Research Publications
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Forest soil organic carbon dynamics as affected by plant species and their corresponding litters: a fluorescence spectroscopy approach.
(2014). Humus forms in a Mediterranean area (Castelporziano Reserve, Rome, Italy): classification, functioning and organic carbon storage.
GeodermaGeoderma. 235-236, 90-99.
(2014). Influence of land use on soil quality and stratification ratios under agro-silvo-pastoral Mediterranean management systems.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 183, 86-92.
(2014). Stratification ratio of soil organic C, N and C:N in Mediterranean evergreen oak woodland with conventional and organic tillage.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 164, 252 - 259.
(2013). Comparing measurements methods of carbon dioxide fluxes in a soil sequence under land use and cover change in North Eastern Spain.
Geoderma. 170, 176 - 185.
(2012). Patterns of soil organic carbon, glomalin and structural stability in abandoned Mediterranean terraced lands.
European Journal of Soil Science. 63(5), 637 - 649.
(2012). Soil degradation by land use change in an agropastoral area in Sardinia (Italy).
Catena. 83, 46-54.
(2010). Intensity and persistence of water repellency in relation to vegetation types and soil parameters in Mediterranean SW Spain.
Geoderma. 152(3-4), 361 - 374.
(2009). Soil quality and vulnerability in a Mediterranean natural ecosystem of Central Italy..
Chemosphere. 55(3), 455 - 466.
(2004). Soil quality and vulnerability in a Mediterranean natural ecosystem of Central Italy..
Chemosphere. 55, 455-466.