Research Publications
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Filters: Author is Moreno, Gerardo and Keyword is Quercus ilex [Clear All Filters]
Resource manipulation reveals flexible allocation rules to growth and reproduction in a Mediterranean evergreen oak.
(2014). Facilitation of holm oak recruitment through two contrasted shrubs species in Mediterranean grazed woodlands.
(Zobel, M., Ed.).Journal of Vegetation Science. n/a--n/a.
(2012). Belowground competition for nutrients in shrub-encroached Mediterranean dehesas.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 90, 347-354.
(2011). Quercus ilex root growth in response to heterogeneous conditions of soil bulk density and soil NH4-N content.
Soil and Tillage Research. 103(1), 16 - 22.
(2009). Quercus ilex root growth in response to heterogeneous conditions of soil bulk density and soil NH4-N content.
Soil and Tillage Research. 103, 16-22.
(2009). Light distribution in scattered-trees open woodlands in Western Spain.
Agroforestry Systems. 73, 233-244.
(2008). Light distribution in scattered-trees open woodlands in Western Spain.
Agroforestry Systems. 73(3), 233 - 244.
(2008). Effect of single Quercus ilex trees upon spatial and seasonal changes in soil water content in dehesas of central western Spain.
Ann. For. Sci.. 64(3), 355 - 364.