Research Publications

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Fox, D. M., Witz E., Blanc V., Soulié C., Penalver-Navarro M., & Dervieux A. (2012).  A case study of land cover change (1950–2003) and runoff in a Mediterranean catchment. Applied Geography. 32(2), 810 - 821.
Francaviglia, R., Coleman K., Whitmore A. P., Doro L., Urracci G., Rubino M., et al. (2012).  Changes in soil organic carbon and climate change – Application of the RothC model in agro-silvo-pastoral Mediterranean systems. Agricultural Systems. 112, 48 - 54.
NUMA, CATHERINE., Verdú J. R., Rueda C., & Galante E. (2012).  Comparing Dung Beetle Species Assemblages Between Protected Areas and Adjacent Pasturelands in a Mediterranean Savanna Landscape. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 65, 137-143.
Emran, M., Gispert M., & Pardini G. (2012).  Comparing measurements methods of carbon dioxide fluxes in a soil sequence under land use and cover change in North Eastern Spain. Geoderma. 170, 176 - 185.
Cerdá, E., & Martı´n-Barroso D. (2012).  Optimal control for forest management and conservation analysis in dehesa ecosystems. European Journal of Operational Research.
Luterbacher, J. (2012).  A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. (Lionello, P., Ed.).The Climate of the Mediterranean Region. 87-185.
Cardelli, R., Marchini F., & Saviozzi A. (2012).  Soil organic matter characteristics, biochemical activity and antioxidant capacity in Mediterranean land use systems. Soil and Tillage Research. 120, 8 - 14.
Orgiazzi, A., Lumini E., R Nilsson H., Girlanda M., Vizzini A., Bonfante P., et al. (2012).  Unravelling Soil Fungal Communities from Different Mediterranean Land-Use Backgrounds. PLoS ONE. 7, e34847.
Gutiérrez, Á. Gómez, Schnabel S., & Contador F. Lavado (2009).  Gully erosion, land use and topographical thresholds during the last 60 years in a small rangeland catchment in SW Spain. Land Degradation & Development. 20, 535-550.
Zavala, L. M., González F. a, & Jordán A. (2009).  Intensity and persistence of water repellency in relation to vegetation types and soil parameters in Mediterranean SW Spain. Geoderma. 152(3-4), 361 - 374.
Zavala, L. M., González F. a., & Jordán A. (2009).  Intensity and persistence of water repellency in relation to vegetation types and soil parameters in Mediterranean SW Spain. Geoderma. 152, 361-374.
Carevic, F. S., Fernández M., Alejano R., Vázquez-Piqué J., TAPIAS R., Corral E., et al. (2009).  Plant water relations and edaphoclimatic conditions affecting acorn production in a holm oak (Quercus ilex L. ssp. ballota) open woodland. Agroforestry Systems. 78, 299-308.
Carevic, F. S., Fernández M., Alejano R., Vázquez-Piqué J., Tapias R., Corral E., et al. (2009).  Plant water relations and edaphoclimatic conditions affecting acorn production in a holm oak (Quercus ilex L. ssp. ballota) open woodland. Agroforestry Systems. 78(3), 299 - 308.
Casado, G.I. I. Guzmán, & M. de Molina G. (2009).  Preindustrial agriculture versus organic agriculture. Land Use Policy. 26, 502-510.
Casado, G. I. I. Guzm, & M. de Molina G. (2009).  Preindustrial agriculture versus organic agriculture. Land Use Policy. 26(2), 502 - 510.
