Research Publications

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MARAÑÓN, T., Ajbilou R., Ojeda F., & Arroyo J. (1999).  Biodiversity of woody species in oak woodlands of southern Spain and northern Morocco. Forest Ecology and Management. 115, 147-156.
Kesselmeier, J., & Staudt M. (1999).  Biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC): An overview on emission, physiology and ecology. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY. 33, 23-88.
Rapp, M., Regina I. Santa, Rico M., & Gallego H. Antonio (1999).  Biomass, nutrient content, litterfall and nutrient return to the soil in Mediterranean oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 119(1-3), 39 - 49.
Rapp, M., Regina I. Santa, Rico M., & Gallego H. Antonio (1999).  Biomass, nutrient content, litterfall and nutrient return to the soil in Mediterranean oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 119, 39-49.
Meunier, F. D., Verheyden C., & Jouventin P. (1999).  Bird communities of highway verges: Influence of adjacent habitat and roadside management. Acta Oecologica. 20, 1-13.
Naamane, B., Chergui H., & Pattee E. (1999).  The breakdown of leaves of poplar and holm oak in three Moroccan streams : effect of burial in the sediment. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology. 35, 263-275.
Catalan, R. M., & Haeger J. F. (1999).  Breeding performance of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus in a patchy Mediterranean landscape. REVUE D ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE. 54, 167-185.
García, F. Pulido, Díaz F. Javier Mes, Vega A. Rodríguez, Martímez J. M. Coleto, Díaz J. Gallardo, & Sánchez M. Escribano (1999).  Caracterización de los quesos artesanos extremeños: Una aproximación desde el punto de vista del consumidor. Simposio Internacional. Caracterización de los productos ganaderos de la dehesa. 264-270.
Gómez-Limón, J., & Fernández J. V. L. (1999).  Changes in use and landscape preferences on the agricultural-livestock landscapes of the central Iberian Peninsula (Madrid, Spain). Landscape and urban planning. 44, 165-175.
Akim, L. G., Cordeiro N., C Neto P., & Gandini A. (1999).  Comparative Analysis of the Lignins of Cork from Quercus suber L. and Wood from Eucalyptus globulus L. by Dry Hydrogen Iodide Cleavage. Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives. 742, 14-291.
Nardini, A., Gullo M. A. Lo, & Salleo S. (1999).  Competitive strategies for water availability in two Mediterranean Quercus species. Plant, Cell & Environment. 22, 109 - 116.
Nardini, A., Gullo M. A. Lo, & Salleo S. (1999).  Competitive strategies for water availability in two Mediterranean Quercus species. Plant, Cell & Environment. 22, 109-116.
Pinto-Correia, T., & Mascarenhas J. (1999).  Contribution to the extensification/intensification debate: new trends in the Portuguese montado. Landscape and Urban Planning. 46, 125-131.
Santos, M. N. S. (1999).  Cork oak - Hypoxylon mediterraneum de Not.: pathogenicity tests. (, Ed.).PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS OF TREE-PHYTOPHAGE INTERACTIONS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM. 279-283.
Martins, C. M. C., Mesquita S. M. M., & Vaz W. L. C. (1999).  Cuticular waxes of the holm (Quercus ilex l. subsp. ballota (desf.) samp.) and cork (Q. suber l.) oaks. Phytochemical Analysis. 10(1), 1 - 5.
Martins, C. M. C., Mesquita S. M. M., & Vaz W. L. C. (1999).  Cuticular waxes of the holm (Quercus ilex l. subsp. ballota (desf.) samp.) and cork (Q. suber l.) oaks. Phytochemical Analysis. 10, 1-5.
Latorre, A. V. Pérez (1999).  Datos sobre la flora y vegetación del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Cádiz-Málaga, España). Acta botánica malacitana. 24, 133 - 184.
Latorre, A. V. Pérez (1999).  Datos sobre la flora y vegetación del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Cádiz-Málaga, España). Acta botánica malacitana. 24, 133-184.
Olea, L., & Figuera F. (1999).  Dehesa ecosystem: Production and preservation. Options Méditerranéennes. 239-246.
Joffre, R., Rambal S., & Ratte J. P. (1999).  The dehesa system of southern Spain and Portugal as a natural ecosystem mimic. Agroforestry Systems. 45, 57-79.
Nabais, C., Freitas H., & Hagemeyer J. (1999).  Dendroanalysis: a tool for biomonitoring environmental pollution?. The Science of the total environment. 232, 33-37.
Heisel, F., Sowinska M., Eckert C., & Miehe J. A. (1999).  Detection of vegetation stress and nutrient deficiencies by leaf laser-induced fluorescence imaging. (, Ed.).INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON URBAN TREE HEALTH. 245-252.
Gonzalez-Benito, M. E., Herradon E., & Martin C. (1999).  The development of a protocol for the encapsulation-desiccation and in vitro culture of embryonic axes of Quercus suber L-and Q-ilex L.. SILVAE GENETICA. 48, 25-28.
Hernández-Olivares, F., & Bollati M. R. (1999).  Development of cork–gypsum composites for building applications. Construction and Building Materials. 179-186.
Verdaguer, D., & Molinas M. (1999).  Developmental anatomy and apical organization of the primary root of cork oak (Quercus auber L.. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 160, 471.
García-Plazaola, J. I., Artetxe U., BECERRIL J. M., & Garcı I. (1999).  Diurnal changes in antioxidant and carotenoid composition in the Mediterranean schlerophyll tree Quercus ilex(L) during winter. Plant Science. 143, 125 - 133.
Garcia-Plazaola, J. I., Artetxe U., BECERRIL J. M., & Garcı I. (1999).  Diurnal changes in antioxidant and carotenoid composition in the Mediterranean schlerophyll tree Quercus ilex(L) during winter. Plant Science. 143, 125-133.
Caritat, A., Molinas M., Vilar L., & Masson P. (1999).  Efecto de los tratamientos silvopastorales en el crecimiento del alcornoque. Scientia gerundensis. 24, 27 - 35.
Caritat, A., Molinas M., Vilar L., & Masson P. (1999).  Efecto de los tratamientos silvopastorales en el crecimiento del alcornoque. Scientia gerundensis. 24, 27-35.
Gallego, F. L., Parra M. L., & Sanchez F. P. (1999).  Effect of pre-lambing supplementation on milk production of Merino ewes at grazing. (F. Barillet, and. Deligeorgi, Ed.).MILKING AND MILK PRODUCTION OF DAIRY SHEEP AND GOATS. 342 - 344.
