Research Publications

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Cordeiro, N., Blayo A., Belgacem N. M., Gandini A., C Neto P., & LeNest J.-F. (2000).  Cork suberin as an additive in offset lithographic printing inks. Industrial Crops and Products. 11, 63-71.
Cordeiro, N., Blayo A., Belgacem N. M., Gandini A., C. Neto P., & LeNest J.-F. (2000).  Cork suberin as an additive in offset lithographic printing inks. Industrial Crops and Products. 11(1), 63 - 71.
Archer, M., RODRIGUES M. L., Aurélio M., Biemans R., Cravador A., & Carrondo M. a (2000).  Crystallization and preliminary x-ray diffraction analysis of beta-cinnamomin, an elicitin secreted by the phytopathogenic fungus Phytophthora cinnamomin.. Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography. 56, 363-365.
Archer, M., Rodrigues M. L., Aurélio M., Biemans R., Cravador A., & Carrondo M. a (2000).  Crystallization and preliminary x-ray diffraction analysis of beta-cinnamomin, an elicitin secreted by the phytopathogenic fungus Phytophthora cinnamomin.. Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography. 56(Pt 3), 363 - 365.
Getachew, G., Makkar H. P. S., & Becker K. (2000).  Effect of polyethylene glycol on in vitro degradability of nitrogen and microbial protein synthesis from tannin-rich browse and herbaceous legumes. BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION. 84(1), 73 - 83.
Getachew, G., Makkar H. P. S., & Becker K. (2000).  Effect of polyethylene glycol on in vitro degradability of nitrogen and microbial protein synthesis from tannin-rich browse and herbaceous legumes. BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION. 84, 73-83.
Van Leeuwen, E. P., & Hendriks KCMA. (2000).  Effects of environmental stress on forest crown condition in Europe. Part II: Estimation of stress induced by meteorology and air pollutants. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 119, 335 - 362.
Klap, J. M., & Voshaar J. H. Oude (2000).  Effects of environmental stress on forest crown condition in Europe. Part IV: statistical analysis of relationships. Water, Air, & Soil …. 119, 387-420.
Chabi, Y., Benyacoub S., & Banbura J. (2000).  Egg-size variation in Algerian populations of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus ultramarinus): Effects of altitude and habitat. REVUE D ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE. 55, 183-192.
Bergero, R., Perotto S., Girlanda M., Vidano G., & Luppi a. M. (2000).  Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi are common root associates of a Mediterranean ectomycorrhizal plant (Quercus ilex). Molecular Ecology. 9, 1639-1649.
Bergero, R., Perotto S., Girlanda M., Vidano G., & Luppi a. M. (2000).  Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi are common root associates of a Mediterranean ectomycorrhizal plant (Quercus ilex). Molecular Ecology. 9(10), 1639 - 1649.
Box, E. O., & Choi J. N. (2000).  Estimating species-based community integrity under global warming, with special reference to the western Mediterranean region. PHYTOCOENOLOGIA. 30, 335-352.
Box, E. O., & Choi J. N. (2000).  Estimating species-based community integrity under global warming, with special reference to the western Mediterranean region. PHYTOCOENOLOGIA. 30(3-4), 335 - 352.
Borralho, R., Stoate C., & Araújo M. (2000).  Factors affecting the distribution of Red-legged Partridges Alectoris rufa in an agricultural landscape of southern Portugal. Bird Study. 47, 304-310.
Borralho, R., Stoate C., & Araújo M. (2000).  Factors affecting the distribution of Red-legged Partridges Alectoris rufa in an agricultural landscape of southern Portugal. Bird Study. 47(3), 304 - 310.
Ramirez-Sanz, L., Casado M. A., & De Miguel J. M. (2000).  Floristic relationship between scrubland and grassland patches in the Mediterranean landscape of the Iberian Peninsula. Plant Ecology. 149, 63-70.
Ramirez-Sanz, L., Casado M. A., & De Miguel J. M. (2000).  Floristic relationship between scrubland and grassland patches in the Mediterranean landscape of the Iberian Peninsula. Plant Ecology. 149(Huston 1999), 63 - 70.
Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Oswald H., Piussi P., & Radoglou K. (2000).  Forests of the Mediterranean region: gaps in knowledge and research needs. Forest Ecology and Management. 132(1), 97 - 109.
Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Oswald H., Piussi P., & Radoglou K. (2000).  Forests of the Mediterranean region: gaps in knowledge and research needs. Forest Ecology and Management. 132, 97-109.
Delfine, S., Csiky O., Seufert G., & Loreto F. (2000).  Fumigation with exogenous monoterpenes of a non-isoprenoid-emitting oak (Quercus suber): monoterpene acquisition, translocation, and effect on the photosynthetic properties at high temperatures. New Phytologist. 146(1), 27 - 36.
Delfine, S., Csiky O., Seufert G., & Loreto F. (2000).  Fumigation with exogenous monoterpenes of a non-isoprenoid-emitting oak (Quercus suber): monoterpene acquisition, translocation, and effect on the photosynthetic properties at high temperatures. New Phytologist. 146, 27-36.
Bartolomé, J., & Franch J. (2000).  Grazing alone is not enough to maintain landscape diversity in the Montseny Biosphere Reserve. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 77, 267-273.
Bartolomé, J., & Franch J. (2000).  Grazing alone is not enough to maintain landscape diversity in the Montseny Biosphere Reserve. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 77(3), 267 - 273.
Bueno, M. A., & Agundez M. D. (2000).  Haploid origin of cork oak anther embryos detected by enzyme and RAPD gene markers.. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 161, 363.
Bueno, M. A., & Agundez M. D. (2000).  Haploid origin of cork oak anther embryos detected by enzyme and RAPD gene markers.. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 161(3), 
Malo, J. E., Jimenez B., & Suarez F. (2000).  Herbivore dunging and endozoochorous seed deposition in a Mediterranean dehesa. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT. 53(3), 322 - 328.
Malo, J. E., Jimenez B., & Suarez F. (2000).  Herbivore dunging and endozoochorous seed deposition in a Mediterranean dehesa. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT. 53, 322-328.
Jalut, G., Amat A. Esteban, Bonnet L., Gauquelin T., & Fontugne M. (2000).  Holocene climatic changes in the Western Mediterranean, from south-east France to south-east Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 160, 255-290.
Collado, J., Platas G., & Pelaez F. (2000).  Host specificity in fungal endophytic populations of Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea from Central Spain. NOVA HEDWIGIA. 71, 421-430.
Collado, J., Platas G., & Pelaez F. (2000).  Host specificity in fungal endophytic populations of Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea from Central Spain. NOVA HEDWIGIA. 71(3-4), 421 - 430.
