The Natural Dynamics of Abandoned Chestnut Stands in Southern Switzerland

TitleThe Natural Dynamics of Abandoned Chestnut Stands in Southern Switzerland
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsConedera, M., Stanga P., Oester B., & Bachmann P.
EditorMazzoleni, S., di Pasquale G., Mulligan M., di Martino P., & Rego F.
Book TitleRecent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape
Pagination237 - 247
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
ISBN Number9780470093719
Keywordsabandoned chestnut stands, artificial stand structures, artificiality of chestnut monocultures, CATMOD (CATegorical Data MODeling), chestnut belt, Chestnut distribution map, chestnut orchard trees and senescence, coppice stools (citation)

This chapter contains sections titled: * Introduction * Material and Methods * Results * Discussion * Conclusions * Acknowledgements