Research Publications

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Gallego, F. L., Parra M. L., & Sanchez F. P. (1999).  Effect of pre-lambing supplementation on milk production of Merino ewes at grazing. (, Ed.).MILKING AND MILK PRODUCTION OF DAIRY SHEEP AND GOATS. 342-344.
Gharzouli, K., Khennouf S., Amira S., & Gharzouli A. (1999).  Effects of aqueous extracts from Quercus ilex l. root bark, Punica granatum l. fruit peel and Artemisia herba-alba Asso leaves on ethanol-induced gastric damage in rats. Phytotherapy Research. 13, 42-45.
Fernández-Santos, B., Gómez-Gutiérrez J. M., & Moreno-Marcos G. (1999).  Effects of disturbance caused by traditional Spanish rural land use on the regeneration of Cytisus multiflorus. Applied Vegetation …. 239-250.
Fernández-Santos, B., Gómez-Gutiérrez J. M., & Moreno-Marcos G. (1999).  Effects of disturbance caused by traditional Spanish rural land use on the regeneration of Cytisus multiflorus. Applied Vegetation …. 239 - 250.
Careri, M., Mazzoleni V., Musci M., & Molteni R. (1999).  Effects of electron beam irradiation on cork volatile compounds by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. CHROMATOGRAPHIA. 49, 166-172.
Careri, M., Mazzoleni V., Musci M., & Molteni R. (1999).  Effects of electron beam irradiation on cork volatile compounds by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. CHROMATOGRAPHIA. 49(3-4), 166 - 172.
Díaz, M., Santos T., & Tellería J. L. (1999).  Effects of forest fragmentation on the winter body condition and population parameters of an habitat generalist, the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus: a test of. Acta Oecologica. 20(1), 39 - 49.
Diaz, M., Santos T., & Tellería J. L. (1999).  Effects of forest fragmentation on the winter body condition and population parameters of an habitat generalist, the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus: a test of. Acta Oecologica. 20, 39-49.
Carmel, Y., & Kadmon R. (1999).  Effects of grazing and topography on long-term vegetation changes in a Mediterranean ecosystem in Israel. Plant Ecology. 145, 243 - 254.
Carmel, Y., & Kadmon R. (1999).  Effects of grazing and topography on long-term vegetation changes in a Mediterranean ecosystem in Israel. Plant Ecology. 145, 243-254.
Luque, J., Cohen M., Save R., Biel C., & F. I. Álvarez (1999).  Effects of three fungal pathogens on water relations, chlorophyll fluorescence and growth of Quercus suber L. Ann. For. Sci.. 56, 19-26.
Rodriguez, R. (1999).  Effects on natural regeneration of woodland in a dehesa system grazed by Avilena-Negra Iberica Breed. Cahiers Options …. 257-259.
P Merle, D. (1999).  Egg development and diapause: ecophysiological and genetic basis of phenological polymorphism and adaptation to varied hosts in the green oak tortrix, Tortrix viridana L-(Lepidoptera : Tortricidae). JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY. 45, 599-611.
Gauquelin, T., Bertaudiere V., & Montès N. (1999).  Endangered stands of thuriferous juniper in the western Mediterranean basin: ecological status, conservation and management. Biodiversity and Conservation. 9, 1479-1498.
Gauquelin, T., Bertaudiere V., & Montès N. (1999).  Endangered stands of thuriferous juniper in the western Mediterranean basin: ecological status, conservation and management. Biodiversity and Conservation. 9, 1479 - 1498.
Virgos, E., & Casanovas J. G. (1999).  Environmental constraints at the edge of a species distribution, the Eurasian badger (Meles meles L.): a biogeographic approach. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY. 26, 559-564.
Virgos, E., & Casanovas J. G. (1999).  Environmental constraints at the edge of a species distribution, the Eurasian badger (Meles meles L.): a biogeographic approach. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY. 26(3), 559 - 564.
Loppi, S., Bonini I., & de Dominicis V. (1999).  Epiphytic lichens and bryophytes of forest ecosystems in Tuscany (Central Italy). Cryptogamie Mycologie. 20, 127-135.
Loppi, S., Bonini I., & de Dominicis V. (1999).  Epiphytic lichens and bryophytes of forest ecosystems in Tuscany (Central Italy). Cryptogamie Mycologie. 20(2), 127 - 135.
Gallego, F. J., A de Algaba P., & Fernandez-Escobar R. (1999).  Etiology of oak decline in Spain. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 29, 17-27.
Gallego, F. J., A. de Algaba P., & Fernandez-Escobar R. (1999).  Etiology of oak decline in Spain. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 29(1), 17 - 27.
Ourcival, J. M., Joffre R., & Rambal S. (1999).  Exploring the relationships between reflectance and anatomical and biochemical properties in Quercus ilex leaves. New Phytologist. 143, 351-364.
Gabriel, R., Schäfer L., & Gerlach C. (1999).  Factors controlling the emissions of volatile organic acids from leaves of Quercus ilex L.(Holm oak). Atmospheric Environment. 33, 1347 - 1355.
Gabriel, R., Schafer L., & Gerlach C. (1999).  Factors controlling the emissions of volatile organic acids from leaves of Quercus ilex L.(Holm oak). Atmospheric Environment. 33, 1347-1355.
Carrión, J. S., & Van Geel B. (1999).  Fine-resolution Upper Weichselian and Holocene palynological record from Navarrés (Valencia, Spain) and a discussion about factors of Mediterranean forest succession. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 106, 209-236.
Carrión, J. S., & Van Geel B. (1999).  Fine-resolution Upper Weichselian and Holocene palynological record from Navarrés (Valencia, Spain) and a discussion about factors of Mediterranean forest succession. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 106, 209 - 236.
Jimenez, P., Agundez D., Alia R., & Gil L. (1999).  Genetic variation in central and marginal populations of Quercus suber L.. SILVAE GENETICA. 48, 278-284.
Collado, J., Platas G., GONZÁLEZ I., & Pelaez F. (1999).  Geographical and seasonal influences on the distribution of fungal endophytes in Quercus ilex. New Phytologist. 144, 525-532.
Collado, J., Platas G., GONZÁLEZ I., & Pelaez F. (1999).  Geographical and seasonal influences on the distribution of fungal endophytes in Quercus ilex. New Phytologist. 144(3), 525 - 532.
Lachica, M., Somlo R., Barroso F. G., Boza J., & Prieto C. (1999).  Goats locomotion energy expenditure under range grazing conditions: Seasonal variation. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT. 52, 431-435.
