Research Publications

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Longán, A., Gómez-Bolea A., Biologia D., Unitat V., Biologia F., & Barcelona U. (1999).  Líquenes y hongos liquenícolas epífitos de Quercus ilex L., poco conocidos en encinares de Cataluña (España). Cryptogamie Mycologie. 20(1), 49 - 55.
Rodrigo, A., Avila A., & Gómez-Bolea A. (1999).  metal contents in Parmelia caperata(L.) Ach. compared to bulk deposition, throughfall and leaf-wash fluxes in two holm oak forests in Montseny (NE Spain). Atmospheric Environment. 33, 359 - 367.
Rodrigo, a., Avila a., & Gómez-Bolea A. (1999).  metal contents in Parmelia caperata(L.) Ach. compared to bulk deposition, throughfall and leaf-wash fluxes in two holm oak forests in Montseny (NE Spain). Atmospheric Environment. 33, 359-367.
Infante, J. M., & Damesin C. (1999).  Modelling leaf gas exchange in holm-oak trees in southern Spain. Agricultural and Forest …. 95, 203 - 223.
Infante, J. M., & Damesin C. (1999).  Modelling leaf gas exchange in holm-oak trees in southern Spain. Agricultural and Forest …. 95, 203-223.
Tognetti, R., & D. J. Johnson (1999).  Responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and nitrogen supply of Quercus ilex L. seedlings from a coppice stand growing at a natural CO2 spring. Ann. For. Sci.. 56, 549-561.
García-Plazaola, J. I., Artetxe U., Duñabeitia M. K., & Becerril J. M. (1999).  Role of Photoprotective Systems of Holm-Oak (Quercus ilex) in the Adaptation to Winter Conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 155(4-5), 625 - 630.
García-Plazaola, J. I., Artetxe U., Duñabeitia M. K., & Becerril J. M. (1999).  Role of Photoprotective Systems of Holm-Oak (Quercus ilex) in the Adaptation to Winter Conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 155, 625-630.
Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (1999).  Short-term responses of terpene emission rates to experimental changes of PFD in Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex in summer field conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 42, 61 - 68.
Penuelas, J., & Llusia J. (1999).  Short-term responses of terpene emission rates to experimental changes of PFD in Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex in summer field conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 42, 61-68.
Cortet, J., & Poinsot-Balaguer N. (1998).  Collembola populations under sclerophyllous coppices in Provence (France): comparison between two types of vegetation, Quercus ilex L. and Quercus coccifera L.. Acta Oecologica. 19, 413-424.
Cortet, J., & Poinsot-Balaguer N. (1998).  Collembola populations under sclerophyllous coppices in Provence (France): comparison between two types of vegetation, Quercus ilex L. and Quercus coccifera L.. Acta Oecologica. 19(5), 413 - 424.
Penuelas, J., Filella I., Llusia J., Siscart D., & Piñol J. (1998).  Comparative field study of spring and summer leaf gas exchange and photobiology of the mediterranean trees Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia. Journal of Experimental Botany. 49, 229-238.
Penuelas, J., Filella I., Llusia J., Siscart D., & Piñol J. (1998).  Comparative field study of spring and summer leaf gas exchange and photobiology of the mediterranean trees Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia. Journal of Experimental Botany. 49(319), 229 - 238.
Damesin, C., Rambal S., & Joffre R. (1998).  Co-occurrence of trees with different leaf habit: A functional approach on Mediterranean oaks. Acta Oecologica. 19(3), 195 - 204.
Damesin, C., Rambal S., & Joffre R. (1998).  Co-occurrence of trees with different leaf habit: A functional approach on Mediterranean oaks. Acta Oecologica. 19, 195-204.
Bartolomé, J., Franch J., Plaixats J., & Seligman N. G. (1998).  Diet selection by sheep and goats on Mediterranean heath-woodland range. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT. 51(4), 383 - 391.
Bartolomé, J., Franch J., Plaixats J., & Seligman N. G. (1998).  Diet selection by sheep and goats on Mediterranean heath-woodland range. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT. 51, 383-391.
Faria, T., Silvério D., Breia E., Cabral R., Abadía A., Abadia J., et al. (1998).  Differences in the response of carbon assimilation to summer stress (water deficits, high light and temperature) in four Mediterranean tree species. Physiologia Plantarum. 102, 419-428.
López, B., Sabate S., Ruiz I., & Gracia C. (1998).  Effects of elevated CO2 and decreased water availability on holm-oak seedlings in controlled environment chambers. (, Ed.).IMPACTS OF GLOBAL CHANGE ON TREE PHYSIOLOGY AND FOREST ECOSYSTEMS. 52, 125-133.
López, B., SABATE S., & Gracia C. (1998).  Fine roots dynamics in a Mediterranean forest: effects of drought and stem density. Tree Physiology. 18, 601-606.
Robin, C., Desprez-Loustau M-L., Capron G., & Delatour C. (1998).  First record of Phytophthora cinnamomi on cork and holm oaks in France and evidence of pathogenicity. Ann. For. Sci.. 55, 869-883.
Filella, I., Llusia J., Piñol J., & Penuelas J. (1998).  Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence of Phillyrea latifolia, Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus ilex saplings in severe drought and high temperature conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 39, 213-220.
Filella, I., Llusia J., Piñol J., & Penuelas J. (1998).  Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence of Phillyrea latifolia, Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus ilex saplings in severe drought and high temperature conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 39, 213 - 220.
Staudt, M., & Bertin N. (1998).  Light and temperature dependence of the emission of cyclic and acyclic monoterpenes from holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) leaves. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21, 385-395.
Paoletti, E., Nourrisson G., Garrec J. P., & Raschi A. (1998).  Modifications of the leaf surface structures of Quercus ilex L. in open, naturally CO2-enriched environments. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21, 1071-1075.
Paoletti, E., Nourrisson G., Garrec J. P., & Raschi A. (1998).  Modifications of the leaf surface structures of Quercus ilex L. in open, naturally CO2-enriched environments. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21(10), 1071 - 1075.
Loreto, F., Förster A., Dürr M., Csiky O., & Seufert G. (1998).  On the monoterpene emission under heat stress and on the increased thermotolerance of leaves of Quercus ilex L. fumigated with selected monoterpenes. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21(1), 101 - 107.
Loreto, F., Förster A., Dürr M., Csiky O., & Seufert G. (1998).  On the monoterpene emission under heat stress and on the increased thermotolerance of leaves of Quercus ilex L. fumigated with selected monoterpenes. Plant, Cell & Environment. 21, 101-107.
Grossoni, P., Bussotti F., Tani C., & Gravano E. (1998).  Morpho-anatomical aterations in leaves of Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus ilex L. in different environmental stress condition. Chemosphere. 919 - 924.
