Organic matter distribution and fluxes within a holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) stand in the Etna volcano

TitleOrganic matter distribution and fluxes within a holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) stand in the Etna volcano
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsLEONARDI, S., RAPP M., & Denes A.
JournalPlant Ecology
Pagination219 - 224
Date Published1992///
KeywordsMediterranean forests, organic matter cycling, Quercus ilex L

Located at 1100 m above sea level, on the western site of the Etna volcano, the ecophysiology of the Mount Minardo holm oak coppice has been investigated for more then twenty years. In this stand, now 31 years old, the above ground biomass amounts to 15000 g m 2 of organic material, including leaves and perennial woody material. During these 31 years, the mean annual production has been around 775 g m 2. The yearly mean litterfall amounts to 310 g m 2, including 200 g m -2 of leaves, mostly two years old. The soil surface is covered by a litter layer amounting to 3150 g m-2. Each year, following Jenny's decomposition rate and field measurements, 290 g m- 2 of the litter turns into CO2, or becomes incorporated in the soil organic matter.