Research Publications

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De Mei, M., & Di Mauro M. (2006).  Study of some characteristic Mediterranean vegetation species best suited for renaturalization of terminal-phase municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in Puglia (Southern Italy). Acta Oecologica. 30, 78-87.
De Mei, M., & Di Mauro M. (2006).  Study of some characteristic Mediterranean vegetation species best suited for renaturalization of terminal-phase municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in Puglia (Southern Italy). Acta Oecologica. 30(1), 78 - 87.
Gandini, A., Neto C. Pascoal, & Silvestre A. J. D. (2006).  Suberin: A promising renewable resource for novel macromolecular materials. Progress in Polymer Science. 31(10), 878 - 892.
Gandini, A., Neto C. Pascoal, & Silvestre A. J. D. (2006).  Suberin: A promising renewable resource for novel macromolecular materials. Progress in Polymer Science. 31, 878-892.
Rosalino, L. Miguel, Torres J., & Santos-Reis M. (2006).  A survey of helminth infection in Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) in relation to their foraging behaviour in a Mediterranean environment in southwest Portugal. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 52(3), 202 - 206.
Larchevêque, M., Ballini C., Korboulewsky N., & Montès N. (2006).  The use of compost in afforestation of Mediterranean areas: Effects on soil properties and young tree seedlings.. The Science of the total environment. 369, 220-230.
Larchevêque, M., Ballini C., Korboulewsky N., & Montès N. (2006).  The use of compost in afforestation of Mediterranean areas: Effects on soil properties and young tree seedlings.. The Science of the total environment. 369(1-3), 220 - 230.
Muñoz, A. (2006).  USING A GIS FOR SUSTAINABLE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF AN IRRIGATION AREA IN THE SPANISH - PORTUGUESE BORDER THREATENED BY DESERTIFICATION. (Kepner, W. G., Rubio J. L., Mouat D. A., & Pedrazzini F., Ed.).Desertification in the Mediterranean Region a Security Issue. 451-473.
Jorge, I., Navarro R. M., Lenz C., Ariza D., & Jorrín J. (2006).  Variation in the holm oak leaf proteome at different plant developmental stages, between provenances and in response to drought stress.. Proteomics. 6 Suppl 1, S207-14.
Castro-Vazquez, L., Diaz-Maroto M. C., & Perez-Coello M. S. (2006).  Volatile composition and contribution to the aroma of Spanish honeydew honeys. Identification of a new chemical marker. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY. 54, 4809-4813.
Leal, S., Sousa V. B., & Pereira H. (2006).  Within and between-tree variation in the biometry of wood rays and fibres in cork oak (Quercus suber_L.). Wood Science and Technology. 40, 585-597.
Pereira, C., F. Jorge C., & Ferreira J. M. F. (2005).  Adsorption of Cations from a Cement Suspension onto Lignocellulosic Substrates and its Influence on Cement Setting. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 25(4), 231 - 244.
Pereira, C., F Jorge C., & Ferreira J. M. F. (2005).  Adsorption of Cations from a Cement Suspension onto Lignocellulosic Substrates and its Influence on Cement Setting. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 25, 231-244.
Aroca, M. J., SERRADA R., & Fernández J. A. Bravo (2005).  Análisis de la brotación de encinas (QUERCUS ILEX SUBSP. BALLOTA L.) DE AVANZADA EDAD, OCHO AÑOS DESPUÉS DEL RECEPE. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
Aroca, M. J., Serrada R., & Fernández J. A. Bravo (2005).  Análisis de la brotación de encinas (QUERCUS ILEX SUBSP. BALLOTA L.) DE AVANZADA EDAD, OCHO AÑOS DESPUÉS DEL RECEPE. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
A RANZ, IGLESIAS., & R HIERRO SERRADA. (2005).  Análisis de la supervivencia en repoblaciones con Quercus ilex L. EN LA PROVINCIA DE ÁVILA SEGÚN DIFERENTES MÉTODOS DE PREPARACIÓN DEL SUELO Y EMPLEO DE PROTECTORES. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
Carrete, M., & Donazar J. (2005).  Application of central-place foraging theory shows the importance of Mediterranean dehesas for the conservation of the cinereous vulture,. Biological Conservation. 126, 582-590.
Carrete, M., & Donazar J. (2005).  Application of central-place foraging theory shows the importance of Mediterranean dehesas for the conservation of the cinereous vulture,. Biological Conservation. 126(4), 582 - 590.
Jorge, I., R Cerrillo Mª. Navarro, Ariza D., Tejeiro C. J. Porras, & Novo J. V. Jorrín (2005).  Aproximación proteómica para el estudio de la variabilidad genética y la respuesta a estrés en Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
Frank, B., & Battisti C. (2005).  Area effect on bird communities, guilds and species in a highly fragmented forest landscape of central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology. 72, 297-304.
Frank, B., & Battisti C. (2005).  Area effect on bird communities, guilds and species in a highly fragmented forest landscape of central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology. 72(4), 297 - 304.
Ammar, H., López S., & González J. S. (2005).  Assessment of the digestibility of some Mediterranean shrubs by in vitro techniques. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 119(3-4), 323 - 331.
Ammar, H., López S., & González J. S. (2005).  Assessment of the digestibility of some Mediterranean shrubs by in vitro techniques. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 119, 323-331.
del Campo, A. D., Hermoso J., & Navarro M. (2005).  Calidad de planta de alcornoque (Quercus suber L.) PARA LA RESTAURACION DEL ENCLAVE SINGULAR DEL SURAR DE PINET (VALENCIA). IV Congreso Forestal Español.
Gómez-Aparicio, LORENA., Gómez J. M., Zamora R., & Boettinger J. L. (2005).  Canopy vs. soil effects of shrubs facilitating tree seedlings in Mediterranean montane ecosystems. Journal of Vegetation Science. 16(2), 191 - 198.
Copolovici, L. O., Filella I., Llusia J., Niinemets Ü., & Penuelas J. (2005).  The capacity for thermal protection of photosynthetic electron transport varies for different monoterpenes in Quercus ilex. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 139, 485-496.
Copolovici, L. O., Filella I., Llusia J., Niinemets U., & Penuelas J. (2005).  The capacity for thermal protection of photosynthetic electron transport varies for different monoterpenes in Quercus ilex. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 139(1), 485 - 496.
LACAMBRA, L. C. J. O. V. E. L. L. A. R., A. BLANCO. A. N. D. R. A. Y., & F FRANCÉS SANTOS. (2005).  Caracterización edáfica y climática de QUERCUS SUBER L. EN LAS PROVINCIAS DE SALAMANCA Y ZAMORA. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
Bertacchi, A., & Onnis A. (2005).  Changes in the Forested Agricultural Landscape of the Pisan Hills (Tuscany, Italy). Recent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape. 167-178.
