Research Publications

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Guarrera, P. Maria, Salerno G., & Caneva G. (2005).  Folk phytotherapeutical plants from Maratea area (Basilicata, Italy).. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 99, 367-378.
Díaz, M., Torre I., Peris A., & Tena L. (2005).  Foraging behavior of wood mice as related to presence and activity of genets. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY. 86(6), 1178 - 1185.
Diaz, M., Torre I., Peris A., & Tena L. (2005).  Foraging behavior of wood mice as related to presence and activity of genets. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY. 86, 1178-1185.
Bento, M. F., Pereira H., Cunha M. Á., Moutinho A. M. C., van den Berg K. J., Boon J. J., et al. (2005).  Fragmentation of Suberin and Composition of Aliphatic Monomers Released by Methanolysis of Cork from Quercus suber L.,Analysed by GC-MS, SEC and MALDI-MS. Holzforschung. 55, 487-493.
Bento, M. F., Pereira H., Cunha M. Á., Moutinho A. M. C., van den Berg K. J., Boon J. J., et al. (2005).  Fragmentation of Suberin and Composition of Aliphatic Monomers Released by Methanolysis of Cork from Quercus suber L.,Analysed by GC-MS, SEC and MALDI-MS. Holzforschung. 55(5), 487 - 493.
Cooke, D. E. L., Jung T., Williams N. a., Schubert R., Osswald W., & Duncan J. M. (2005).  Genetic diversity of European populations of the oak fine-root pathogen Phytophthora quercina. Forest Pathology. 35, 57-70.
Cooke, D. E. L., Jung T., Williams N. a, Schubert R., Osswald W., & Duncan J. M. (2005).  Genetic diversity of European populations of the oak fine-root pathogen Phytophthora quercina. Forest Pathology. 35(1), 57 - 70.
Focardi, S., & Tinelli A. (2005).  Herbivory in a Mediterranean forest: browsing impact and plant compensation. Acta Oecologica. 28, 239-247.
Focardi, S., & Tinelli A. (2005).  Herbivory in a Mediterranean forest: browsing impact and plant compensation. Acta Oecologica. 28(3), 239 - 247.
Hijano, C. Fidalgo, Domínguez M. Dolores Pe, Gimínez R. García, Sínchez P. Hungría, & García I. Sancho (2005).  Higher plants as bioindicators of sulphur dioxide emissions in urban environments.. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 111, 75-88.
Garbin, L., Durfort M., Diaz N. B., & Pujade-Villar J. (2005).  Histological modifications on Quercus suber twigs (Fagaceae) caused by the gallwasp Plagiotrochus suberi (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae).. Entomologia generalis.. 28(2), 91 - 102.
Garbin, L., Durfort M., Diaz N. B., & Pujade-Villar J. (2005).  Histological modifications on Quercus suber twigs (Fagaceae) caused by the gallwasp Plagiotrochus suberi (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae).. Entomologia generalis.. 28, 91-102.
Jorge, I., Navarro R. M., Lenz C., Ariza D., Porras C., & Jorrín J. (2005).  The Holm Oak leaf proteome: Analytical and biological variability in the protein expression level assessed by 2-DE and protein identification tandem mass spectrometry de novo sequencing and sequence similarity searching. PROTEOMICS. 5, 222-234.
Leiva, M. José, & Fernández-Alés R. (2005).  Holm-oak (Quercus ilex subsp. Ballota) acorns infestation by insects in Mediterranean dehesas and shrublands. Forest Ecology and Management. 212(1-3), 221 - 229.
Leiva, M. José, & Fernández-Alés R. (2005).  Holm-oak (Quercus ilex subsp. Ballota) acorns infestation by insects in Mediterranean dehesas and shrublands. Forest Ecology and Management. 212, 221-229.
Coelho, C. O. A., Laouina A., Regaya K., Ferreira A. J. D., Carvalho T. M. M., Chaker M., et al. (2005).  The impact of soil water repellency on soil hydrological and erosional processes under Eucalyptus and evergreen Quercus forests in the Western Mediterranean. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL RESEARCH. 43, 309-318.
Coelho, C. O. A., Laouina A., Regaya K., Ferreira A. J. D., Carvalho T. M. M., Chaker M., et al. (2005).  The impact of soil water repellency on soil hydrological and erosional processes under Eucalyptus and evergreen Quercus forests in the Western Mediterranean. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL RESEARCH. 43(3), 309 - 318.
Brites, D., & Valladares F. (2005).  Implications of opposite phyllotaxis for light interception efficiency of Mediterranean woody plants. Trees. 19(6), 671 - 679.
Brites, D., & Valladares F. (2005).  Implications of opposite phyllotaxis for light interception efficiency of Mediterranean woody plants. Trees. 19, 671-679.
Gasmi-Boubaker, A., Kayouli C., & Buldgen A. (2005).  In vitro gas production and its relationship to in situ disappearance and chemical composition of some Mediterranean browse species. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 123–124, P, 303 - 311.
Gasmi-Boubaker, A., Kayouli C., & Buldgen A. (2005).  In vitro gas production and its relationship to in situ disappearance and chemical composition of some Mediterranean browse species. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 123–124, P, 303-311.
Denman, S., Kirk S. A., Brasier C. M., & Webber J. F. (2005).  In vitro leaf inoculation studies as an indication of tree foliage susceptibility to Phytophthora ramorum in the UK. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 54(4), 512 - 521.
Denman, S., Kirk S. A., Brasier C. M., & Webber J. F. (2005).  In vitro leaf inoculation studies as an indication of tree foliage susceptibility to Phytophthora ramorum in the UK. PLANT PATHOLOGY. 54, 512-521.
Jiménez, M. N., Ripoll M. A., Navarro F. B., Gallego E., & De Simón E. (2005).  INFLUENCIA DE DISTINTOS TRATAMIENTOS CULTURALES EN UNA FORESTACIÓN CON ENCINAS EN AMBIENTE SEMIÁRIDO. IV Congreso Forestal Español. 6,
Izquierdo, G. Gea, Cañellas I., Calama R., Martín M. Mario Sán, & Montero G. (2005).  INFLUENCIA DE LA ENCINA SOBRE LA PRODUCCIÓN Y LA COMPOSICIÓN DEL PASTO: CONSECUENCIAS SOBRE EL MANEJO SILVOPASTORAL. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
Izquierdo, G. Gea, Cañellas I., Calama R., Martín M. Mario Sán, & Montero G. (2005).  INFLUENCIA DE LA ENCINA SOBRE LA PRODUCCIÓN Y LA COMPOSICIÓN DEL PASTO: CONSECUENCIAS SOBRE EL MANEJO SILVOPASTORAL. IV Congreso Forestal Español.
Muñoz-Igualada, J., & Guil F. (2005).  La Dehesa y la sostenibilidad de un ecosistema frágil. Gestion ambiental y económica del ecosistema dehesa en la Península Ibérica.
Muñoz-Igualada, J., & Guil F. (2005).  La Dehesa y la sostenibilidad de un ecosistema frágil. Gestion ambiental y económica del ecosistema dehesa en la Península Ibérica.
Hymus, G. J., MASEYK KADMIEL., Valentini R., & Yakir D. (2005).  Large daily variation in 13C-enrichment of leaf-respired CO2 in two Quercus forest canopies. New Phytologist. 167, 377-384.
Quézel, P. (2005).  Large-Scale Post-Glacial Distribution of Vegetation Structures in the Mediterranean Region. (Mazzoleni, S., Di Pasquale G., Di Martino P., & Rego F., Ed.).Recent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape. 1-12.
