Research Publications

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De Beaulieu, J.-L., Miras Y., Andrieu-Ponel V., & Guiter F. (2005).  Vegetation dynamics in north-western Mediterranean regions: Instability of the Mediterranean bioclimate. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 139(2), 114 - 126.
León-Camacho, M., Viera-Alcaide I., & Vicario I. M. (2004).  Acorn (Quercus spp.) fruit lipids: Saponifiable and unsaponifiable fractions: A detailed study. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 81(5), 447 - 453.
Gratani, L., & Varone L. (2004).  Adaptive photosynthetic strategies of the Mediterranean maquis species according to their origin. Photosynthetica. 42, 551-558.
Bremond, L., Alexandre A., Véla E., & Guiot J. (2004).  Advantages and disadvantages of phytolith analysis for the reconstruction of Mediterranean vegetation: an assessment based on modern phytolith, pollen and botanical data (Luberon, France). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 129, 213-228.
Bremond, L., Alexandre A., Véla E., & Guiot J. (2004).  Advantages and disadvantages of phytolith analysis for the reconstruction of Mediterranean vegetation: an assessment based on modern phytolith, pollen and botanical data (Luberon, France). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 129(4), 213 - 228.
Ceballos, A., Martı́nez-Fernández J., & Luengo-Ugidos M. Ángel (2004).  Analysis of rainfall trends and dry periods on a pluviometric gradient representative of Mediterranean climate in the Duero Basin, Spain. Journal of Arid Environments. 58, 215-233.
Ceballos, A., Martı́nez-Fernández J., & Luengo-Ugidos M. Ángel (2004).  Analysis of rainfall trends and dry periods on a pluviometric gradient representative of Mediterranean climate in the Duero Basin, Spain. Journal of Arid Environments. 58(2), 215 - 233.
Freitas, H., Prasad M. N. V., & Pratas J. (2004).  Analysis of serpentinophytes from north-east of Portugal for trace metal accumulation--relevance to the management of mine environment.. Chemosphere. 54, 1625-1642.
Freitas, H., Prasad M. N. V., & Pratas J. (2004).  Analysis of serpentinophytes from north-east of Portugal for trace metal accumulation--relevance to the management of mine environment.. Chemosphere. 54(11), 1625 - 1642.
Criquet, S., Ferré E., Farnet A. M., & Le petit J. (2004).  Annual dynamics of phosphatase activities in an evergreen oak litter: influence of biotic and abiotic factors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 36(7), 1111 - 1118.
Criquet, S., Ferré E., Farnet A. M., & Le petit J. (2004).  Annual dynamics of phosphatase activities in an evergreen oak litter: influence of biotic and abiotic factors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 36, 1111-1118.
Güllüce, M., Adıgüzel A., Öğütçü H., Şengül M., Karaman İ., & Şahin F. (2004).  Antimicrobial effects of Quercus ilex L. extract. Phytotherapy Research. 18, 208-211.
Gimeno, B. S., Bermejo V., Sanz J., de la Torre D., & Gil J. M. (2004).  Assessment of the effects of ozone exposure and plant competition on the reproductive ability of three therophytic clover species from Iberian pastures. Atmospheric Environment. 38, 2295-2303.
Giorgio, E., Maddau L., Spanu E., Evidente A., & Rosini C. (2004).  Assignment of the Absolute Configuration of (+)-Diplopyrone, the Main Phytotoxin Produced by Diplodia mutila, the Pathogen of the Cork Oak Decline, by a Nonempirical Analysis of Its Chiroptical Properties†. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 70, 7-13.
Domenech, J., Ramos-Solano B., Probanza A., Lucas-Garcı́a J. Antonio, Colón J. José, & Gutiérrez-Mañero F. Javier (2004).  Bacillus spp. and Pisolithus tinctorius effects on Quercus ilex ssp. ballota: a study on tree growth, rhizosphere community structure and mycorrhizal infection. Forest Ecology and Management. 194(1-3), 293 - 303.
Domenech, J., Ramos-Solano B., Probanza A., Lucas-Garcı́a J. Antonio, Colón J. José, & Gutiérrez-Mañero F. Javier (2004).  Bacillus spp. and Pisolithus tinctorius effects on Quercus ilex ssp. ballota: a study on tree growth, rhizosphere community structure and mycorrhizal infection. Forest Ecology and Management. 194, 293-303.
Díaz-Fernández, P. M., Climent J., & Gil L. (2004).  Biennial acorn maturation and its relationship with flowering phenology in Iberian populations of Quercus suber. Trees. 18(6), 615 - 621.
Díaz-Fernández, P. M., Climent J., & Gil L. (2004).  Biennial acorn maturation and its relationship with flowering phenology in Iberian populations of Quercus suber. Trees. 18, 615-621.
SERRADA, R., BRAVO J. A., & ROIG S. (2004).  Brotación de encinas (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota) con edades elevadas. Experiencias en el monte de Riofrío (Segovia). Invest. Agrar.: Sist. Recur. For. Fuera de Serie. 13, 127 - 141.
Lloret, F., Siscart D., & Dalmases C. (2004).  Canopy recovery after drought dieback in holm-oak Mediterranean forests of Catalonia (NE Spain). Global Change Biology. 10(12), 2092 - 2099.
Costa, A., & Pereira H. (2004).  Caracterização e Análise de Rendimento da Operação de Traçamento na Preparação de Pranchas de Cortiça para a Produção de Rolhas. Silva Lusitana. 12, 51-66.
Cerasoli, S., Maillard P., Scartazza A., Brugnoli E., Chaves M. Manuela, Pereira J. Santos, et al. (2004).  Carbon and nitrogen winter storage and remobilisation during seasonal flush growth in two-year-old cork oak (Quercus suber L.) saplings. Ann. For. Sci.. 61(7), 721 - 729.
Cerasoli, S., Maillard P., Scartazza A., Brugnoli E., Chaves M. Manuela, Pereira J. Santos, et al. (2004).  Carbon and nitrogen winter storage and remobilisation during seasonal flush growth in two-year-old cork oak (Quercus suber L.) saplings. Ann. For. Sci.. 61, 721-729.
Alados, C. L., ElAich A., Papanastasis V. P., Ozbek H., Navarro T., Freitas H., et al. (2004).  Change in plant spatial patterns and diversity along the successional gradient of Mediterranean grazing ecosystems. Ecological Modelling. 180(4), 523 - 535.
Alados, C. L., ElAich A., Papanastasis V. P., Ozbek H., Navarro T., Freitas H., et al. (2004).  Change in plant spatial patterns and diversity along the successional gradient of Mediterranean grazing ecosystems. Ecological Modelling. 180, 523-535.
Ramírez, C., Testillano P. S., Pintos B., Moreno-Risueño M. a, Bueno M. a, & Risueño M. C. (2004).  Changes in pectins and MAPKs related to cell development during early microspore embryogenesis in Quercus suber L.. European journal of cell biology. 83, 213-225.
Ramírez, C., Testillano P. S., Pintos B., Moreno-Risueño M. a, Bueno M. a, & Risueño M. C. (2004).  Changes in pectins and MAPKs related to cell development during early microspore embryogenesis in Quercus suber L.. European journal of cell biology. 83(5), 213 - 225.
Codogno, M., & Furlanetto A. (2004).  Climatic factors and establishment of Quercus ilex-communities in Trieste Province (NE Italy). Annali di Botanica. 4, 129 - 138.
Codogno, M., & Furlanetto A. (2004).  Climatic factors and establishment of Quercus ilex-communities in Trieste Province (NE Italy). Annali di Botanica. 4, 129-138.
