Research Publications
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Photosynthesis of Quercus suber is affected by atmospheric NH3 generated by multifunctional agrosystems.
Tree Physiology. 33, 1328-1337.
(2013). DO3SE modelling of soil moisture to determine ozone flux to forest trees.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12(12), 5537 - 5562.
(2012). Implementation of a module for risk of ozone impacts assessment to vegetation in the Integrated Assessment Modelling system for the Iberian Peninsula. Evaluation for wheat and Holm oak..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 165, 25 - 37.
(2012). Responses of evergreen and deciduous Quercus species to enhanced ozone levels..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 159(1), 55 - 63.
(2011). Water-use strategies of six co-existing Mediterranean woody species during a summer drought.
Oecologia. 166, 45-57.
(2011). Seasonal physiological responses of Argania spinosa tree from Mediterranean to semi-arid climate.
Plant and Soil. 337(1-2), 217 - 231.
(2010). Why do large, nitrogen rich seedlings better resist stressful transplanting conditions? A physiological analysis in two functionally contrasting Mediterranean forest species.
Forest Ecology and Management. 260(1), 71 - 78.
(2010). Effects of a deep container on morpho-functional characteristics and root colonization in Quercus suber L. seedlings for reforestation in Mediterranean climate.
Forest Ecology and Management. 256(4), 779 - 785.
(2008). Effects of a deep container on morpho-functional characteristics and root colonization in Quercus suber L. seedlings for reforestation in Mediterranean climate.
Forest Ecology and Management. 256, 779-785.
(2008). Ontogenetic changes in stomatal and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis of two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks differing in leaf life span.
Tree Physiology. 28, 367-374.
(2008). Stomatal uptake and stomatal deposition of ozone in isoprene and monoterpene emitting plants.
Plant Biology. 10(1), 44 - 54.
(2008). Stomatal uptake and stomatal deposition of ozone in isoprene and monoterpene emitting plants.
Plant Biology. 10, 44-54.
(2008). Physiological responses of Quercus ilex Leaves to Water Stress and Acute Ozone Exposure Under Controlled Conditions.
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 189, 113-125.
(2007). Physiological responses of Quercus ilex Leaves to Water Stress and Acute Ozone Exposure Under Controlled Conditions.
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 189(1-4), 113 - 125.
(2007). Stomatal conductance of semi-natural Mediterranean grasslands: implications for the development of ozone critical levels..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 146, 692-698.
(2007). Stomatal conductance of semi-natural Mediterranean grasslands: implications for the development of ozone critical levels..
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 146(3), 692 - 698.
Contribution of physiological and morphological adjustments to drought resistance in two Mediterranean tree species.
Biologia Plantarum. 49, 551-559.
(2005). Contribution of physiological and morphological adjustments to drought resistance in two Mediterranean tree species.
Biologia Plantarum. 49(4), 551 - 559.
(2005). Adaptive photosynthetic strategies of the Mediterranean maquis species according to their origin.
Photosynthetica. 42, 551-558.
(2004). Direct and indirect impacts of fire on isoprenoid emissions from Mediterranean vegetation.
Functional Ecology. 18, 357-364.
(2004). Direct and indirect impacts of fire on isoprenoid emissions from Mediterranean vegetation.
Functional Ecology. 18, 357 - 364.
(2004). Stomatal responses to drought of mature trees and seedlings of two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks.
Forest Ecology and Management. 187, 281-294.
(2004). Stomatal responses to drought of mature trees and seedlings of two co-occurring Mediterranean oaks.
Forest Ecology and Management. 187(2-3), 281 - 294.
(2004). Leaf temperature effects on gas exchange in Quercus ilex L. growing under field conditions.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 134, 19-24.
(2000). Water stress responses of seedlings of four Mediterranean oak species.
Tree Physiology. 20, 1065-1075.
(2000). Comparaison des effets de la contrainte hydrique sur la croissance, la conductance stomatique et la photosynthèse de jeunes plants de chênes méditerranéens (Quercus suber, Q. faginea, Q. coccifera) en Tunisie.
Ann. For. Sci.. 55, 477-495.
(1998). Comparative field study of spring and summer leaf gas exchange and photobiology of the mediterranean trees Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia.
Journal of Experimental Botany. 49, 229-238.