Research Publications

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Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (1999).  Seasonal emission of monoterpenes by the Mediterranean tree Quercus ilex in field conditions: Relations with photosynthetic rates, temperature and volatility. Physiologia Plantarum. 105, 641-647.
Boavida, L. C., Varela M. C., & Feijo J. A. (1999).  Sexual reproduction in the cork oak (Quercus suber L.). I. The progamic phase. Sexual Plant Reproduction. 11, 347-353.
Boavida, L. C., VARELA M. C., & Feijo J. A. (1999).  Sexual reproduction in the cork oak (Quercus suber L.). I. The progamic phase. Sexual Plant Reproduction. 11, 347 - 353.
Ferretti, M., Bonini I., Bussotti F., Celesti C., Cenni E., Chiarucci A., et al. (1999).  Short-term changes of response indicators of ecosystem status in broadleaved forests in Tuscany (central Italy). WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION. 116, 351-356.
Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (1999).  Short-term responses of terpene emission rates to experimental changes of PFD in Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex in summer field conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 42, 61-68.
Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (1999).  Short-term responses of terpene emission rates to experimental changes of PFD in Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex in summer field conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 42, 61 - 68.
Marques, A. V., Pereira H., Meier D., & Faix O. (1999).  Structural characterization of cork lignin by thioacidolysis and permanganate oxidation. HOLZFORSCHUNG. 53, 167-174.
Bonet, M. a, Parada M., Selga A., & Vallès J. (1999).  Studies on pharmaceutical ethnobotany in the regions of L'Alt Empordà and Les Guilleries (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula).. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 68, 145-168.
Csiky, O., & Seufert G. (1999).  Terpenoid emissions of Mediterranean oaks and their relation to taxonomy. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS. 9, 1138-1146.
Csiky, O., & Seufert G. (1999).  Terpenoid emissions of Mediterranean oaks and their relation to taxonomy. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS. 9(4), 1138 - 1146.
Fernandez-Escobar, R., Gallego F. J., Benlloch M., Membrillo J., Infante J., & A. de Algaba P. (1999).  Treatment of oak decline using pressurized injection capsules of antifungal materials. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 29(1), 29 - 38.
Fernandez-Escobar, R., Gallego F. J., Benlloch M., Membrillo J., Infante J., & A de Algaba P. (1999).  Treatment of oak decline using pressurized injection capsules of antifungal materials. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 29, 29-38.
Vos, W., & Meekes H. (1999).  Trends in European cultural landscape development: perspectives for a sustainable future. Landscape and Urban Planning. 46, 3-14.
Cordeiro, N., Belgacem M. N., Gandini A., & Neto C. P. (1999).  Urethanes and polyurethanes from suberin 2: synthesis and characterization. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS. 10, 1-10.
Cordeiro, N., Belgacem M. N., Gandini A., & Neto C. P. (1999).  Urethanes and polyurethanes from suberin 2: synthesis and characterization. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS. 10(1), 1 - 10.
Ruiz, N., García J., & Reyes G. (1999).  Uso de la encina ( Quercus ilex spp . ballota ) por la hormiga Plagiolepis pygmaea ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) como refugio ante medios desfavorables. Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 23, 115-125.
Conde, E., GARCIA-VALLEJO M. C., & Cadahía E. (1999).  Variability of suberin composition of reproduction cork from Quercus suber throughout industrial processing. HOLZFORSCHUNG. 53, 56-62.
Conde, E., GARCIA-VALLEJO M. C., & Cadahia E. (1999).  Variability of suberin composition of reproduction cork from Quercus suber throughout industrial processing. HOLZFORSCHUNG. 53(1), 56 - 62.
Gil, A. M., Lopes M. H., C Neto P., & Rocha J. (1999).  Very high-resolution 1H MAS NMR of a natural polymeric material. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 15, 59-67.
Conde, E., GARCIA-VALLEJO M. C., & Cadahia E. (1999).  Waxes composition of Quercus suber reproduction cork from different Spanish provenances. Wood Science and Technology. 33, 271 - 283.
Conde, E., GARCIA-VALLEJO M. C., & Cadahia E. (1999).  Waxes composition of reproduction cork from Quercus suber and its variability throughout the industrial processing. Wood Science and Technology. 33, 229 - 244.
Bussotti, F., & Ferretti M. (1998).  Air pollution, forest condition and forest decline in Southern Europe: an overview.. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 101, 49-65.
Toumi, L., & Lumaret R. (1998).  Allozyme variation in cork oak ( Quercus suber L.): the role of phylogeography and genetic introgression by other Mediterranean oak species and human activities. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 97, 647-656.
EGUREN, V. G. O. N. Z. Á. L. E. Z., Guijarro A. Prieto, & Revuelta J. Fernandez (1998).  ANÁLISIS TÉCNICO-ECONÓMICO DE LA ALIMENTACIÓN DEL GANADO VACUNO EN LA DEHESA SALMANTINA. 6º Congreso de Economía Regional de Castilla y León (Zamora, 1998): "Agricultura y ganadería en Castilla y León". 1687-1697.
Panaïotis, C., Loisel R., & Roux M. (1998).  Analyse de la réponse de la végétation aux trouées naturelles dans une futaie âgée de Quercus ilexL. en Corse (île Méditerranéenne). Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 28, 1125-1134.
Garcia, F. P., SÁNCHEZ M. E., Diaz F. J. M., & Vega A. R. D. (1998).  Analysis of dehesas with multiple use. Physical and economic indexes of sustainable management. (, Ed.).BASIS OF THE QUALITY OF TYPICAL MEDITERRANEAN ANIMAL PRODUCTS. 81-86.
Garcia, F. P., Sanchez M. E., Diaz F. J. M., & Vega A. R. D. (1998).  Analysis of dehesas with multiple use. Physical and economic indexes of sustainable management. (Flamant, JC. and Gabina, Ed.).BASIS OF THE QUALITY OF TYPICAL MEDITERRANEAN ANIMAL PRODUCTS. 81 - 86.
Panaiotis, C., Loisel R., & Roux M. (1998).  Analysis of vegetation response to naturally occurring gaps in old-growth forests of Quercus ilex L. in Corsica. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE. 28, 1125-1134.
Panaiotis, C., Loisel R., & Roux M. (1998).  Analysis of vegetation response to naturally occurring gaps in old-growth forests of Quercus ilex L. in Corsica. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE. 28(8), 1125 - 1134.
, , , , BartolomÉ B., , et al. (1998).  Anaphylactic reaction to ingestion of Quercus ilex acorn nut. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 28, 739-742.
