Research Publications
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Filters: Author is Rives, Jesús and Keyword is Mediterranean [Clear All Filters]
Integrated environmental analysis of the main cork products in southern Europe (Catalonia – Spain).
Journal of Cleaner Production.
(Submitted). Environmental analysis of cork granulate production in Catalonia – Northern Spain.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 58, 132 - 142.
(2012). Environmental analysis of raw cork extraction in cork oak forests in southern Europe (Catalonia--Spain)..
Journal of environmental management. 110, 236-245.
(2012). Environmental analysis of the production of champagne cork stoppers.
Journal of Cleaner Production. 25, 1-13.
(2012). Environmental analysis of the production of natural cork stoppers in southern Europe (Catalonia – Spain).
Journal of Cleaner Production. 19, 259-271.