Research Publications

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Gutierrez, J. P., Altarriba J., Diaz C., Quintanilla R., Canon J., & Piedrafita J. (2003).  Pedigree analysis of eight Spanish beef cattle breeds. GENETICS SELECTION EVOLUTION. 35, 43-63.
Garcia-Plazaola, J. I., & OLANO J. M. (2003).  Photoprotection in evergreen Mediterranean plants during sudden periods of intense cold weather. Trees-Structure and …. 17, 285-291.
García-Plazaola, J. I., & Olano J. M. (2003).  Photoprotection in evergreen Mediterranean plants during sudden periods of intense cold weather. Trees-Structure and …. 17, 285 - 291.
Hedlund, K., I Regina S., & Van der Putten W. H. (2003).  Plant species diversity, plant biomass and responses of the soil community on abandoned land across Europe: idiosyncracy or above belowground time lags. Oikos. 1, 45-58.
Fernandez-Llario, P., & Mateos-Quesada P. (2003).  Population structure of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in two Mediterranean habitats in the western Iberian Peninsula. FOLIA ZOOLOGICA. 52(2), 143 - 148.
Fernández-Llario, P., & Mateos-Quesada P. (2003).  Population structure of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in two Mediterranean habitats in the western Iberian Peninsula. FOLIA ZOOLOGICA. 52, 143-148.
P PALACIN, CAMPOS., & Lorente P. J. Mariscal (2003).  Preferencias de los propietarios e intervención pública: el caso de las dehesas de la comarca de Monfragüe. Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales. 12, 87-102.
P. Palacín, C., & Lorente P. J. Marisca (2003).  Preferencias de los propietarios e intervención pública: el caso de las dehesas de la comarca de Monfragüe. Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales. 12, 87 - 102.
Mercurio, R., & Spampinato G. (2003).  Primo contributo alla definizione tipologica delle sugherete della Calabria. SISEF Atti 3.
Mercurio, R., & Spampinato G. (2003).  Primo contributo alla definizione tipologica delle sugherete della Calabria. SISEF Atti 3.
Garrido, B., Hampe A., MARAÑON T., & Arroyo J. (2003).  Regional differences in land use affect population performance of the threatened insectivorous plant Drosophyllum lusitanicum (Droseraceae). Diversity and Distributions. 9(5), 335 - 350.
Garrido, B., Hampe A., MARAÑÓN T., & Arroyo J. (2003).  Regional differences in land use affect population performance of the threatened insectivorous plant Drosophyllum lusitanicum (Droseraceae). Diversity and Distributions. 9, 335-350.
Pardini, G., Gispert M., & Dunjó G. (2003).  Runoff erosion and nutrient depletion in five Mediterranean soils of NE Spain under different land use.. The Science of the total environment. 309, 213-224.
Pardini, G., Gispert M., & Dunjó G. (2003).  Runoff erosion and nutrient depletion in five Mediterranean soils of NE Spain under different land use.. The Science of the total environment. 309(1-3), 213 - 224.
Deguilloux, M.-F., Dumolin-Lapègue S., Gielly L., Grivet D., & Petit R. J. (2003).  A set of primers for the amplification of chloroplast microsatellites in Quercus. Molecular Ecology Notes. 3, 24-27.
Fabbio, G., Merlo M., & Tosi V. (2003).  Silvicultural management in maintaining biodiversity and resistance of forests in Europe—the Mediterranean region. Journal of Environmental Management. 67(1), 67 - 76.
Fabbio, G., Merlo M., & Tosi V. (2003).  Silvicultural management in maintaining biodiversity and resistance of forests in Europe—the Mediterranean region. Journal of Environmental Management. 67, 67-76.
Bergero, R., Girlanda M., Bello F., Luppi A. Maria, & Perotto S. (2003).  Soil persistence and biodiversity of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in the absence of the host plant in a Mediterranean ecosystem.. Mycorrhiza. 13(2), 69 - 75.
Bergero, R., Girlanda M., Bello F., Luppi A. Maria, & Perotto S. (2003).  Soil persistence and biodiversity of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in the absence of the host plant in a Mediterranean ecosystem.. Mycorrhiza. 13, 69-75.
Díaz-Villa, M. D., MARAÑÓN T., Arroyo J., & Garrido B. (2003).  Soil seed bank and floristic diversity in a forest-grassland mosaic in southern Spain. Journal of Vegetation Science. 14, 701.
Díaz-Villa, M. D., MARAÑON T., Arroyo J., & Garrido B. (2003).  Soil seed bank and floristic diversity in a forest-grassland mosaic in southern Spain. Journal of Vegetation Science. 14(5), 
Gómez, J. María (2003).  Spatial patterns in long-distance dispersal of Quercus ilex acorns by jays in a heterogeneous landscape. Ecography. 26, 573-584.
Gómez, C., Casellas D., Oliveras J., & Bas J. M. (2003).  Structure of ground-foraging ant assemblages in relation to land-use change in the northwestern Mediterranean region. Biodiversity and Conservation. 2135-2146.
Franco, C., Pinto F., Gulyurtlu I., & Cabrita I. (2003).  The study of reactions influencing the biomass steam gasification process. FUEL. 82, 835-842.
Franco, C., Pinto F., Gulyurtlu I., & Cabrita I. (2003).  The study of reactions influencing the biomass steam gasification process. FUEL. 82(7), 835 - 842.
Ghouil, H., Montpied P., Epron D., Ksontini M., Hanchi B., & Dreyer E. (2003).  Thermal optima of photosynthetic functions and thermostability of photochemistry in cork oak seedlings. Tree Physiology. 23, 1031-1039.
Ghouil, H., Montpied P., Epron D., Ksontini M., Hanchi B., & Dreyer E. (2003).  Thermal optima of photosynthetic functions and thermostability of photochemistry in cork oak seedlings. Tree Physiology. 23(15), 1031 - 1039.
López, B. C., Sabate S., & Gracia C. A. (2003).  Thinning effects on carbon allocation to fine roots in a Quercus ilex forest. Tree Physiology. 23(17), 1217 - 1224.
López, B. C., Sabate S., & Gracia C. A. (2003).  Thinning effects on carbon allocation to fine roots in a Quercus ilex forest. Tree Physiology. 23, 1217-1224.
Avilés, J. M. (2003).  Time budget and habitat use of the Common Crane wintering in dehesas of southwestern Spain. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 81(7), 1233 - 1238.
