Research Publications
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Filters: Author is Nabais, Cristina and Keyword is Nickel [Clear All Filters]
Nickel sorption capacity of ground xylem of Quercus ilex trees and effects of selected ligands present in the xylem sap..
Journal of plant physiology. 166, 270-277.
(2009). Nickel sorption capacity of ground xylem of Quercus ilex trees and effects of selected ligands present in the xylem sap..
Journal of plant physiology. 166(3), 270 - 277.
(2009). Dynamic Modelling of Nickel Complexation in Xylem Sap of Quercus ilex: A Voltammetric Study.
Electroanalysis. 18(8), 814 - 822.
(2006). Dynamic Modelling of Nickel Complexation in Xylem Sap of Quercus ilex: A Voltammetric Study.
Electroanalysis. 18, 814-822.