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LTESR Montado Feed
13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared studies of the thermal decomposition of cork.
C. Neto, P.
Rocha J.
Gil A.
Cordeiro N.
Esculcas a. P.
Rocha S.
, et al.
13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared studies of the thermal decomposition of cork.
Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance. 4
(3), 143 - 151.
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about 13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared studies of the thermal decomposition of cork.
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Effect of nursery location and outplanting date on field performance of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex seedlings
Pardos, M.
Royo A.
Gil L.
, &
Pardos J. A.
Effect of nursery location and outplanting date on field performance of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex seedlings
Forestry. 76
(1), 67 - 81.
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about Effect of nursery location and outplanting date on field performance of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex seedlings
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Influencia del tamaño de bellota y del régimen de riego en la calidad de planta de alcornoque cultivada en vivero
M. Mínguez, P.
Cañellas I.
, &
Bachiller A.
Influencia del tamaño de bellota y del régimen de riego en la calidad de planta de alcornoque cultivada en vivero
II Congreso Forestal Español.
491 - 496.
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about Influencia del tamaño de bellota y del régimen de riego en la calidad de planta de alcornoque cultivada en vivero
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Runoff erosion and nutrient depletion in five Mediterranean soils of NE Spain under different land use.
Pardini, G.
Gispert M.
, &
Dunjó G.
Runoff erosion and nutrient depletion in five Mediterranean soils of NE Spain under different land use.
The Science of the total environment. 309
(1-3), 213 - 224.
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about Runoff erosion and nutrient depletion in five Mediterranean soils of NE Spain under different land use.
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Microbial activity and quality changes during decomposition of Quercus ilex leaf litter in three Mediterranean woods
Papa, S.
Pellegrino A.
, &
Fioretto A.
Microbial activity and quality changes during decomposition of Quercus ilex leaf litter in three Mediterranean woods
Applied Soil Ecology. 40
(3), 401 - 410.
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about Microbial activity and quality changes during decomposition of Quercus ilex leaf litter in three Mediterranean woods
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Modifications of the leaf surface structures of Quercus ilex L. in open, naturally CO2-enriched environments
Paoletti, E.
Nourrisson G.
Garrec J. P.
, &
Raschi A.
Modifications of the leaf surface structures of Quercus ilex L. in open, naturally CO2-enriched environments
Plant, Cell & Environment. 21
(10), 1071 - 1075.
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about Modifications of the leaf surface structures of Quercus ilex L. in open, naturally CO2-enriched environments
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Analysis of vegetation response to naturally occurring gaps in old-growth forests of Quercus ilex L. in Corsica
Panaiotis, C.
Loisel R.
, &
Roux M.
Analysis of vegetation response to naturally occurring gaps in old-growth forests of Quercus ilex L. in Corsica
(8), 1125 - 1134.
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about Analysis of vegetation response to naturally occurring gaps in old-growth forests of Quercus ilex L. in Corsica
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Lucha química contra el contaminante Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, RESPONSABLE DE “LA MICORRIZA MARRÓN” DE LOS INVERNADEROS DE PRODUCCIÓN DE PLANTA MICORRIZADA CON TRUFA NEGRA (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.)
Palazón, C.
Barriuso J.
, &
Delgado I.
Lucha química contra el contaminante Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, RESPONSABLE DE “LA MICORRIZA MARRÓN” DE LOS INVERNADEROS DE PRODUCCIÓN DE PLANTA MICORRIZADA CON TRUFA NEGRA (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.)
IV Congreso Forestal Español.
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about Lucha química contra el contaminante Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, RESPONSABLE DE “LA MICORRIZA MARRÓN” DE LOS INVERNADEROS DE PRODUCCIÓN DE PLANTA MICORRIZADA CON TRUFA NEGRA (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.)
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Seasonal variability of dry matter content and its relationship with shoot growth and nonstructural carbohydrates
Palacio, S.
Milla R.
Albuixech J.
Pérez-Rontomé C.
Camarero J. Julio
Maestro M.
, et al.
Seasonal variability of dry matter content and its relationship with shoot growth and nonstructural carbohydrates
New Phytologist. 180
(1), 133 - 142.
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about Seasonal variability of dry matter content and its relationship with shoot growth and nonstructural carbohydrates
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Private Net Benefits from Afforesting Marginal Cropland and Shrubland with Cork Oaks in Spain
Ovando, P.
Campos P.
Oviedo J. L.
, &
Montero G.
Private Net Benefits from Afforesting Marginal Cropland and Shrubland with Cork Oaks in Spain
Forest Science. 56
(6), 567 - 577.
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about Private Net Benefits from Afforesting Marginal Cropland and Shrubland with Cork Oaks in Spain
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