Research Publications

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Román, D. E., & Miguel M. D. E. (2000).  IDENTIFICACIÓN Y DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS ECTOMICORRIZAS ZONA QUEMADA Y UNA ZONA SIN ALTERAR DEL CARRASCAL DE NAZAR ( NAVARRA ). Publicaciones de Biología, Universidad de Navarra, Serie Botánica. 13, 1 - 42.
Román, D. E., & Miguel M. D. E. (2000).  IDENTIFICACIÓN Y DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS ECTOMICORRIZAS ZONA QUEMADA Y UNA ZONA SIN ALTERAR DEL CARRASCAL DE NAZAR ( NAVARRA ). Publicaciones de Biología, Universidad de Navarra, Serie Botánica. 13, 1-42.
Bussotti, F., Borghini F., Celesti C., Leonzio C., & Bruschi P. (2000).  Leaf morphology and macronutrients in broadleaved trees in central Italy. Trees. 14, 361-368.
Bussotti, F., Borghini F., Celesti C., Leonzio C., & Bruschi P. (2000).  Leaf morphology and macronutrients in broadleaved trees in central Italy. Trees. 14(7), 361 - 368.
Gratani, L. (2000).  Leaf temperature effects on gas exchange in Quercus ilex L. growing under field conditions. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 134, 19-24.
Fleck, I., Aranda X., B Omari E., Permanyer J., Abadía A., & Hogan K. P. (2000).  Light energy dissipation in Quercus ilex resprouts after fire. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 27, 129-137.
Fleck, I., Aranda X., B. Omari E., Permanyer J., Abadia A., & Hogan K. P. (2000).  Light energy dissipation in Quercus ilex resprouts after fire. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 27(2), 129 - 137.
De Angelis, P. (2000).  Litter quality and decomposition in a CO2-enriched Mediterranean forest ecosystem. Plant and Soil. 224, 31-41.
De Angelis, P. (2000).  Litter quality and decomposition in a CO2-enriched Mediterranean forest ecosystem. Plant and Soil. 224, 31 - 41.
Gratani, L., Pesoli P., Crescente M. F., Aichner K., & LARCHER W. (2000).  Photosynthesis as a temperature indicator in Quercus ilex L.. Global and Planetary Change. 24, 153-163.
Prasad, M. N., & Freitas H. (2000).  Removal of toxic metals from solution by leaf, stem and root phytomass of Quercus ilex L. (holly oak).. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 110, 277-283.
Prasad, M. N., & Freitas H. (2000).  Removal of toxic metals from solution by leaf, stem and root phytomass of Quercus ilex L. (holly oak).. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 110(2), 277 - 283.
Gallardo, A., & Rodriguez-Saucedo J. J. (2000).  Soil nitrogen heterogeneity in a Dehesa ecosystem. Plant and Soil. 222, 71 - 82.
Gallardo, A., & Rodriguez-Saucedo J. J. (2000).  Soil nitrogen heterogeneity in a Dehesa ecosystem. Plant and Soil. 222, 71-82.
Maillard, D., Gaudin J. C., Reudet D., & Boutin J. M. (1999).  Acclimatation of the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) introduced in a supramediterranean habitat and its occupation of space. REVUE D ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE. 54, 253-267.
Filella, I., & Penuelas J. (1999).  Altitudinal differences in UV absorbance, UV reflectance and related morphological traits of Quercus ilex and Rhododendron ferrugineum in the Mediterranean region. Plant Ecology. 145, 157 - 165.
Filella, I., & Penuelas J. (1999).  Altitudinal differences in UV absorbance, UV reflectance and related morphological traits of Quercus ilex and Rhododendron ferrugineum in the Mediterranean region. Plant Ecology. 145, 157-165.
Catalan, R. M., & Haeger J. F. (1999).  Breeding performance of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus in a patchy Mediterranean landscape. REVUE D ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE. 54, 167-185.
Martins, C. M. C., Mesquita S. M. M., & Vaz W. L. C. (1999).  Cuticular waxes of the holm (Quercus ilex l. subsp. ballota (desf.) samp.) and cork (Q. suber l.) oaks. Phytochemical Analysis. 10, 1-5.
Martins, C. M. C., Mesquita S. M. M., & Vaz W. L. C. (1999).  Cuticular waxes of the holm (Quercus ilex l. subsp. ballota (desf.) samp.) and cork (Q. suber l.) oaks. Phytochemical Analysis. 10(1), 1 - 5.
Joffre, R., Rambal S., & Ratte J. P. (1999).  The dehesa system of southern Spain and Portugal as a natural ecosystem mimic. Agroforestry Systems. 45, 57-79.
Gharzouli, K., Khennouf S., Amira S., & Gharzouli A. (1999).  Effects of aqueous extracts from Quercus ilex l. root bark, Punica granatum l. fruit peel and Artemisia herba-alba Asso leaves on ethanol-induced gastric damage in rats. Phytotherapy Research. 13, 42-45.
Ourcival, J. M., Joffre R., & Rambal S. (1999).  Exploring the relationships between reflectance and anatomical and biochemical properties in Quercus ilex leaves. New Phytologist. 143, 351-364.
Gabriel, R., Schafer L., & Gerlach C. (1999).  Factors controlling the emissions of volatile organic acids from leaves of Quercus ilex L.(Holm oak). Atmospheric Environment. 33, 1347-1355.
Gabriel, R., Schäfer L., & Gerlach C. (1999).  Factors controlling the emissions of volatile organic acids from leaves of Quercus ilex L.(Holm oak). Atmospheric Environment. 33, 1347 - 1355.
Collado, J., Platas G., GONZÁLEZ I., & Pelaez F. (1999).  Geographical and seasonal influences on the distribution of fungal endophytes in Quercus ilex. New Phytologist. 144, 525-532.
Collado, J., Platas G., GONZÁLEZ I., & Pelaez F. (1999).  Geographical and seasonal influences on the distribution of fungal endophytes in Quercus ilex. New Phytologist. 144(3), 525 - 532.
Terradas, J. (1999).  Holm oak and holm oak forests: An introduction. Ecology of Mediterranean Evergreen Oak Forests. 137, 3-14.
Gratani, L., & Bombelli A. (1999).  Leaf anatomy, inclination, and gas exchange relationships in evergreen sclerophyllous and drought semideciduous shrub species. PHOTOSYNTHETICA. 37, 573-585.
Longán, A., Gómez-Bolea A., Biologia D., Unitat V., Biologia F., & Barcelona U. (1999).  Líquenes y hongos liquenícolas epífitos de Quercus ilex L., poco conocidos en encinares de Cataluña (España). Cryptogamie Mycologie. 20, 49-55.
