Research Publications
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Review of the Cenozoic Floras and Vegetation of Greece.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.
(Submitted). The mountain woodlands of western Crete - plant communities, forest goods, grazing impact and conservation.
Phytocoenologia. 41(2), 73 - 115.
(2011). Reconstructing middle to late Holocene palaeogeographies of the lower Messenian plain (southwestern Peloponnese, Greece): Coastline migration, vegetation history and sea level change.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 284(3-4), 257 - 270.
(2009). Reconstructing middle to late Holocene palaeogeographies of the lower Messenian plain (southwestern Peloponnese, Greece): Coastline migration, vegetation history and sea level change.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 284, 257-270.
(2009). Seed bank composition and above-ground vegetation in response to grazing in sub-Mediterranean oak forests (NW Greece).
Plant Ecology. 201(1), 255 - 265.
(2008). Seed bank composition and above-ground vegetation in response to grazing in sub-Mediterranean oak forests (NW Greece).
Plant Ecology. 201, 255-265.
(2008). Use of native woodlands and traditional olive groves by foraging bats on a Mediterranean island: consequences for conservation.
Journal of Zoology. 273(4), 397 - 405.
(2007). Use of native woodlands and traditional olive groves by foraging bats on a Mediterranean island: consequences for conservation.
Journal of Zoology. 273, 397-405.
(2007). Forage production and small ruminant grazing responses in Mediterranean shrublands as influenced by the reduction of shrub cover.
Agroforestry systems. 225-238.