Research Publications

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Ferreira-Dias, S., Valente D. G., & Abreu J. M. F. (2003).  Comparison between ethanol and hexane for oil extraction from Quercus suber L. fruits. Grasas y Aceites. 54, 378-383.
Ferreira-Dias, S., Valente D. G., & Abreu J. M. F. (2003).  Comparison between ethanol and hexane for oil extraction from Quercus suber L. fruits. Grasas y Aceites. 54(4), 378 - 383.
CLAVERÍA, V., DE MIGUEL A. M., & DE ROMÁN M. (2003).  Comparison of the post-fire dynamics of the ectomycorrhizal community in two Quercus ilex stands in Northern Spain. Publ. Bio. Univ. Navarra, Ser. Bot.,. 15, 19-30.
CLAVERÍA, V., DE MIGUEL A. M., & DE ROMÁN M. (2003).  Comparison of the post-fire dynamics of the ectomycorrhizal community in two Quercus ilex stands in Northern Spain. Publ. Bio. Univ. Navarra, Ser. Bot.,. 15, 19 - 30.
Bugalho, M. N., & Milne J. a (2003).  The composition of the diet of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a Mediterranean environment: a case of summer nutritional constraint?. Forest Ecology and Management. 181, 23-29.
Bugalho, M. N., & Milne J. a (2003).  The composition of the diet of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a Mediterranean environment: a case of summer nutritional constraint?. Forest Ecology and Management. 181(1-2), 23 - 29.
Escudero, A., & Mediavilla S. (2003).  Decline in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency with leaf age and nitrogen resorption as determinants of leaf life span. Journal of Ecology. 91(5), 880 - 889.
Escudero, a., & Mediavilla S. (2003).  Decline in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency with leaf age and nitrogen resorption as determinants of leaf life span. Journal of Ecology. 91, 880-889.
Álvarez-Rodríguez, M. Luisa, Belloch C., Villa M., Uruburu F., Larriba G., & Coque J-J. R. (2003).  Degradation of vanillic acid and production of guaiacol by microorganisms isolated from cork samples. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 220, 49-55.
Álvarez-Rodríguez, M. Luisa, Belloch C., Villa M., Uruburu F., Larriba G., & Coque J-J. R. (2003).  Degradation of vanillic acid and production of guaiacol by microorganisms isolated from cork samples. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 220(1), 49 - 55.
Evidente, A., Maddau L., Spanu E., Franceschini A., Lazzaroni S., & Motta A. (2003).  Diplopyrone, a New Phytotoxic Tetrahydropyranpyran-2-one Produced by Diplodia mutila, a Fungus Pathogen of Cork Oak. Journal of Natural Products. 66, 313-315.
Evidente, A., Maddau L., Spanu E., Franceschini A., Lazzaroni S., & Motta A. (2003).  Diplopyrone, a New Phytotoxic Tetrahydropyranpyran-2-one Produced by Diplodia mutila, a Fungus Pathogen of Cork Oak. Journal of Natural Products. 66(2), 313 - 315.
Díaz, M., Pulido F. J., & MARAÑON T. (2003).  Diversidad biológica y sostenibilidad ecológica y económica de los sistemas adehesados. Ecosistemas. 3,
Diaz, M., Pulido F. J., & MARAÑÓN T. (2003).  Diversidad biológica y sostenibilidad ecológica y económica de los sistemas adehesados. Ecosistemas. 3,
Gullo, M. A. Lo, Salleo S., Rosso R., & Trifilo P. (2003).  Drought resistance of 2-year-old saplings of Mediterranean forest trees in the field: relations between water relations, hydraulics and productivity. Plant and soil. 250, 259-272.
Merouani, H., Costa F., Sampaio T., Lourenço M. João, Pereira J. Santos, & Almeida M. Helena (2003).  Efeito da Idade e da Fertilização na Qualidade das Plantas do Sobreiro (Quercus. Congresso Florestal Nacional, 5º, Viseu, 2005. 1-16.
Merouani, H., Costa F., Sampaio T., Lourenço M. João, Pereira J. Santos, & Almeida M. Helena (2003).  Efeito da Idade e da Fertilização na Qualidade das Plantas do Sobreiro (Quercus. Congresso Florestal Nacional, 5º, Viseu, 2005. 1 - 16.
Pardos, M., Royo A., Gil L., & Pardos J. A. (2003).  Effect of nursery location and outplanting date on field performance of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex seedlings. Forestry. 76(1), 67 - 81.
Pardos, M., Royo A., Gil L., & Pardos J. A. (2003).  Effect of nursery location and outplanting date on field performance of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex seedlings. Forestry. 76, 67-81.
Khennouf, S., Benabdallah H., Gharzouli K., Amira S., Ito H., Kim T-H., et al. (2003).  Effect of Tannins from Quercus suber and Quercus coccifera Leaves on Ethanol-Induced Gastric Lesions in Mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 51, 1469-1473.
Gartner, B. L., Roy J., & Huc R. (2003).  Effects of tension wood on specific conductivity and vulnerability to embolism of Quercus ilex seedlings grown at two atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Tree Physiology. 23, 387-395.
Gartner, B. L., Roy J., & Huc R. (2003).  Effects of tension wood on specific conductivity and vulnerability to embolism of Quercus ilex seedlings grown at two atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Tree Physiology. 23(6), 387 - 395.
Gómez, C., Pons P., & Bas J. M. (2003).  Effects of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile on seed dispersal and seedling emergence of Rhamnus alaternus. ECOGRAPHY. 26, 532-538.
Draper, I., Lara F., Albertos B., Garilleti R., & Mazimpaka V. (2003).  The epiphytic bryoflora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum.. Journal of Bryology. 25, 271-280.
Draper, I., Lara F., Albertos B., Garilleti R., & Mazimpaka V. (2003).  The epiphytic bryoflora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum.. Journal of Bryology. 25(4), 271 - 280.
de Aldana, B. R. Vazquez, Zabalgogeazcoa I�igo., Ciudad A. Garcia, & Criado B. Garcia (2003).  Ergovaline occurrence in grasses infected by fungal endophytes of semi-arid pastures in Spain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 83, 347-353.
de Aldana, B. R. Vazquez, Zabalgogeazcoa I�igo., Ciudad A. Garcia, & Criado B. Garcia (2003).  Ergovaline occurrence in grasses infected by fungal endophytes of semi-arid pastures in Spain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 83(4), 347 - 353.
Hoff, C., & Rambal S. (2003).  An examination of the interaction between climate, soil and leaf area index in a Quercus ilex ecosystem. Ann. For. Sci.. 60, 153-161.
Bouderoua, K., & Selselet-Attou G. (2003).  Fatty acid composition of abdominal adipose tissue in broilers fed green-oak (Quercus ilex), cork oak acorn (Quercus Suber L.) based diets. Anim. Res.. 52(4), 377 - 382.
Bouderoua, K., & Selselet-Attou G. (2003).  Fatty acid composition of abdominal adipose tissue in broilers fed green-oak (Quercus ilex), cork oak acorn (Quercus Suber L.) based diets. Anim. Res.. 52, 377-382.
