Research Publications

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Lloret, F., Penuelas J., & Ogaya R. (2004).  Establishment of co-existing Mediterranean tree species under a varying soil moisture regime. Journal of Vegetation Science. 15(2), 237 - 244.
Gillon, D., Dauriac F., Deshayes M., Valette J. C., & Moro C. (2004).  Estimation of foliage moisture content using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 124, 51-62.
Anselmi, S., Chiesi M., Giannini M., Manes F., & Maselli F. (2004).  Estimation of Mediterranean forest transpiration and photosynthesis through the use of an ecosystem simulation model driven by remotely sensed data. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 13(4), 371 - 380.
Anselmi, S., Chiesi M., Giannini M., Manes F., & Maselli F. (2004).  Estimation of Mediterranean forest transpiration and photosynthesis through the use of an ecosystem simulation model driven by remotely sensed data. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 13, 371-380.
Ortega, M. (2004).  Estimation of plant diversity at landscape level: a methodological approach applied to three Spanish rural areas. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 95, 97 - 116.
Ortega, M. (2004).  Estimation of plant diversity at landscape level: a methodological approach applied to three Spanish rural areas. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 95, 97-116.
Loi, M. C., Poli F., Sacchetti G., Selenu M. B., & Ballero M. (2004).  Ethnopharmacology of ogliastra (villagrande strisaili, sardinia, Italy).. Fitoterapia. 75(3-4), 277 - 295.
Dias, J., & Azevedo J. L. T. (2004).  Evaluation of biomass residuals in Portugal mainland. (Afgan, NH. and Carval, Ed.).NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 215 - 228.
Dias, J., & Azevedo J. L. T. (2004).  Evaluation of biomass residuals in Portugal mainland. (, Ed.).NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 215-228.
Tejeiro, C. J. Porras, P Esquiliche B., J Gutiérrez C., & R Méndez P. (2004).  EXPERIENCIA DE REGENERACIÓN DE ENCINAR EN LA SIERRA DE HUELVA Studies on holm oak regeneration in North Sevilla mountains. Cuad. Soc. Esp. Cien. For Actas de la III Reunión sobre Repoblaciones Forestales. 17, 217-221.
Tejeiro, C. J. Porras, P. Esquiliche B., J. Gutiérrez C., & R. Méndez P. (2004).  EXPERIENCIA DE REGENERACIÓN DE ENCINAR EN LA SIERRA DE HUELVA Studies on holm oak regeneration in North Sevilla mountains. Cuad. Soc. Esp. Cien. For Actas de la III Reunión sobre Repoblaciones Forestales. 17, 217 - 221.
Estévez, M., Morcuende D., Ramírez R., Ventanas J., & Cava R. (2004).  Extensively reared Iberian pigs versus intensively reared white pigs for the manufacture of liver pâté.. Meat science. 67(3), 453 - 461.
Estévez, M., Morcuende D., Ramírez R., Ventanas J., & Cava R. (2004).  Extensively reared Iberian pigs versus intensively reared white pigs for the manufacture of liver pâté.. Meat science. 67, 453-461.
Aviles, J. M., & Parejo D. (2004).  Farming practices and Roller Coracias garrulus conservation in south-west Spain. BIRD CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL. 14(3), 173 - 181.
Aviles, J. M., & Parejo D. (2004).  Farming practices and Roller Coracias garrulus conservation in south-west Spain. BIRD CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL. 14, 173-181.
Esteso-Martínez, J., & Gil-Pelegrín E. (2004).  Frost resistance of seeds in Mediterranean oaks and the role of litter. Ann. For. Sci.. 61, 481-486.
Esteso-Martínez, J., & Gil-Pelegrín E. (2004).  Frost resistance of seeds in Mediterranean oaks and the role of litter. Ann. For. Sci.. 61(5), 481 - 486.
Alvarez, R., Alonso P., Cortizo M., Celestino C., Hernández I., Toribio M., et al. (2004).  Genetic transformation of selected mature cork oak (Quercus suber L.) trees.. Plant cell reports. 23(4), 218 - 223.
Álvarez, R., Alonso P., Cortizo M., CELESTINO C., HERNÁNDEZ I., TORIBIO M., et al. (2004).  Genetic transformation of selected mature cork oak (Quercus suber L.) trees.. Plant cell reports. 23, 218-223.
Fedriani, J. M., Rey P. J., Garrido J. L., Guitián J., Herrera C. M., Medrano M., et al. (2004).  Geographical variation in the potential of mice to constrain an ant-seed dispersal mutualism. Oikos. 105(1), 181 - 191.
Fedriani, J. M., Rey P. J., Garrido J. L., Guitián J., Herrera C. M., Medrano M., et al. (2004).  Geographical variation in the potential of mice to constrain an ant-seed dispersal mutualism. Oikos. 105, 181-191.
Garcı́a, J. A. Lucas, Domenech J., Santamarı́a C., Camacho M., Daza A., & F. Mañero J. Gutierrez (2004).  Growth of forest plants (pine and holm-oak) inoculated with rhizobacteria: relationship with microbial community structure and biological activity of its rhizosphere. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 52(3), 239 - 251.
Garcı́a, J. A. Lucas, Domenech J., Santamarı́a C., Camacho M., Daza A., & Mañero F.J. Gutierrez (2004).  Growth of forest plants (pine and holm-oak) inoculated with rhizobacteria: relationship with microbial community structure and biological activity of its rhizosphere. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 52, 239-251.
Gimeno, B. S., Bermejo V., Sanz J., de la Torre D., & Elvira S. (2004).  Growth response to ozone of annual species from Mediterranean pastures.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 132, 297-306.
Lambrechts, MM., Caro S., Charmantier A., Gross N., Galan M-J., Perret P., et al. (2004).  Habitat quality as a predictor of spatial variation in blue tit reproductive performance: a multi-plot analysis in a heterogeneous landscape. Oecologia. 141(4), 555 - 561.
Lambrechts, MM., Caro S., Charmantier A., Gross N., Galan M-J., Perret P., et al. (2004).  Habitat quality as a predictor of spatial variation in blue tit reproductive performance: a multi-plot analysis in a heterogeneous landscape. Oecologia. 141, 555-561.
Bocio, I., Navarro F. Bruno, Ripoll M. Angeles, Jiménez M. Noelia, & De Simón E. (2004).  Holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.) and Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) response to different soil preparation techniques applied to forestation in abandoned farmland. Ann. For. Sci.. 61(2), 171 - 178.
Bocio, I., Navarro F. Bruno, Ripoll M. Angeles, Jiménez M. Noelia, & De Simón E. (2004).  Holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.) and Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) response to different soil preparation techniques applied to forestation in abandoned farmland. Ann. For. Sci.. 61, 171-178.
Baldocchi, D. D., Xu L., & Kiang N. (2004).  How plant functional-type, weather, seasonal drought, and soil physical properties alter water and energy fluxes of an oak–grass savanna and an annual grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 123, 13-39.
Baldocchi, D. D., Xu L., & Kiang N. (2004).  How plant functional-type, weather, seasonal drought, and soil physical properties alter water and energy fluxes of an oak–grass savanna and an annual grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 123(1-2), 13 - 39.
