Research Publications

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ESPELTA, J. M., Rodrigo a., Habrouk A., Meghelli N., Ordonez J. L., & RETANA J. (2002).  Land use changes, natural regeneration patterns, and restoration practices after a large wildfire in NE Spain: Challenges for fire ecology and landscape restoration. (, Ed.).FIRE AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES. 315-324.
Espelta, J. M., Rodrigo A., Habrouk A., Meghelli N., Ordonez J. L., & Retana J. (2002).  Land use changes, natural regeneration patterns, and restoration practices after a large wildfire in NE Spain: Challenges for fire ecology and landscape restoration. (L. Trabaud, and. Prodon, Ed.).FIRE AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES. 315 - 324.
Hódar, J. a. (2002).  Leaf fluctuating asymmetry of Holm oak in response to drought under contrasting climatic conditions. Journal of Arid Environments. 52, 233-243.
Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (2002).  Linking photorespiration, monoterpenes and thermotolerance in Quercus. New Phytologist. 155(2), 227 - 237.
Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (2002).  Linking photorespiration, monoterpenes and thermotolerance in Quercus. New Phytologist. 155, 227-237.
Criquet, S. (2002).  Measurement and characterization of cellulase activity in sclerophyllous forest litter.. Journal of microbiological methods. 50(2), 165 - 173.
Criquet, S. (2002).  Measurement and characterization of cellulase activity in sclerophyllous forest litter.. Journal of microbiological methods. 50, 165-173.
García-Mozo, H., Galán C., & Aira M. J. (2002).  Modelling start of oak pollen season in different climatic zones in Spain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 110, 247-257.
García-Mozo, H., Galan C., & Aira M. J. (2002).  Modelling start of oak pollen season in different climatic zones in Spain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 110, 247 - 257.
Infante, J. M., Garcia-Laureano R., & Merino J. (2002).  Morphological and physiological response of two populations of Quercus ilex L. to SO2 fumigation. PHYTON-ANNALES REI BOTANICAE. 42, 73-81.
Barata, T., & Pina P. (2002).  Morphological segmentation of remotely sensed forest covers in high spatial resolution images. (, Ed.).MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS. 137-146.
Barata, T., & Pina P. (2002).  Morphological segmentation of remotely sensed forest covers in high spatial resolution images. (H. Talbot, and. Beare, Ed.).MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS. 137 - 146.
Avila, A., Rodrigo A., & Rodà F. (2002).  Nitrogen circulation in a Mediterranean holm oak forest, La Castanya, Montseny, northeastern Spain. Hydrology and Earth System …. 551 - 558.
Avila, A., Rodrigo A., & Rodà F. (2002).  Nitrogen circulation in a Mediterranean holm oak forest, La Castanya, Montseny, northeastern Spain. Hydrology and Earth System …. 551-558.
Roda, F., Avila a., & Rodrigo A. (2002).  Nitrogen deposition in Mediterranean forests.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 118(2), 205 - 213.
Rodà, F., Avila a., & Rodrigo a. (2002).  Nitrogen deposition in Mediterranean forests.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 118, 205-213.
Escribano, M., A. de Ledesma R., Mesías F. J., & Pulido F. (2002).  Niveles de cargas ganaderas en la dehesa extremeña. Archivos de zootecnia. 51, 315 - 326.
Escribano, M., A de Ledesma R., Mesías F. J., & Pulido F. (2002).  Niveles de cargas ganaderas en la dehesa extremeña. Archivos de zootecnia. 51, 315-326.
Cordeiro, N., Neto C. P., Rocha J., Belgacem M. N., & Gandini A. (2002).  The organosolv fractionation of cork components. HOLZFORSCHUNG. 56(2), 135 - 142.
Espejo, J. M. Recio, Faust D., & Granados M. A. Nuñez (2002).  The origin of the Sierra de Aracena Hollows in the Sierra Morena, Huelva, Andalucia, Spain. Geomorphology. 45, 197-209.
Oliveira, G. (2002).  A outra face do descortiçamento: Implicaçoes para a fisiologia e crescimento do sobreiro. 307 - 320.
Virgós, E., & García F. J. (2002).  Patch occupancy by stone martens Martes foina in fragmented landscapes of central Spain: the role of fragment size, isolation and habitat structure. Acta Oecologica. 23, 231-237.
Virgós, E., & García F. J. (2002).  Patch occupancy by stone martens Martes foina in fragmented landscapes of central Spain: the role of fragment size, isolation and habitat structure. Acta Oecologica. 23(4), 231 - 237.
Carrión, J. S. (2002).  Patterns and processes of Late Quaternary environmental change in a montane region of southwestern Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews. 21, 2047-2066.
Carrión, J. S. (2002).  Patterns and processes of Late Quaternary environmental change in a montane region of southwestern Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews. 21, 2047 - 2066.
Gulías, J., Flexas J., Abadía A., & Madrano H. (2002).  Photosynthetic responses to water deficit in six Mediterranean sclerophyll species: possible factors explaining the declining distribution of Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris, an endemic Balearic species.. Tree Physiology. 22, 687-697.
Lopez, J. M. Garcia, J. Jimenez G., & C. CAMACHO ALLUÉ. (2002).  Phytoclimatic characterization of holm-oak provenances (Quercus ilex L.) in the Central-Northern Iberian Peninsula. Forest Systems. 11(1), 77 - 96.
Lopez, J. M. Garcia, J Jimenez G., & C CAMACHO ALLUÉ. (2002).  Phytoclimatic characterization of holm-oak provenances (Quercus ilex L.) in the Central-Northern Iberian Peninsula. Forest Systems. 11, 77-96.
de Freitas, M. Isabel Car (2002).  Propagação Vegetativa de Sobreiros Seleccionados. Silva Lusitana. 10, 17-52.
de Freitas, M. Isabel Car (2002).  Propagação Vegetativa de Sobreiros Seleccionados. Silva Lusitana. 10, 17 - 52.
