Research Publications

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Pardini, A., & Nori M. (2011).  Agro-silvo-pastoral systems in Italy: integration and diversification. Pastoralism. 1-10.
Andreetta, A., Dignac M-F., & Carnicelli S. (2011).  Biological and physico-chemical processes influence cutin and suberin biomarker distribution in two Mediterranean forest soil profiles. Biogeochemistry.
Hernández-Ceballos, M. a., García-Mozo H., Adame J. a., Domínguez-Vilches E., Bolívar J. P., De la Morena B. a., et al. (2011).  Determination of potential sources of Quercus airborne pollen in Córdoba city (southern Spain) using back-trajectory analysis. Aerobiologia. 27, 261-276.
Gómez-Aparicio, LORENA., GARCÍA-VALDÉS R., Ruíz-Benito PALOMA., & Zavala MIGUEL. a (2011).  Disentangling the relative importance of climate, size and competition on tree growth in Iberian forests: implications for forest management under global change. Global Change Biology. 17(7), 2400 - 2414.
Rives, J., Fernandez-Rodriguez I., Rieradevall J., & Gabarrell X. (2011).  Environmental analysis of the production of natural cork stoppers in southern Europe (Catalonia – Spain). Journal of Cleaner Production. 19, 259-271.
Carmo, M., Moreira F., Casimiro P., & Vaz P. (2011).  Land use and topography influences on wildfire occurrence in northern Portugal. Landscape and Urban Planning. 100(1-2), 169 - 176.
Castro, H., & Freitas H. (2009).  Above-ground biomass and productivity in the Montado: From herbaceous to shrub dominated communities. Journal of Arid Environments. 73(4-5), 506 - 511.
Gea-Izquierdo, G., Montero G., & Cañellas I. (2009).  Changes in limiting resources determine spatio-temporal variability in tree–grass interactions. Agroforestry Systems. 76(2), 375 - 387.
Gea-Izquierdo, G., Montero G., & Cañellas I. (2009).  Changes in limiting resources determine spatio-temporal variability in tree–grass interactions. Agroforestry Systems. 76, 375-387.
Davison, B., Taipale R., Langford B., Misztal P., Fares S., Matteucci G., et al. (2009).  Concentrations and fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds above a Mediterranean macchia ecosystem in western Italy. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 6(8), 1655 - 1670.
Davison, B., Taipale R., Langford B., Misztal P., Fares S., Matteucci G., et al. (2009).  Concentrations and fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds above a Mediterranean macchia ecosystem in western Italy. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 6, 1655-1670.
Keenan, T., Garcia R., Friend A. D., Zaehle S., Gracia C., & Sabate S. (2009).  Improved understanding of drought controls on seasonal variation in Mediterranean forest canopy CO2 and water fluxes through combined in situ measurements and ecosystem modelling. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 6(8), 1423 - 1444.
Keenan, T., Garcia R., Friend A. D., Zaehle S., Gracia C., & Sabate S. (2009).  Improved understanding of drought controls on seasonal variation in Mediterranean forest canopy CO2 and water fluxes through combined in situ measurements and ecosystem modelling. BIOGEOSCIENCES. 6, 1423-1444.
Carrión, J. S., Finlayson C., Fernández S., Finlayson G., Allué E., López-Sáez J. A., et al. (2008).  A coastal reservoir of biodiversity for Upper Pleistocene human populations: palaeoecological investigations in Gorham's Cave (Gibraltar) in the context of the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27, 2118-2135.
Moreira, F., Catry F., Duarte I., Acácio V., & Silva J. Sande (2008).  A conceptual model of sprouting responses in relation to fire damage: an example with cork oak (Quercus suber L.) trees in Southern Portugal. Plant Ecology. 201(1), 77 - 85.
Bravo, L. Gálvez, Belliure J., & Rebollo S. (2008).  European rabbits as ecosystem engineers: warrens increase lizard density and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18, 869-885.
Bravo, L. Gálvez, Belliure J., & Rebollo S. (2008).  European rabbits as ecosystem engineers: warrens increase lizard density and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18(4), 869 - 885.
González-Tejero, M. R., Casares-Porcel M., Sánchez-Rojas C. P., Ramiro-Gutiérrez J. M., Molero-Mesa J., Pieroni A., et al. (2008).  Medicinal plants in the Mediterranean area: synthesis of the results of the project Rubia.. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 116, 341-357.
Palacio, S., Milla R., Albuixech J., Pérez-Rontomé C., Camarero J. Julio, Maestro M., et al. (2008).  Seasonal variability of dry matter content and its relationship with shoot growth and nonstructural carbohydrates. New Phytologist. 180(1), 133 - 142.
Palacio, S., Milla R., Albuixech J., Pérez-Rontomé C., Camarero J. Julio, Maestro M., et al. (2008).  Seasonal variability of dry matter content and its relationship with shoot growth and nonstructural carbohydrates. New Phytologist. 180, 133-142.
