Research Publications
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Can ammonia tolerance amongst lichen functional groups be explained by physiological responses?.
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987).
(2014). Current ozone levels threaten gross primary production and yield of Mediterranean annual pastures and nitrogen modulates the response.
Atmospheric Environment.
(2014). Fertilization regime interacts with fall temperature in the nursery to determine the frost and drought tolerance of the Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex subsp. ballota.
Forest Ecology and Management. 331, 50-59.
(2014). Is there a species spectrum within the world-wide leaf economics spectrum? Major variations in leaf functional traits in the Mediterranean sclerophyll Quercus ilex.
New Phytologist. n/a--n/a.
(2014). Tools for determining critical levels of atmospheric ammonia under the influence of multiple disturbances.
Environmental Pollution. 188, 88-93.
(2014). Field-simulated droughts affect elemental leaf stoichiometry in Mediterranean forests and shrublands.
(2013). Tree species is the major factor explaining C:N ratios in European forest soils.
Forest Ecology and Management. 311,
(2013). Changes in atmospheric deposition and streamwater chemistry over 25 years in undisturbed catchments in a Mediterranean mountain environment..
The Science of the total environment. 434, 18 - 27.
(2012). Acorn production is linked to secondary growth but not to declining carbohydrate concentrations in current-year shoots of two oak species.
Trees. 26(3), 841 - 850.
(2011). Tropospheric ozone effects on chemical composition and decomposition rate of Quercus ilex L. leaves..
The Science of the total environment. 409, 979-984.
(2011). Can NPK fertilizers enhance seedling growth and mycorrhizal status of Tuber melanosporum-inoculated Quercus ilex seedlings?.
Mycorrhiza. 20, 349-360.
(2010). Microbial C, N and P in soils of Mediterranean oak forests: influence of season, canopy cover and soil depth.
Biogeochemistry. 101(1-3), 77 - 92.
(2010). Ex Vitro Acclimatization of Laelia halbingeriana Plants Grown in Different Media and Fertilization Doses.
(2009). Materia orgánica de suelos bajo encinas. Mineralización de carbono y nitrógeno.
Forest Systems. 13, 75-83.
(2008). Lignin and cellulose degradation and nitrogen dynamics during decomposition of three leaf litter species in a Mediterranean ecosystem.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 37(6), 1083 - 1091.
(2005). Lignin and cellulose degradation and nitrogen dynamics during decomposition of three leaf litter species in a Mediterranean ecosystem.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 37, 1083-1091.
(2005). Parent material effects on Mediterranean woodland ecosystems in NE Spain.
Catena. 59, 55-68.
(2005). Nursery cultivation regimes, plant functional attributes, and field performance relationships in the Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex L..
Forest Ecology and Management. 196(2-3), 257 - 266.
(2004). Nursery cultivation regimes, plant functional attributes, and field performance relationships in the Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex L..
Forest Ecology and Management. 196, 257-266.
(2004). Leaf life span differs from retention time of biomass and nutrients in the crowns of evergreen species.
Functional Ecology. 17(4), 541 - 548.
(2003). Leaf life span differs from retention time of biomass and nutrients in the crowns of evergreen species.
Functional Ecology. 17, 541-548.
(2003). Nitrogen deposition in Mediterranean forests..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 118, 205-213.
(2002). Nitrogen deposition in Mediterranean forests..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 118(2), 205 - 213.
(2002). Inflación del capital natural de la dehesa: hipótesis sobre la naturaleza caótica de la seca de los Quercus DENTRO DEL PROCESO DE LA SENESCENCIA FOLIAR.
III Congreso Forestal Español Congreso.
(2001). Inflación del capital natural de la dehesa: hipótesis sobre la naturaleza caótica de la seca de los Quercus DENTRO DEL PROCESO DE LA SENESCENCIA FOLIAR.
III Congreso Forestal Español Congreso.
Effects of long-term elevated CO2 on foliage characteristics of Quercus ilex L. and Juniperus communis L..