cork colonising isolates-preliminary analysis of their genomic similarity. Revista iberoamericana Micologia. 23, 151-154.
Dettori, S., Falqui A., Filigheddu M. R., & Sedda L. (2006).  Performance di recenti imboschimenti con quercia da sughero in ex-coltivi. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. 3, 327-338.
Dettori, S., Falqui A., Filigheddu M. R., & Sedda L. (2006).  Performance di recenti imboschimenti con quercia da sughero in ex-coltivi. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. 3(1), 327 - 338.
Aranda, X., Agustí C., Joffre R., & Fleck I. (2006).  Photosynthesis, growth and structural characteristics of holm oak resprouts originated from plants grown under elevated CO2. Physiologia Plantarum. 128(2), 302 - 312.
Aranda, X., Agustí C., Joffre R., & Fleck I. (2006).  Photosynthesis, growth and structural characteristics of holm oak resprouts originated from plants grown under elevated CO2. Physiologia Plantarum. 128, 302-312.
Denman, S., Kirk S., Whybrow A., Orton E., & Webber J. F. (2006).  Phytophthora kernoviae and P. ramorum: host susceptibility and sporulation potential on foliage of susceptible trees1. EPPO Bulletin. 36(2), 373 - 376.
Denman, S., Kirk S., Whybrow A., Orton E., & Webber J. F. (2006).  Phytophthora kernoviae and P. ramorum: host susceptibility and sporulation potential on foliage of susceptible trees1. EPPO Bulletin. 36, 373-376.
Domenech, J., Mir G., Huguet G., Capdevila M., Molinas M., & Atrian S. (2006).  Plant metallothionein domains: functional insight into physiological metal binding and protein folding. BIOCHIMIE. 88, 583-593.
Domenech, J., Mir G., Huguet G., Capdevila M., Molinas M., & Atrian S. (2006).  Plant metallothionein domains: functional insight into physiological metal binding and protein folding. BIOCHIMIE. 88(6), 583 - 593.
Carrott, P. J. M., Carrott M. M. L. Ribe, & Mourão P. a M. (2006).  Pore size control in activated carbons obtained by pyrolysis under different conditions of chemically impregnated cork. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 75(2), 120 - 127.
Carrott, P. J. M., Carrott M. M. L. Ribeir, & Mourão P.a.M. (2006).  Pore size control in activated carbons obtained by pyrolysis under different conditions of chemically impregnated cork. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 75, 120-127.
Liotta, P. H. (2006).  THE POSEIDON PRAIRIE Desertification, Environmental Stress, and the Euro-Mediterranean Space. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region. A Security issue. 87 - 108.
Arnan, X., Rodrigo A., & Retana J. (2006).  Post-fire recovery of Mediterranean ground ant communities follows vegetation and dryness gradients. Journal of Biogeography. 33, 1246-1258.
Arnan, X., Rodrigo A., & Retana J. (2006).  Post-fire recovery of Mediterranean ground ant communities follows vegetation and dryness gradients. Journal of Biogeography. 33(7), 1246 - 1258.
Del Río, S., & Á Penas ngel. (2006).  Potential areas of evergreen forests in Castile and Leon (Spain) according to future climate change. Phytocoenologia. 36(1), 45 - 66.
Del Río, S., & Á Penas ngel. (2006).  Potential areas of evergreen forests in Castile and Leon (Spain) according to future climate change. Phytocoenologia. 36, 45-66.
Bernardinelli, I. (2006).  Potential host plants of Corythucha arcuata (Het., Tingidae) in Europe: a laboratory study. Journal of Applied Entomology. 130(9-10), 480 - 484.
Bernardinelli, I. (2006).  Potential host plants of Corythucha arcuata (Het., Tingidae) in Europe: a laboratory study. Journal of Applied Entomology. 130, 480-484.
Contador, J. F. Lavado, Maneta M., & Schnabel S. (2006).  Prediction of near-surface soil moisture at large scale by digital terrain modeling and neural networks.. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 121, 213-232.
Grote, R., Mayrhofer S., Fischbach R. J., Steinbrecher R., Staudt M., & Schnitzler J.-P. (2006).  Process-based modelling of isoprenoid emissions from evergreen leaves of Quercus ilex (L.). Atmospheric Environment. 40, 152-165.
