Research Publications

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Fa, J. E., Sharples C. M., & Bell D. J. (1999).  Habitat correlates of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) distribution after the spread of RVHD in Cadiz Province, Spain. Journal of Zoology. 249, 83-96.
Fa, J. E., Sharples C. M., & Bell D. J. (1999).  Habitat correlates of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) distribution after the spread of RVHD in Cadiz Province, Spain. Journal of Zoology. 249(1), 83 - 96.
P Palacín, C. (1999).  Hacia la medición de la renta de bienestar del uso múltiple de un bosque. Investigación agraria. Sistemas y recursos …. 8, 3-5.
Ducceschi, L., P Legittimo C., & L Bonzi M. (1999).  Heavy Metals in Moss and Bark From Urban Area of Florence: A New Cleaness Procedure for Removing Superficial Particulate Matter. Chemistry and Ecology. 16, 119-141.
Ducceschi, L., P. Legittimo C., & L. Bonzi M. (1999).  Heavy Metals in Moss and Bark From Urban Area of Florence: A New Cleaness Procedure for Removing Superficial Particulate Matter. Chemistry and Ecology. 16(2-3), 119 - 141.
Terradas, J. (1999).  Holm oak and holm oak forests: An introduction. Ecology of Mediterranean Evergreen Oak Forests. 137, 3-14.
REILLE, M., Gamisans J., Andrieu-Ponel V., & De Beaulieu J.-L. (1999).  The Holocene at Lac de Creno, Corsica, France: a key site for the whole island. New Phytologist. 141, 291-307.
Branquinho, C., Catarino F., Brown D. H., Pereira M. J., & Soares A. (1999).  Improving the use of lichens as biomonitors of atmospheric metal pollution.. The Science of the total environment. 232, 67-77.
Branquinho, C., Catarino F., Brown D. H., Pereira M. J., & Soares A. (1999).  Improving the use of lichens as biomonitors of atmospheric metal pollution.. The Science of the total environment. 232(1-2), 67 - 77.
Romano, A., & Martins-Loução M. a (1999).  In vitro cold storage of cork oak shoot cultures. Plant cell, tissue and organ culture. 59, 155-157.
Guzmán, J. M. S., & García A. S. (1999).  Influence of farming activities in the Iberian Peninsula on the winter habitat use of common crane ( Grus grus) in areas of its traditional migratory routes. Agriculture, ecosystems &…. 72, 207-214.
Coûteaux, M-M., Kurz C., Bottner P., & Raschi A. (1999).  Influence of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on quality of plant material and litter decomposition. Tree Physiology. 19, 301-311.
Coûteaux, M-M., Kurz C., Bottner P., & Raschi A. (1999).  Influence of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on quality of plant material and litter decomposition. Tree Physiology. 19(4-5), 301 - 311.
Noble, A. D., Little I. P., & Randall P. J. (1999).  The influence of Pinus radiata, Quercus suber, and improved pasture on soil chemical properties. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL RESEARCH. 37, 509-526.
R HIERRO, SERRADA., & Viñas J. I. García (1999).  INFORMACIÓN ACERCA DE LA PRESENCIA DE ALCORNOQUE ( Quercus suber L .) EN LA PROVINCIA DE GUADALAJARA. Investigación agraria. Sistemas y recursos forestales. 8, 101-112.
Niinemets, Ü., Tenhunen J. D., Canta N. R., Chaves M. M., Faria T., Pereira J. S., et al. (1999).  Interactive effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the acclimation potential of foliage photosynthetic properties of cork oak, Quercus suber, to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Global Change Biology. 5, 455-470.
Simpson, D., Winiwarter W., Borjesson G., Cinderby S., Ferreiro A., Guenther A., et al. (1999).  Inventorying emissions from nature in Europe. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 104, 8113-8152.
Criquet, S., Tagger S., & Vogt G. (1999).  Laccase activity of forest litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 31, 1239 - 1244.
Criquet, S., Tagger S., & Vogt G. (1999).  Laccase activity of forest litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 31, 1239-1244.
Magri, D., & Sadori L. (1999).  Late Pleistocene and Holocene pollen stratigraphy at Lago di Vico, central Italy. Vegetation history and archaeobotany. 247-260.
Gratani, L., & Bombelli A. (1999).  Leaf anatomy, inclination, and gas exchange relationships in evergreen sclerophyllous and drought semideciduous shrub species. PHOTOSYNTHETICA. 37, 573-585.
Quezel, P. (1999).  Les grandes structures de végétation en région méditerranéenne: facteurs déterminants dans leur mise en place post-glaciaire. Geobios. 6, 19-32.
Olea, L., & Viguera F. J. (1999).  Levels of bioelements and their relation to the ruminants ' needs in the most important pasture-plant species of the wooded dehesa ( grazing-land ) in the south-west of Spain. Dynamics and sustainability of Mediterranean pastoral systems . CIHEAM, (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 39). 255, 251-255.
Villemant, C., & Andrei-Ruiz M. C. (1999).  Life-cycles and biological features of eggs predators of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera : Lymantriidae) in the Mamora cork oak forest, Morocco. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY. 96, 29-36.
Longán, A., Gómez-Bolea A., Biologia D., Unitat V., Biologia F., & Barcelona U. (1999).  Líquenes y hongos liquenícolas epífitos de Quercus ilex L., poco conocidos en encinares de Cataluña (España). Cryptogamie Mycologie. 20, 49-55.
Longán, A., Gómez-Bolea A., Biologia D., Unitat V., Biologia F., & Barcelona U. (1999).  Líquenes y hongos liquenícolas epífitos de Quercus ilex L., poco conocidos en encinares de Cataluña (España). Cryptogamie Mycologie. 20(1), 49 - 55.
Pena-Neira, A., Hernández T., GARCIA-VALLEJO M. C., Cadahía E., de Simon B. F., & Suarez J. A. (1999).  Low molecular weight phenols in cork stoppers. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE. 50, 285-290.
Pena-Neira, A., BartolomÉ B., Cadahía E., Hernández T., Garcia-Vallejo C., GONZALEZ-ADRADOS J. R., et al. (1999).  Low molecular-weight phenolic compounds in natural and agglomerated cork stoppers. SCIENCES DES ALIMENTS. 19, 119-124.
Pausas, J. G. (1999).  Mediterranean vegetation dynamics: modelling problems and functional types. Plant Ecology. 140, 27-39.
Pausas, J. G. (1999).  Mediterranean vegetation dynamics: modelling problems and functional types. Plant Ecology. 140, 27 - 39.
