Research Publications

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Louro, R., Calado M., Pinto B., & Santos-Silva C. (2009).  Epigeous macrofungi of the Parque de Natureza de Noudar in Alentejo (Portugal). Mycotaxon.
Louro, R., Calado M., Pinto B., & Santos-Silva C. (2009).  Epigeous macrofungi of the Parque de Natureza de Noudar in Alentejo (Portugal). Mycotaxon.
Yebra, M., & Chuvieco E. (2009).  Generation of a Species-Specific Look-Up Table for Fuel Moisture Content Assessment. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of. 2(1), 21 - 26.
Yebra, M., & Chuvieco E. (2009).  Generation of a Species-Specific Look-Up Table for Fuel Moisture Content Assessment. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of. 2, 21-26.
SERRANO, M. S., SÁNCHEZ M. E., DE VITA P., CARBONERO M. D., TRAPERO A., & FERNÁNDEZ-REBOLLO P. (2009).  INFLUENCIA DEL CULTIVO DE LUPINUS LUTEUS L. EN LA DENSIDAD DE INÓCULO DE PHYTOPHTHORA CINNAMOMI EN SUELOS DE DEHESA. (Reiné, R., Barrantes O., Broca A., & Ferrer C., Ed.).Actas de la XLVIII RC de la SEEP. Huesca La multifuncionalidad de los pastos: producción ganadera sostenible y gestión de los ecosistemas. 605-611.
Serrano, M. S., Sanchez M. E., De Vita P., CARBONERO M. D., Trapero A., & FERNÁNDEZ-REBOLLO P. (2009).  INFLUENCIA DEL CULTIVO DE LUPINUS LUTEUS L. EN LA DENSIDAD DE INÓCULO DE PHYTOPHTHORA CINNAMOMI EN SUELOS DE DEHESA. (Reiné, R., Barrantes O., Broca A., & Ferrer C., Ed.).Actas de la XLVIII RC de la SEEP. Huesca La multifuncionalidad de los pastos: producción ganadera sostenible y gestión de los ecosistemas. 605 - 611.
Linaldeddu, B. T., Sirca C., Spano D., & Franceschini A. (2009).  Physiological responses of cork oak and holm oak to infection by fungal pathogens involved in oak decline. Forest Pathology. 39(4), 232 - 238.
KEENAN, T., Niinemets Ü., Sabaté S., Gracia C., & Penuelas J. (2009).  Seasonality of monoterpene emission potentials in Quercus ilex and Pinus pinea: Implications for regional VOC emissions modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 114, n/a--n/a.
Bonal, R., & Muñoz A. (2009).  Seed weevils living on the edge: pressures and conflicts over body size in the endoparasitic Curculio larvae. Ecological Entomology. 34, 304-309.
Bonal, R., & Muñoz A. (2009).  Seed weevils living on the edge: pressures and conflicts over body size in the endoparasitic Curculio larvae. Ecological Entomology. 34(3), 304 - 309.
Gea-Izquierdo, G., Cañellas I., & Montero G. (2008).  Acorn production in Spanish holm oak woodlands. Forest Systems. 15, 339 - 354.
Gea-Izquierdo, G., Cañellas I., & Montero G. (2008).  Acorn production in Spanish holm oak woodlands. Forest Systems. 15, 339-354.
Alejano, R., TAPIAS R., Fernández M., Torres E., Alaejos J., & Domingo J. (2008).  Influence of pruning and the climatic conditions on acorn production in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) dehesas in SW Spain. Annals of Forest Science. 65, 209.
Alejano, R., Tapias R., Fernández M., Torres E., Alaejos J., & Domingo J. (2008).  Influence of pruning and the climatic conditions on acorn production in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) dehesas in SW Spain. Annals of Forest Science. 65,
Brossa, R., Casals I., Pintó-Marijuan M., & Fleck I. (2008).  Leaf flavonoid content in Quercus ilex L. resprouts and its seasonal variation. Trees. 23(2), 401 - 408.
Brossa, R., Casals I., Pintó-Marijuan M., & Fleck I. (2008).  Leaf flavonoid content in Quercus ilex L. resprouts and its seasonal variation. Trees. 23, 401-408.
La Marca, O., Marziliano P. A., & Scopigno D. (2008).  Opzioni selvicolturali su cedui di leccio del Gargano: risultati a 14 anni dall'avvio della sperimentazione. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. 5, 318-336.
